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Institutional Affiliation


Negligence of Responsibilities Among the Workers

In modern society, different aspects are incorporated within to enable the society we dwell in to prosper successfully. Mutual respect and understanding among members of the society are mandatory whereby people need to respect each other’s opinion as well as their various beliefs. People cohabit successfully with each other if only they practice a high level of discipline whereby they consider the welfare of their colleagues before uttering words or engaging in any form of activity that could interfere with the rights and freedom of their fellow citizens. The most accepted code of conduct in society is paramount for any individual who expects to be respected and valued by society. Some institutions engage in immoral acts which trigger a negative attitude from the audience and require to be condemned before they escalate into an actual threat that can result in adverse effect into the members of the public. Nexel corporation is one among many corporations that priorities its selfish ambitions and along the way endangering the lives of many innocent people.

One of the few shortcomings that were detected in the production of Vinta cars was the haste to make many cars of such a model thus surpassing all the protocols and guidelines to be followed when initiating such a huge project. According to the ethical perspective of the Nexel corporation, it was mandatory before any car model of any making is initiated, the manufacturers were tasked with surveying the proposed project. They were to ensure the engineering aspect is put into perspective before initiating the project. The manufactures however were overpowered with reaping the benefits of the high demanding market thus failed to overlook the consequences their negligence and impact their recklessness could have on the consumers and public at large.

The heinous deed of placing the fuel tank intentionally at the rear axle was an irresponsible act and the company head engineer knew that the fuel tank was supposed to be placed behind or at the front of the rear axle. Such heinous actions were to have negative and ruthless repacations but the board decided to overlook those perils and went ahead and approved the project. Such practices were unethical and against the moral conduct of the corporate policies. It was wrong to take such hazardous actins since the consumer who could be unfortunate yet very innocently purchase the vehicle could face the risk of exploding in the car if only he was engaged in a head-on collision.

From the deontological approach actions which could result in moral decay are much emphasized rather than the actual outcomes of the malicious deeds (Darwell,2008). The heinous acts performed by the Nexel Corporation while manufacturing the Vinta car model, of changing the position of the fuel tank and thus failing to observe its usual protocol followed when producing cars. Such deeds were to subject the customer who bought the car from the risk of possible explosion if the car was by mistake to crush thus endangering the life of the consumer. The action of the Vice president of Nexel corporation to shy away from allowing the proposed project from proceeding made him be at the epicenter of the person who engineered the peril. Such deeds are against human moral values whereby we as humans are expected to value the lives of our fellow citizens and prevent them from any risky activities that could harm them.

The main culprits who engineered the malicious acts were among others the manufacturers who were ready to forego all the protocols and guidelines to be followed when establishing a new style line. It is unethical what the manufacturers deed just to make some quick cash which in return ended up endangering more innocent civilians who were to buy the Vinta Cars.

Risks Pertaining to Human Safety

Modern technology which is gradually evolving by each day has greatly eased the hard and tedious long journeys people had to make to meet their loved ones. Through the development of technology new models of cars have been produced which are much faster than their predecessors with minimal rate of emission of poisonous gases into the atmosphere. One disadvantage of technology is its ability to be manipulated by anybody to serve themself and their interests. Culprits have embraced such chances to try and manipulate technology in their favor and they might gain in the short-run though in the long-run they create a much dire situation which could result in actual harm to the people in their communities.

The malicious actions of the management of Nexel corporation to try and reap quick cash thus approving and producing unfinished cars led to a deadly crisis in which innocent lives where harmed and others lost their precious lives. The manufactures of the Vinta car model were self-centered individuals who only cared about making quick cash as the market was I demand of Vinta cars which were made in America and used gasoline. They overlooked all guidelines and financed the project until Vinta cars were availed in the market. Due to their rash in producing the car, they failed to notice the space from the rear wheels which with the care they could have rectified the issue first. The manufactures also failed to notice that the fuel tank was at risk of being pushed forward if ever the car was to be involved in an accident. Such simple mistakes that were mishandled by the management claimed the life of Mrs. Gray and a young kid Richard sustained serious injuries that haunted him for quite some time since he had been burned severely by the fire from the accident. It was unethical of what the company did to try and hire advocates to prevent their name from being tarnished.

The management knew that if the members of the public were to learn about the fatal accident and the root cause of the accident being a mistake done by the manufactures of the Vinta car they will shy away from buying the commodity and ask the management to be held accountable for its deeds. The management knew the evidence from the accident and investigation was to link the accident to the recklessness of the company when making the car thus they chose to look for advocates to help in preventing them from facing justice. The management knew that the Vinta model was not fit to be on the road yet they went ahead and availed it in the market for selling thus subjecting the lives of innocent customers at fatal peril.

The event in which Mrs. Gray lost her life by succumbing from the burns she acquired from the fatal accident and the burns that were left evident in Richards’s body stated that the Vinta model project could not have been approved. The action of management to try and evade facing the law was a monstrous deed as they wanted to evade being held accountable for their deeds and due to the failure of their product and possibly meet the cost of all damages caused by their product to fellow civilians. Such heinous deeds violate the moral values as stated by the utilitarian theory which focuses on the consequences of malicious practices (Nantel and Weeks,1996). The harm that was caused by the car was out of pure greed and selfish gains from a few individuals that resulted in a deadly hazardous situation. The perpetrators we aiming to maintain their massive profits they were to gain from selling the Vinta cars and in the process overlooked the consequences of their spiteful actions.




Failure to Heed Advice from Fellow Workers

Work ethics, personal integrity, and adhering to the set guidelines of the company is very crucial while performing the tasks delegated to workers. Respecting your colleague’s opinion and advice is paramount and each worker needs to embrace such policies. It’s good to seek guidance from fellow workers concerning an issue and try and weigh their different bits of advice then opt to go with the most suitable opinion or advice to handle the task at hand. Failure to seek consultation from workers who have different experiences and reasoning could result in the possible failure of the task, or resulting in making bad choices. Employees when making consultation or giving opinions should try to be courteous and respectful to their superiors and the superiors must allow room for consultation and possibly amend some of the proposals if they are genuine and applicable.

The Nexel management was shielded from assessing the perils it was engineering through approval of the Vinta project by greed for more profit and minimizing their expenses. Harley the engineer who participated in assessing the prototypes to determine the capability of the car fuel tank to spill when faced with a head-on collision accident. The main aim was to evaluate the stability of the fuel tank from spilling when the car was hit from behind. It resulted in massive failure since the fuel spilled dictating possible recklessness when making the car. The morals and regulations of the federal government dictated that all cars made in 1972 to be able to withstand the impact of 20/mph of the fixed barrier. However, the moral decay of the management was evident in the explanation that was given by Mr. Rodford who dismissed the claims stating that the company didn’t have to incur an extra cost at the moment. He stated that the company aimed to minimize their expenses and in the process reap maximum benefits from the massive sales they were to make.

Engineer Harley raised a lot of concerns when he realized the mistakes in the car and went ahead to propose some modifications be done to rectify the problem. The engineer had foreseen the perils that were to follow if the management was to dismiss his claims. He even went ahead and did further research and after comprehending the total cost to be incurred in the modification, explained to Mr. Rodford that the modification was to be an inexpensive approach. The vice president of engineering of the car dismissed him and his objectives were tarnished to the ground. It was an unethical gesture from those individuals in authority since he depicted that his employee’s concerns and opinions are not much valued in the management.

The heinous acts by the vice president of engineering in the production of Vinta traumatized his employee, Mr. Harley. The action of the employer not to heed to his employee’s advice and opinion felled under the deontological approach which is more based on actions (Darwell,2008). The harm was a serious one as he felt unvalued and his opinion did not matter in the eyes of his superiors. Harley was in a dilemma since he was asked to attend the hearing which was in progress in court concerning a Nexel company car that had been involved in an accident. Harley was torn between whether to go against his superiors since he was called as a witness in court. His employer and superior Mr. Rodford failed to hid his advice thus resulting in the traumatized situation Harley was in and causing the accident. The deeds of the superiors not to heed the advice of their employees is immoral and unethical since employers are obliged to seek consultation and guidance from fellow employees when making a decision. The employer was motivated by his over-ambitious aims of making more profits and in the process causing more harm to other people.

The Advertisement deed

Few individuals possess cheeky behaviors of using their power to manipulate others into doing or engaging in some activities that will eventually lead them into destruction. It is immoral to manipulate other people into doing what will only benefit oneself and not being concerned about the well-being of the other person. Companies may choose to engage in some mischievous behavior in an attempt to try and redeem themselves from the wicked public picture that had been tainted by their many malpractices. Companies depend mostly on the brand name to create good relations with the public and thus the excellent rapport ensures consumer constant demand for the product which will increase their sales. The salespeople try and permeate numerous advertisement methodologies in trying to entice the customer to consume their company’s product.

The head of marketing in the Nexel corporation after realizing that sales of their company have reduced due to adequate knowledge from the public about their dangerous products which was causing more harm than good to those who consumed the product. The customers chose to shy away from purchasing the product. It prompted the marketing department to seek un-ventured field and potential clients from the public hence they chose the youths who were more daring and risk-takers thus could buy the car out of peer pressure. Such action carried out by the marketing department was unethical since the seller is supposed to be clear and precise on the negative effects of his product. The buyer has a right to be notified of the perils of consuming a certain product for him to make a concrete decision whether to proceed on with the purchase or otherwise.

The marketing department chose the youth since they were more vulnerable and enjoyed daring situations. The Vinta car was a risky vehicle to use thus the older people shied away from it. The marketing generated an advert in which they used celebrities who were portrayed to even engage their children in driving. The advert aimed to create a secure and firm image of the Vinta car being safe. It was a mischievous way of lure ling people to consume the product and unethical since they were cheating on the safety of the product.

The deontological approach is evident in this scenario as the culprit engages in malicious activities in trying to lure people into consuming the product even though the product is unsafe (Darwell,2008). The main people who are at high risk of being harmed by these deeds are the young people who will dare to buy the Vinta cars and possibly die when driving since the car is faced with many problems. The grave matter could lead to death or permanent physical injuries if one engages in an accident. Those who are to be held accountable are the management, marketing individual amongst other stakeholders in the manufacturing industry of Vinta car. Engaging in such actions violates human moral rights as its immoral to subject any human being to any form of peril just to benefit oneself from the event. The culprit aims to improve sales of the Vinta cars and increase their profits thus in the process end up endangering other people’s lives.


Darwell, S. (2008). Deontology. Derived from

Nantel, J., & Weeks, W. A. (1996). Marketing ethics: is there more to it than the utilitarian approach?. European Journal of Marketing.  Derived from,5&qsp=1&q=utilitarian+approach+ethics&qst=ib#d=gs_cit&






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