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Biology Questions

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Biology Questions


According to Barrette, quackery is the act of over promoting in the field of health. He states that he does not criticize conventional medicine because that would be way out. Pseudoscience is a collection of assertions that fail to satisfy the needed requirements and practices of true science. There are several differences between science and pseudoscience. First, science tends to use very careful observation and experiments to confirm an assumption. Pseudoscience, on the other hand, begins with a hypothesis as its support. That conflicting evidence is then hidden, ignored and hidden. Secondly, science does focus on well established, repeating patterns in nature while; pseudoscience focuses on errors, claimed exceptions, strange happenings, and no scepticism. Science does not deal on personal stories or testimonials for evidence, unlike pseudoscience which bases itself on personal stories and testimonials as evidence. The fourth point on this is that science requires results through done experiments. Therefore, in case of any failure, excuses are not accepted. Pseudoscience gives room for reasons to explain the failure since results cannot be verified.

Science is consistent and interconnected. This is to mean that, one part cannot be changed without affecting the whole while pseudoscience is not consistent and not interconnected. To add on that, science bases its arguments from scientific knowledge and from the results of experiments whereas pseudoscience argues from ignorance, all these are due to lack of a scientific explanation to support ideas. Science uses vocabulary that is well defined, and its usage by co-workers is wide, unlike pseudoscience that uses specially invented terms and applied to one specific area. Finally, Science convinces by appeal to evidence and arguments based on both logical and mathematical reasoning while pseudoscience, on the other hand, attempts to persuade by appeal to emotions, faith, and sentiment. Peer review. Literature is written for fellow scientist’s people who are specialists and experts in the their various area of specialists.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome has made entrepreneurs attempt to exploit the public fear of acquiring AIDs. They have made covers for the public toilets and telephone receivers so as prevent transmission of the disease. However, such products are meaningless because AIDs is not transmitted in such a manner. There are several misconceptions about AIDs immunization. These include; vaccines cause many harmful side effects that include death. It may also lead to long term effects we are not aware of. Again, the DTP vaccine causes sudden infant deaths syndromes. There are several controversial immunization vaccines which lead to immediate and delayed acute and chronic, waxing and waning blood flow throughout the brain and the body. There are two classes of disease which are; autoimmune disease and cancers.

The human nose is made up of several parts, and each does play an important role in a human being. The hair in the nose prevents the air against germs, fungus, and spores. It cleanses the air we breathe in. The paranasal sinuses produce mucus and react to speech which enters the nasal passage. When tonsils are removed, the body immune system will be weakened. They fight infection since they are the first line of defence in the throat. Smoking leads to the death of the cilia. Cilia are the tiny brush like hairs that sweep dirt and mucus so that the lungs can remain clean. Heimlich manoeuvre is a simple technique used to help expel a trapped object from another person’s respiratory system. The abdominal thrusts lift your diaphragm expelling air from the lungs. Pleura are the membranes of the thoracic cavity. They are two. Namely; the parietal and the visceral. The pleura secrets a fluid that fills the pleural space that is between the lungs and ribcage to reduce friction. The pericardium, on the other hand, is the dense tissue that surrounds the heart and secrets a fluid into the pericardial space to reduce friction caused by heart movement during pumping. The surfactant is a coating found in the alveoli. It allows the alveoli to expand during breathing for babies. Pulmonary oedema in human beings is caused by excess fluid in the lungs. These fluids do collect in the air sacs leading to problems in breathing. This fluid can still accumulate such as pneumonia, exposure to certain toxins and trauma to our chests. Pulmonary oedema that develops suddenly needs medical attention. This condition can be dangerous if not treated immediately. Its treatment, therefore, varies depending on the cause such as medications and oxygen supplements. Pneumothorax is a collection of free air found in the chest region that can lead to collapsing of the lungs. This does occur on their own due to the absence of underlying disease. This is then termed as spontaneous pneumothorax. This may also occur due to underlying lung disease or injury. An asthma attack is the sudden worsening of asthma symptoms caused by tightened muscles around the airways. During the attack, the lining of the airways becomes swollen and looks inflamed leading to the production of thicker mucus than normal. The airways do open up after medication. Immediate medication is important. There are different sounds heard from our hearts. Sometimes whooshing sounds commonly termed as heart murmurs are heard caused by irregular blood flow. This is very important to detect a problem in various body areas such as the lungs, abdomen and the heart.

Partial pressure is the sum of the pressure of each gas. The formula to calculate is TotalP=P1+P2. For example; 1000+3000=4000.To get the percentage concentration of oxygen, this is how to go about; 3000/1000*100=300%. As air moves into the alveoli, the water vapour and carbon dioxide increase in amount reducing the partial pressure of oxygen. This leads to breathing problems. When you go below the sea level, the pressure of the gases we breathe is brought to roughly 760 millimetres of mercury. This can lead to collapsing of the lungs since nitrogen is much more soluble in water than oxygen. Carbon monoxide poisoning happens when you inhale excess carbon monoxide. When it is inhaled, it replaces the oxygen in the blood killing cells, and some organs stop to work. Carbon dioxide molecules are carried to the blood from body tissues to the lungs through; binding to the haemoglobin, dissolution directly into the blood and being carried as bicarbonate. The Carbon dioxide levels increase when a lot of fossil fuel is burned, and there are no trees to purify the air we inhale. Carbon dioxide is buffered to culture cells were providing it with optimum temperature and moisture to maintain optimum PH. These are the factors that do influence the depth and rate of respiration. The levels of both carbon dioxide and oxygen, chemical factors, physical factors, emotional factors and change in body temperature. Both Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are major types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Symptoms of OCPD include; stiff, rigid mannerism, extreme attention to detail, an overwhelming need to be punctual, excessive devotion and perfectionism. Lung cancer is very deadly since it’s hard to find it during its early stages. It may take years for cancer to grow and there are usually no symptoms during the early stage. Smoking is very harmful to the lungs because it leads to fatal diseases such as; pneumonia, lung cancer, and emphysema. Smoking is believed to cause lung cancer since it destroys the cells that align the lung.

Questions for Chapter 14

Digestion is important because it enables the breakdown of foods within our stomachs and intestines needed by body cells. It also enables the absorption and elimination of undigested food and body wastes. Peristalsis is a very important process in the digestive system. It moves food in the system and urine into the bladder from the kidneys. Peristalsis is brought about by the neurons of the enteric nervous system. It forms an integrated circuit made up of neurons and longitudinal muscle layers.

Cardioesophgaeal sphincter surrounds the lower part of the oesophagus and stomach. This helps prevent the acidic content of the stomach from getting up the oesophagus. Heartburn does occur when the acid content is high and gets to the oesophagus. Standing straight, loosening clothes, eating ginger and using vinegar helps reduce heartburns. [https;//]. Gastric juice is made up of pepsin and renin. Pepsin aids in the breakdown of proteins and renin curdles milk in the stomach.

Digestion occurs when the stomach ph. is between 5.0 and 6.0. This acidic level is necessary for metabolism. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum caused by bacteria. The appendix is related to peritonitis in that; a damaged appendix can cause death or peritonitis comes in when it is not treated. Ulcers are caused by a break in tissues lining the stomach and infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This is rarely life-threatening since its signs are realized earlier. Carbohydrates are digested in the mouth. Antacids may lead to milk-alkali syndrome interfering with mouth digestion. The liver, pancreas and the gallbladder are the accessory organs that secret into the duodenum. The liver produces bile and the gall bladder stores it. Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, caused by immature activation of digestive enzymes. Carbohydrates are first digested in the mouth by the help of salivary amylase. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are examples of monosaccharides. Cellulose and starch are examples of polysaccharides. Glucose is the only sugar in the bloodstream. Eating complex sugars is better than using simple sugars. Protein is being broken down in the stomach and duodenum to bring about polypeptides. Bile and amylase are necessary for the metabolism of fats. Fats are absorbed in the small intestines. Vomiting helps to defend against food poisoning by letting out dangerous chemicals.

Large intestines absorb water and transmit waste material from the body. It takes approximately up to eight hours for food to pass in the colon. Fibre does help move food in the large intestines faster. Diverticulitis is the infection of the diverticula caused by drugs such as spectrin and lack of exercise. The pancreas produces insulin that breakdown foods. Pancreatic is caused by activation of enzymes in the pancreas. The liver is found in the upper right part of the abdomen. Bile contains bile acids needed for digestion and absorption of fats and soluble vitamins.

Hepatitis is caused by a virus. Liver cirrhosis is caused by excess alcohol, fatty liver diseases, inherited genetic disorders and viral hepatitis. The gall bladder is located under the liver above the abdomen. It stores bile. Gallstones are stone-like materials formed in the gall bladder. This is treated by some medicines. Carbohydrates are found in bread, popcorns, potatoes, and corns. Lipids are found in milk, cheese, and meat. Proteins are found in eggs, beans, milk, and nuts. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble while vitamin B and C are water soluble. It is important to discover the difference between these vitamins to be careful about the amount we consume. Sugar is found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, and milk. Sugar gives energy to our bodies. Glucose is a monosaccharide while glycogen is a polysaccharide. Whenever there is excess glucose, it is converted and stored as glycogen. This makes sugar the most preferred fuel. Eating an orange is healthier than candy because it has many great vitamins.

Cellular respiration is the breaking of sugar into a form that can be used as energy. Pyruvate is released when glucose is broken down in the process of glycolysis. Krebs cycle is that sequence of reactions where living things generate energy during aerobic respiration. An electron transport chain is that series of complexes dealing with the transfer of electrons. Symptoms of hyperglycemia are; sweatiness, shaking, confusion and dizziness while that for hypoglycemia is unconsciousness. Fat is a source of energy, insulator and protects delicate body organs. Fats are taken in and converted to glucose by a process called gluconeogenesis then stored in the liver. Fats are the best source of energy because they contain 2.25 times the calories per gram than proteins and carbohydrates.

Carbon dioxide, water, and ATP are a by-product of fats. Acidosis is caused by starvation, alcohol usage, and diabetes mellitus while ketosis is caused by a low carbohydrate diet. Protein-energy is used when fat or carbohydrate is lacking in the body. Energy is produced when proteins are broken down. 0.8grams of proteins per kg is the approximate amount of protein needed daily. Too many proteins lead to weight loss, weight gain over time which is not good. The excess proteins are stored as fats. Amino acids are the by-products of protein. Liver oxidizes triglycerides for energy and converts excess carbohydrates and proteins to fatty acids. Excess sugar is stored in the liver. Basal metabolic rate has its measurements taken in a dark room after some hours of fasting when the digestive system is inactive. Total metabolic rate has its measurements taken under less controlled conditions. When the mind and the body are healthy and active, it shows that metabolism rate is high. When the skin is dry, scaly and hair thinning, the metabolism rate is low. Thyroid hormones found in thyroxine help regulate body metabolic rate, digestive system, and muscle control. Hyper and hypothyroidism lead to fatigue and muscle weakness. There are several theories about obesity. They include; obesity is caused by lack of exercise and poor diet. Those who used to eat a lot without doing exercises began to reduce the food amount thinking that it will solve that. Eating less sugar, high protein amount and drinking water help to lose weight. When body heat is at the lowest amount, you need to be more vigorous to increase it. Excess heat is lost to the environment. This is because if heat stroke is not treated with immediate effect, it leads to brain and nervous system destruction.

Questions for Chapter 16

Testes- Located in the scrotum behind the penis and functions to produce sperm.

Epididymis- Located on the pole of the tests that function as storage and transporter of sperms.

Ductus deferens- Transport sperm cells from the epididymis

Qn.1 Urethra- Located at the cumshaw of the penis which functions to carry urine from the bladder to out of body also in males it allows the ejaculation of semen

Seminal vesicles- Located around the pelvis that functions to produce the fluids that makeup of semen.

Prostate gland- Located below the bladder and above the pelvic that functions to secrete prostate fluid.

Bulbourethral glands- Located below the prostate gland at the beginning of the internal portion of the penis which functions to produce fluids that add to semen during the process of ejaculation

Scrotum- Located behind and below the penis that functioned to protect the testicles and tubes that release sperm from the testicles.

Penis- Located in the middle of the glans penis is the opening of the urethra that functions as a tube where urine and semen pass out of the body.

Foreskin- Located at the forehead of the penis that functions to cover the head of the penis.

Qn2. Sperm is produced by the testicles which are located outside the body because sperm develops best at a cooler temperature as compared to internal body temperature.

Qn3. Leydig cells produces testosterone.

Testosterone functions to assist the development of the male reproductive tissues like testes and prostate.

Qn4. Vasectomy is the procedure that hinders man from being unable to produce sperm. This is done by either cutting or blocking the tubes called vas deferens to prevent sperms from getting to the semen. There are no complications during surgery for this process.

Qn5. Semen is the white fluid produced by the gonads and another sexual organ of the male. Secretions added to it helps for the survival of spermatozoa and creates a room through which they can move freely.

Qn6. Prostate and testicular. They interfere with the sex hormones and sperm for reproduction system.

Qn7. Abnormal sperm production, health problems like diabetes and infections by some diseases such as gonorrhoea. About 40–50% is due to male infertility, and about 2% of all men exhibit suboptimal sperm parameters. Xenoestrogens cause problems such as a predisposition to cancer, hypothyroidism, endometriosis, fibroids, irregular cycles, breast tenderness, body fat gain, diabetes, miscarriages, and infertility. Xenoestrogens were found in the fat cell such as breast, prostate and testicular cancer. They imitate the effects of endogenous estrogen and thus have been implicated in precocious puberty and other disorders of the reproductive systems. They are chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body and impact hormone balance in the body.

Qn8. Circumcision entails cutting of the foreskin of the penis. Yes, circumcision is essential for health reasons because it reduces the risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men and decreases the risk of urinary tract infection.

Qn9. Ovaries are located in the lower abdomen which functions to produce and release eggs.

Uterine- located between the bladder and the rectum at the lower abdomen of a woman which functions to nurture the fertilized ovum.

Uterus- located in the lower abdomen between the bladder and the rectum in a woman that functions to nurture the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus.

Vagina- located between the urethra and the anus that functions receiver of the male reproductive cells, as also serves as an excretory canal for the products of menstruation.

Majora and more- located in the front of the vulva which functions to enable the sperm to enter into the body.

Greater vestibular glands- located to the left and right of the opening of the vagina that functions to secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina.

Clitoris- located right where the inner labia meet and form a little hood that functions to detect sensation and stimulation.

Qn10. Follicles found in the ovaries where q mature egg is released while Graafian follicle is the fluid that is located in the ovary where an ovum is formed. Ruptured follicle develops inside and being released outside while the corpus luteum is the hormone-secreting structure that extends in an ovary.

Qn11. Causes of a tubal pregnancy are inflammation of fallopian tube or the scar tissue from a previous infection. A woman may not be infertile after one.

Qn12. Endometrium contains epithelial cells that make secretions, myometrium which function to induce uterine contractions and the perimetrium that provides strength and support to the uterus.

Qn13. A Pap smear test is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women.

Qn14. Follicle stimulating hormone is essential to pubertal development and the function of women’s ovaries and men’s testes.

Luteinizing promotes ovulation and development of the corpus luteum in women.

Estrogen helps in the development of female secondary sexual characteristics.

Progesterone maintains the condition of the inner lining of the uterus.

Qn15. Yes, both sexes have mammary gland. Risk factors for breast cancer are unclear, Smoking, alcohol consumption and diet. The most common treatment of breast cancer is lumpectomy or partial mastectomy and radiation therapy.

Qn16. The oocyte takes about 14 days to live. Sperms live for up to 5 days, but most of them take 1-2 days to survive. This is because the sperm that comes along later have undergone acrosomal reactions to expose the oocyte membrane which is in the best position to be the fertilizing sperm that is why it cannot be applied in the penetrating the oocyte.

Qn17. A zygote is the combination of the sperm cell and the egg cell which is formed immediately after fertilization.

The embryo is the fertilized egg that is in an early stage of development of a multicellular diploid eukaryotic organism.

A fetus is an unborn offspring that develops in the embryo.

Qn18. The oocyte is fertilized at the fallopian tube and the\n being implement at the uterus. Blastocyst produces human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. Implantation starts between 6 to 8 days.

Qn19. About 13 weeks the fertilized blastocyst develops in the uterine wall then the development of the fetus and placenta starts be formed. Then the remodelled vessels act as a source of blood for the placenta. Structures that are made inside the uterus are fundus, body and the cervix. The placenta also serves as an endocrine organ during the pregnancy. This means that the placenta produces some hormones during pregnancy.

Qn20. The body changes during pregnancy to accommodate the growing fetus and the mother will gain weight as the placenta produces hormones during the pregnancy. During this time the body weight gains, estrogen levels and increases breathing rate. Some of the effects of the pregnancy are nausea, vomiting, increased urination and fatigue.

Qn21. Cocaine, Bleach, oven cleaners, lead, and mercury. Therapeutic abortion is the type of abortion induced following the use of medical necessity while spontaneous abortion is the pregnancy loss which occurs naturally that leads to the death of an embryo or fetus.

Qn22. As estrogen begins to stimulate uterine contractions, the uterus also produces hormones called prostaglandins that contribute to a decrease in progesterone levels. The release of prostaglandins helps initiate labour with other hormone called relaxin which relaxes the muscles of the cervix. False labour is the type of labour that occurs before true labour. Stage one; during the first stage, the woman reaches full cervical dilatation, Stage two; the second stage is the delivery of the infant and Stage three; under this stage, there is the passage of the placenta. Cesarean section is the surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. However, Some C-sections are done without even medical reason.


The Pill. It helps in treating endometriosis thereby stopping periods for some days that causes pain in cramps to young ladies. These pills contain progesterone and estrogen hormones that aid in ending the menstruation period. The most common complications when using tablets is changes in moods, irregular blood release especially when one takes half the dose of the pill. However it also helps in reducing cramps pain, and also helps in protecting some breast diseases, ovarian cysts.

It is made up of Levonorgestrel. It obstructs eggs when they are released from the ovary. DES means Diethylstilbestrol. It is a drug that was developed specifically to increase the production of more estrogen in females. DES daughters And son s are likely to be easily affected by cancers and many more complications of infertility. Up to now, DES is still opted to be used by women’s especially to those who usually experience premature births and cases of miscarriages to hold on to their pregnancies.

IUD means intrauterine Device. It is a small device that is put inside the fallopian tube of the female to prevent them from getting pregnant. Sterilization is the most common device used for birth control.

A cervical cap, male condom female condom. They are used during sexual intercourse; they also don’t interfere with male or females fertility.

Calendar method, ovulation method, and Basal Body Temperature method. Its effectiveness relies on the nature of the occurrence of women’s menstrual cycle and the accuracy of using the techniques. They are not associated with health risk and used to determine optimum fertility to achieve pregnancy.

It is an abortion pill. It obstructs the hormone in charge of the uterine lining to build up for pregnancy.

China uses the policy of one-child policy; couples are only supposed to have one child each with a birth certificate. Those who exceed the limit are punished by the government, or they are taxed almost 50%of their income.

Qn 24

Men’s depending if the sperm carries either y or x chromosomes. Females usually have x chromosomes alone, so when x chromosome from a male meets x chromosome from the female, they make a baby girl and x and y chromosomes make a baby boy. Down syndrome is caused when more of genetic materials enter in all parts of the 21st chromosome. Karyotyping can be detected from blood, hair.

Qn 25.

It is the beginning of menstruation in young ladies. Menopause is the condition that all women undergo through whereby they terminate menstruation thus ending their reproductive period.

Qn 26.

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the genital of both male and females.

Genital herpes they mostly affect people who are sexually active, and they do not have symptoms.

Syphilis caused by a bacterium. Its signs are hard to differentiate from other STD.


Qn27. Tubal factors blocked, or damaged fallopian tubes prevent sperm from getting to the egg and also blocks the fertilized egg from entering the uterus. ICSI reduces the quality of sperm which can fertilize eggs which may lead to a higher risk of abnormalities that causes sex chromosome abnormalities.

Qn28. Cloning is the organism that is that have the same genetic characteristics — Cat, deer, dog, horse, mule. Human beings can be cloned; this is because its rhesus factor can be cloned by embryo splitting.








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