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Human Resource Management (HRM)

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Human Resource Management (HRM) focuses on critical areas such as recruitment, training, organizational development. Human Resource Management focuses on managing people in employer-employee relationships and contains the creative capabilities of organizational members (Brown, 2004). The effectiveness of HRM in public sector organizations is well recognized. Public sector organizations need to consider the services, development, and organization of the payment system, expanding their relevant employment policies. On the other hand, public sector personalities that are based on community interests more willingly than private ones can attach layers of density that are not easily matched by HRM as partners designed to address organizational competitiveness.


Human Resource Management can be defined as developing, procuring,  and maintaining competent resources in the organisation to achieve goals efficiently and effectively. Human Resource Management is using to manage people in the organisation. Human Resource Management is an integrated, strategic, and coherent approach to the employment and well being of the people working in organisations (Armstrong, 2016).

Meanwhile, Edwin B Flippo has determined Human Resource Management as Planning, organizing, directing and controlling procurement, expansion, compensation, integration, segregation, and conservation of human resources until an individual, organizational, and social objectives are achieved.

Human Resource Management Practices


Human resource method (HRP) approach and methods required in conducting ‘human resources (HR)’ from the administrative division which includes human resource planning, job analysis, registration, selection, orientation, compensation, performance appraisal, training and development, and working relationships (Dessler, 2007). HRP implements several rules that have a positive impact on organizational performance. HRP is usually practiced by organizations. Also, these are different units related to employees and are called human resource development (HRD), and they are responsible for directing and creating strategies for individuals and positions in the public or private sector (LeMay, 2002).

Human Resource Management will play important roles, especially in the public sector, because it will provide efficient and effective services. As we know, HRM has many components such as recruiting and selection, training and development, employee performance evaluation, and many more. I will focus on some parts of HRM practices that are  (remunerations, recognitions, working environment, and training and development) and also the motivation theory by Herzberg. In my writing, I try to gain certainty in some case studies on HRM practices in organizations. I also focus on motivation, which is an important factor in making the organization excellent. Apart from that, some issues related to HRM, such as job satisfaction and the factors contributing to job satisfaction among employees in an organization, training, and development factors.


According to the study by (Che Supian, 2020), in this study, he researched HRM practices and the impact on the Road Transport Department’s (RTD) in Perak. Batau and Mohamed (2016) stated that the public sector’s performance is tainted by a high level of responsibility among public sector employees. Batau and Mohamed (2016) also emphasize that it is a popular assumption that public organizations give small rewards, lack of job benefits, lack of opportunities for career advancement, unconducive work environment, unattractive remuneration, lack of training and expansion and no recognition to their employees has caused them to be isolated from the organization and emotionally.


Training and Development

Training and development of highly deliberate efforts and training are used by organizations to equip their workforce with significant attitudes, knowledge, and attitudes with the primary goal of fulfilling their obligations and commitments adequately and productively (Raymond, Bawa, & Dabari, 2016).

Training definition and guided by the circular issued by the Public Service Department. The course requirements for civil servants are as outlined by the PSD “Competence” refer to knowledge, skills, and characteristics personal requirements necessary to perform a task and responsibility (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam, 2005). The basic principle of competence is that of performance, a member of the civil service will increase if it does have all the competencies needed to perform it the duties or responsibilities of his office.

The “Long Term Course” is a full-time course over twelve calendar months including weekly holidays, general leave and academic leave; “Short Term Course” is a full-time course included study visits, seminars or workshops that don’t last over three calendar months including weekly holidays, general leave and academic leave.

The “Medium Term Course” is a full-time Medium-Term duration that exceeds three months but does not exceed twelve months’ calendars include weekly holidays, all-inclusive holidays, and holidays Academic.

Training means the process of transferring knowledge neat and disciplined, aimed at increasing knowledge and skills to meet current needs and demands organization. This is achieved through any form of learning such as courses, on-the-job training and mentoring, and coaching programs or like it contributes to developing individual and organizational excellence.

“Self-development” refers to the development of skills, abilities, and careers that can be achieved through practical knowledge, exposure to various ideas and experiences, and training and guidance.

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction involves the emotions and expressions of their behavior towards their work. The direct definition of job satisfaction is emotion, as well as job behavior. It is well known that employment is an activity that involves emotional satisfaction and expression. These emotions and expressions of behavior are related to the pleasant or unpleasant feelings they experience towards fulfilling their work in an organization. Work-related factors influence this feeling. According to Yilmazel (2013), factors related to employment are salary, type of benefits, recognition, working conditions, relationships with colleagues, and supervisors.

Job satisfaction has a moderate relationship in determining factors such as role ambiguity, recognition, supervisor support, and co-worker cooperation. On the other hand, some studies have found that there is a weak relationship between job satisfaction and personal characteristics of employees, such as age, gender, years of experience, level of education, and even strategic skills. Kavanaugh, Duffy, and Lily (2006) explain that job satisfaction does not have a strong relationship with employees’ characteristics.

It shows that job satisfaction among employees varies with different individuals. According to Norlida, Za’faran, Rabiah and Rohaya (2018), in the model introduced by Frederick Herzberg, job satisfaction can be measured through its Two Factor Theory. This theory supports job satisfaction and motivation. The two-Factor theory allows motivational factors and hygiene factors in the workplace to be carried out to meet job satisfaction. According to Zainudin, Junaidah Hanim, and Nazmi (2010), this theory supports the satisfaction and motivation of the work environment. The task or job itself is a motivating factor that provides intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, the hygiene factors discussed are other factors that can cause dissatisfaction among employees, but these hygiene factors themselves may not cause employees to be motivated.


Organizational investment in training programs shows that organizations value employees. Exercise creates a harmonious work environment. Employees who have undergone training require less supervision and guidance. Training can enhance the skills needed by employees and enable them to handle tasks without supervision. It also enables supervisors and management to focus on more pressing matters.

Training development and job satisfaction have been extensively studied. A review of previous studies shows that there are many outcomes and effects on the relationship between training development and job satisfaction (Schmidt, 2012). Another study by Taormina (1999) stated that there is a significant correlation with the development of training and job satisfaction. More recent studies illustrate the positive relationship between Training and Development and job satisfaction. Also, their findings indicate that faculty conducting training and development courses feel that they are capable of improving their active divisions and skills (Chaudhary, & Bhaskar, 2016).

James and Hannah (2013) state that job satisfaction is a significant component in work conditions, and it is related to improved performance and increased commitment to the organization. Employee satisfaction has become an important issue for academics and scholars. High absenteeism and staff turnover have affected various agencies. Small companies have taken job satisfaction as a priority, as they are frustrated at recognizing the unique opportunities that lie ahead of them (Orute, Mutua, Musiega, & Masinde, 2012). According to Calisir (2011), it is found that the influence of job satisfaction is very strong on organizational commitment, while the ambiguity of roles and work stress indirectly affect the willingness of employees to leave their jobs. Odom, Boxx, and Dunn (1990) state that job satisfaction is an important element for employees

feelings that can be negative or positive towards their responsibilities ”.

Training Policy Requirements

The National Vision Policy sets the goals of national development to make Malaysia a developed nation by 2020. For achieving this, the government has emphasized all aspects of development, including public sector human resource development. Implementation of the Malaysian Remuneration System from November 1, 2002, based on competency and continuous learning, is intended for promoting self-development, mastery of knowledge, skills, creativity, and innovation.

Training Objectives

Realizing the importance of human resource development efforts in the public sector, Public Sector Human Resource Training Policy has been set, which is that every member of the civil service needs to be equipped with attitude, skills, and knowledge accordingly, through a well-planned human resource development program competency development and continuous learning.

The Public Sector Human Resource Training Policy was formulated to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Provide qualified, capable members and competency;
  2. Achieve high quality / high-quality work;

iii. Increase competency and productivity;

  1. Develop positive values and positive attitudes;
  2. Creating value-creation and value-adding in the public sector; and
  3. Provides a career path.


Training Structure

The training structure to be implemented includes all service schemes and classifications going through the following five stages:

  1. Pre-Placement Rating

Pre-placement training is carried out for newly appointed public service members who have not been appointed to their respective Ministries / Departments. This training is exempt from members who have taken Pre-Service courses in certain schemes in the public service.

  1. Basic Level

Basic Level Training is conducted for all civil service members serving from the beginning of the appointment to three years.

iii. Middle level

Intermediate training involves developing competencies as well as increasing competencies for members serving between three and ten years.

  1. Advanced Level

Advanced Level Training is conducted for members who have served for more than ten years to strengthen their competencies.

  1. Transition Stage

Transition Level Training is conducted for members who are leaving the service for two years before retirement.

Power and Responsibility Of Department / Minister

All Chief Secretary of the Ministry / Head of Department shall be authorized and responsible for the following:

  1. Plan and identify their respective Ministry / Department members’ training needs following the Public Sector Human Resource Training Policy.
  2. To administer and implement short-term training courses for members in their respective Ministries / Departments and select short-term courses either locally or overseas that are considered necessary for Ministry personnel and staff, Departments, and Agencies under its control, except for short courses.
  • To consider and recommend candidates to attend training in medium- and long-term courses to the Public Service Department through their Ministry / Human Resource Development Panel.
  1. Determines that all provisions apply for calculating and paying allowances and other payments following policies and regulations from time to time.
  2. Ensures that all expenses incurred in maintaining the course comply with applicable policies and regulations from time to time.





The Importance Of Training

Training and development has a strategic position and directly contributes to the organization’s business goals and objectives. In the ever-changing corporate world, training and development is a much-needed function. Training and development are some of the top things in most companies’ priority lists. To meet the current and future business challenges, training and development are considered learning activities, ranging from training workers to their jobs.

Besides, knowledge sharing to enhance business horizons and customer service. When it is organized, it is often the persistence of the human resources department. Training enables employees to acquire new skills, hone existing skills, do better, increase productivity, and become better leaders. However, for many businesses, training and development costs are quite expensive. Another reason many employers reduce training opportunities for their employees is that attending training can delay completion projects because employees have to take time to attend program training. Despite the lack of potential, training and development can give the company and the company a whole lot more time and money spent on worthwhile investments.

New Employment Orientation

Training is very important for new employees. Training is also important in situations where workers are introduced to the new system and are expected to adapt to the new system’s changes. This can be done by someone in the company and should serve as a platform for hiring new employees to speed up the work process in the company and reduce any skills gap.

Performance Improvement

Workers who receive training are better able to perform their tasks. Training provides a clear understanding of their responsibility for their work. If the weaknesses are addressed, the performance of the employees will improve. Training and development can also enhance your strengths and help you gain new skills. Companies also need to research training and development need to target relevant individuals. Trusted employees can help your company hold strong leaders and competitors in the industry.

Increased Productivity

In a rapidly expanding landscape, productivity depends not only on the workers but also on the technology they use. Training and development streamline the process of keeping employees informed and up-to-date with the latest technology, using better technology, and removing outdated technology. It helps you get the job done efficiently and in the most productive way. Increased efficiency in processing will ensure the success of the project and further enhance will the company’s revenue and potential market share.

Herzberg Two Factor Theory and Motivation

Herzberg created a two-dimensional paradigm of factors that influence people’s attitudes toward work (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl, & Maude, 2017). According to Herzberg, for adequate motivation in the workplace, leadership must understand each employee’s current needs (Herzberg, 1968). His theory shows a basis similar to the theory put forward by Maslow. Maslow’s model suggests that low basic needs, such as safety and physiological needs, should be met to obtain a higher motivator under self-satisfaction (Maslow, 1943). Based on the hierarchical diagram, it is often referred to as the ‘Maslow’s Needs Pyramid’ or ‘Maslow’s Needs Triangle,’ after which the satisfactory need to stop acting as a motivator and the subsequent need a higher level to start motivating (refer: Maslow’s Hierarchical Needs). Herzberg’s ideas, meanwhile, are closely linked to modern ethical management and social responsibility. Like Maslow, Herzberg understands well and strives to teach the ethical management principles often adopted by many leaders today.

Although Herzberg is known for his well-known hygiene and motivation factors in theory, he was primarily concerned with the well-being of people in the workplace (Herzberg, 1968). Based on his academic theories and teachings, he strives to bring more people and care to the workplace. The goal is not to develop a theory to be used as a ‘motivational tool’ but to improve organizational performance. He and several other philosophers sought to explain how to manage people properly for the good of everyone in the workplace (Daft, 1997). Herzberg’s research proves that people will strive to achieve the need for ‘cleanliness’ because they are not satisfied without them. Still, once satisfied, the effects will soon disappear – satisfaction is temporary. Then as now, poorly managed organizations assume that people are not ‘motivated’ by addressing the need for ‘cleanliness.’ People are simply really motivated by letting them reach out and meet the factors known by Herzberg as real motivators, such as achievement, progress, development, etc., which represent a much deeper level of meaning and satisfaction (Eastman & Williams, 1993). Examples of Herzberg’s hygiene requirements (or maintenance factors) in the workplace are policies, relationships with supervisors, working conditions, salaries, company vehicles, status, security, relationships with subordinate employees, personal life (Breuning & Hoover, 2000). Herzberg research identifies that true motivators are completely different factors, primarily: achievement, recognition, self-employment, responsibility, progress (Evan M. Berman, James S. Bowman, Jonathan P. West, 2019)

Motivation-Hygiene Theory determines how job satisfaction and dissatisfaction work separately from each other. Motivation-Hygiene Theory distinguishes between the influence of motivation and maintenance in the workplace (Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959). He points out that individuals are more motivated by motivators than maintenance factors. Motivators include calling, accountability, and providing satisfaction from a profession, such as appreciation, achievement, or individual development. On the other hand, conservation influences include position, employment, income, and benefits, but these influences do not provide affirmative satisfaction, even if dissatisfaction occurs due to its deficiency (Hackman & Oldham, 1976). The most important part of the motivational theory put forward by Herzberg is that the main motivational factors are not in the environment but in the intrinsic value and satisfaction gained from the job itself (Herzberg, 1968). Thus, to motivate an individual, the job itself must be challenging, have scope to enrich and attract entrepreneurs (Herzberg, Mausner & Snyderman, 1959). Motivators (sometimes referred to as ‘satisfactory’) are factors that are directly related to the satisfaction gained from the job, such as: a sense of achievement and intrinsic value gained from the job itself, level of recognition by colleagues and management, level of opportunity for responsibility for the progress and status given (Herzberg, 1968).

Motivation or self-satisfaction leads to satisfaction because of the need to develop progress and a sense of self-achievement (Boltes, Lippke, & Gregory, 1995). Lack of motivator causes too much attention to hygiene factors, which is a visible negative factor and therefore becomes the basis of complaints and concerns (Ezell, 2003). Hygiene factors or maintenance factors cause job dissatisfaction due to the need to avoid anxiety or stress(Bartholomew & Smith, 1990). Anxiety and stress are referred to as hygiene factors because they can be avoided or prevented by the use of ‘hygiene’ methods. An important fact to keep in mind is that attention to these hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not necessarily provide positive motivation (Herzberg, 1968). Hygiene factors are also often referred to as ‘dissatisfaction’ (Herzberg, 1968). They value the factors related to the job itself but are not directly part of the job. Typically, this is salary, although other factors that often act as dissatisfaction include: perceived differences with others, job security, working conditions, quality of management, organizational policy, administration, interpersonal relationships (Berman, Bowman, West & Van Wart, 2006). Dissatisfaction is a hygiene factor. In other words, it is a maintenance factor needed to avoid dissatisfaction and stop employee dissatisfaction but does not create satisfaction in themselves. They can be avoided using ‘hygienic’ methods to prevent it (Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959).



Some researchers do research on job satisfaction as well as motivation that can influence commitment to the organization. According to the study done by Che Supian (2020) at the RTD Office, Perak. His study also proves that the need for training and development has a high impact and is most chosen among the respondents. It means that training has a lot of impacts and influences the respondents’ commitment compared to the office environment. According to S.M Kassim and M. Mokhber (2015), Organizations need to develop training programs, career development, organizational development, and development performance to meet the competition with private organizations and build first-class civil servants.

I agree with Herzberg’s opinion and observation, where he asserts that there are two factors, namely satisfaction and dissatisfaction, greatly affect the human response, especially from a psychological point of view. It can be explained through several case studies that have been done as an example of a case study made by Che Supian, 2020, and the office environment factor has a relationship with employees to get a high commitment. Based on this study, it can be concluded that office environment factors also play an important role in producing quality employees. If the place environment is found to be unsafe, uncomfortable, it will affect the workers involved.

To improve the quality of services of public servants. The government has provided a lot of training to civil servants to equip themselves to meet current needs. Several short-term courses have a positive effect on civil servants. Among them is team building. Through these courses, course participants can improve their skills to solve problems in groups, where the sharing of skills and ideas can be shared while fostering team spirit.

Bes, issues related to job satisfaction also play an important role in addition to motivation as it is also involved in training and development. A large number of studies have concluded that motivated employees positively impact the organization’s productivity and performance. It makes motivation the most important aspecidet

any organizational structure and creating an environment that facilitates and supports employees to demonstrate optimal performance. Today’s business organizations need more creative organizations and innovative that could not have happened without having a committed and loyal workforce.

The success of any business depends on many factors but the most important factor influencing a business is its employees. If business employees are motivated to achieve organizational objectives, the business can achieve its goals easily. The job of any manager in an organization is to accomplish something through its employees and for this the manager must be able to motivate the employee.

Suggestion and Recommendation

Based on several case studies there are arguments where some agree with job satisfaction, motivation influencing behavior or success as well as the importance of training and development. Based on several case studies there are arguments where some agree with job satisfaction, motivation influencing behavior or success as well as the importance of training and development. Example of case study conducted by (Mohd Zahari, Mahmud, & Raja Baniamin (2019) at the Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (FRMDT) Terengganu on job satisfaction and also the factors that influence job satisfaction. Among the results are

  1. Work environment as an element that influences job satisfaction.Among the possible reasons to support this finding is the work environment as an element of job satisfaction that supports firefighters comfortable in their daily work. These include physical, psychological and sociological to create good working conditions at the fire station. For example, a fire station has the latest facilities and equipment that allow firefighters to carry out their duties. This shows that firefighters are satisfied with their work. That is the reason that shows that the work environment has a lot to do with job satisfaction.
  2. There is a significant relationship between co-workers and job satisfaction.Zainudin et al., (2010), found that good relationships with colleagues contribute towards the level of job satisfaction among UiTM Kelantan Lecturers. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between co-workers and job satisfaction. Possible reasons to support this finding can be proved from the point of view of the relationship and communication between firefighters and colleagues. For example, firefighters and colleagues need to have good teamwork with each other. This situation will create a harmonious relationship between firefighters and colleagues.
  • There is a significant relationship between appreciation and job satisfaction.possible reasons to support this finding can be proved when top management gives less incentives or gifts to firefighters who have sacrificed their lives than anything else. In return, they did not get support from the management. This has caused firefighters to feel less motivated which in turn can affect their job satisfaction. Ultimately, this will affect their level of performance.
  1. Training and development.Training and development are also factors that need to be taken seriously because it also affects job satisfaction. Employees need to be exposed to skills and need new knowledge. Training and self-development, especially in the fields ventured into will give employees improved knowledge and skills to handle new equipment or situations.

Through the findings by Evonne Lai Eng Fei, Crispina Gregory K Han (2019), teacher job satisfaction has provided empirical evidence that it acts as a mediator. The influence of a significant direct relationship between teacher motivation and teacher job performance as shown by teacher job satisfaction indicates that the role of teacher job satisfaction is an important mediator in predicting teacher job performance. This is also the cause of the direct relationship between teacher motivation and teacher work performance. The results show that if employees are well motivated, for example, promotion and fair wage differences, they will strive more towards better organizational performance (Mc, Ssekakubo, Lwanga, & Ndiwalana, 2014).

Based on previous studies on motivation as well as job satisfaction will influence employees to work well and excellently. Here I suggest that the organization take the following steps to provide job satisfaction to employees.

  1. Employers need to ensure that all basic equipment or facilities are adequately provided, in addition to logistics equipment also needs to be maintained or repaired if damaged. This should be taken seriously by employers where failure to provide equipment and facilities will also cause the work spirit to be less or employee motivation will decrease due to lack of equipment or facilities for them to perform their work properly.
  2. Recognition or support.Support and recognition also play an important role in providing job satisfaction. When praise or support by the employer is given to the employee, they will feel more valued and appreciated.
  • Relationships between colleagues and supervisors. Relationships also play an important role. If civil servants, they are given Pillar 12 which is one of the pleasures of working. The pleasure of working here means it is fun to come to work because a comfortable and peaceful environment and harmonious relationships make us feel fun to work.
  1. A healthy and clean and safe environment. A safe and good environment can also give employees satisfaction with their employers and organizations. It encourages employees to work better and will stay working in the organization.
  2. Basic facilities as well as promotion. Humans need basic amenities as Maslow has said humans need some to survive. Basic things like home, food, medical and even social facilities need to be provided by a good employer. If the employer provides good basic facilities and easy and fast career path it will also give satisfaction to employees to provide the best service to his organization.




In conclusion motivation is a very important aspect of any workplace, if employees are not motivated then there is no job satisfaction and this leads to a decrease in productivity. Different employee motivation strategies for different organizations and for different employees, can also be one of the important factors that allow employees to decide what to leave or leave the organization. Motivation practices and theories are different subjects and are difficult to touch in any field of any organization. However, training and development is also an aspect that should not be underestimated by an organization. This aspect or element is also related to HRM. Managers need to be sensitive to the needs of training and development as well as motivation they are interconnected with each other therefore these factors can influence employee excellence and provide job satisfaction.


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