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The Relationship between Media Advertising and Attitudinal Changes during Covid-19

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The Relationship between Media Advertising and Attitudinal Changes during Covid-19





Several studies affirmed the role of media advertisements for healthcare awareness. However, during the current Covid-19 pandemic, it is highly crucial to scrutinise the role of disease awareness advertisement campaigns. This study also aims to investigate the role and impacts of mass media advertisement to spread Covid-19 awareness in Sahiwal, Pakistan. The researchers selected a sample of n= 179 respondents and used three-point Likert scale questionnaires for data gathering purposes. The researchers also proposed a self-structured model of media advertisements supported by n= 33 peer-reviewed research studies, as the initial conceptual framework. Results revealed that media advertisements are significantly (p ≤ .000) spreading disease awareness which is positively (p ≤ .000) infusing the attitudinal changes among the audience. The results indicated the power of media campaigns and their potential impacts on audience behaviour. Therefore, the researchers recommended more investigations by using the study model to maximise media advertisements usage for Covid-19 awareness.


Keywords: Covid-19; Media Advertisements; Healthcare Awareness; Pandemic







































  1. Introduction:


Novel Corona Virus emerged as a major healthcare challenge at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Currently, it is spreading in almost every part of the world, including Europe, North America, Asia and Africa with 13.6 million confirmed cases and 585,000 deaths worldwide (Petrosillo et al. 2020). However, Covid-19, as a healthcare concern, is not a new phenomenon. The world already confronted endemics such as Severe Acute Respiratory Response (SARS) and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Zika, EBOLA and others. Although SARS and MERS disseminated through nosocomial speed, a current pandemic is widely transmitting to the community (Munster et al. 2020). New Corona Virus emerged as a pandemic, raised extraordinary concerns for the healthcare system worldwide (WHO 2020).

Additionally, there is yet no vaccine developed to counteract against the Corona Virus. However, healthcare professionals are making efforts to find a cure, still the vaccine development in under process (Fda and Cber 2020). Due to these reasons, practising preventive measures to diminish the spread of disease is of extreme significance. Preventive measures include hand washing (Humran and Alahmary 2018), use of sanitizer, wearing face masks, keep social distancing, take steam gargles, avoid crowded places, respiratory etiquettes, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and taking healthy diet to keep the immune system healthy all are highly recommended. For these preventive proposals to be helpful, the role of social institutions guarantees the appropriate health education of people (Road 2020).

In this context, the role of mass media is of greater magnitude. Media platforms are playing a key role in communication between researchers, scientists, public health experts and funding agencies, for an effective and rapid global response. (Roy et al. 2020). They also aim to facilitate information dissemination and improving knowledge, awareness, and healthcare practices among the public (Gralinski and Menachery 2020). The role of the media during previous outbreaks, e.g. reporting and framing HIV/AIDS issues within the context of a growing epidemic is well recognised as media reporting play an important role in developing public understanding of key elements of the disease. They also promote understanding among the professionals working in the field.

For instance, healthcare workers and volunteers often consider the newspapers as their main source of regular information on HIV/AIDS research. Besides, the press also plays an important role in mediating the response to HIV/AIDS policy issues, and provide a forum for discourse (Shepperson 2000). Similarly, the potential of media advertisement to alter public behaviour is highly recognised. Media advertisements are well capable of accessing a larger number of masses to spread healthcare awareness. Several studies witnessed that healthcare advertisements positively influence more than 70% of individuals (Balamurugan 2018). As media platforms play a mediating role between the public and healthcare professionals, today, advertisements are an important ally of spreading healthcare awareness. These advertisements contain vital information which is highly accessible for everyone. Healthcare ministries and professionals design special public service healthcare advertisements and choose different traditional and new media platforms to display them (Naveena 2015). Such as, several medical centres resort to media advertising for healthcare awareness in the United States. They not only promote their services but also keep the patients updated about the importance of healthcare measures and playing their great part to facilitate the patients from healthcare innovations (Larson et al. 2005). This mediatised advertising evolved by keeping the social health and well-being under consideration. Nevertheless, besides traditional media, the role of social media is also of greater significance because keeping pace with technology is an important strategy for public persuasion and awareness (Radu et al. 2018).

Thus, this study aims to scrutinise the potential relationship between mass media advertisements designed to spread Covid-19 awareness and attitudinal changes in Sahiwal, Pakistan. As, mitigating the pandemic high relies upon preventive measures and (Habes et al. 2020) media advertisements serve as a powerful means of communication between the marketers and audiences (Alhawamdeh, Alghizzawi, and Habes 2020). This study also analysed the perception regarding overall Public Service Advertisements, designated for social well-being and change as well as, the researchers assessed the public opinion towards healthcare advertising in general.



1.2 Covid-19 in the Pakistani Scenario:

Pakistan is located in South Asia and borders to China to the Northeast, Iran to Northwest, Afghanistan to North & West and the southern boundary marks with the Arabian sea (US Dept 2007).  The total population of Pakistan is 220,892,340, which constitutes almost 2.8% of the world’s population. Moreover, Pakistan has a diverse healthcare system that includes public sector, private, donor agencies, civil societies and philanthropic contributors. However, the healthcare system in Pakistan lacks primary infrastructure and facilities, especially in the majority of the rural areas (Kumar and Bano 2017). Especially during Covid-19, when Pakistan is bordered with the epicentre of the Corona Virus, China and Iran with the third-highest number of Covid-19 cases, Pakistan needs a high level of preparedness and action before the situation becomes worse (Saqlain et al. 2020). As of July 17th, 2020, the total 259,999 of active cases recorded with 5,475 deaths. A more detailed record of these details is given in Chart 1 below.





Figure 1 Source: (Government of Pakistan 2020)




During the early days, despite the briskly growing number of cases, Pakistan lacked primary diagnostic facilities. The suspected samples were being sent to international laboratories until the country received test kits from China and Japan (Saqlain et al. 2020). An increasing number of Corona positive cases raised serious healthcare concerns in Pakistan (Rahman Qureshi et al. 2020). To counteracted against it, Pakistan National Institute of Health (NIH) is playing a pre-eminent role by issuing protocols concerning prevention and detection of Covid-19 cases. Also, the National Institute of Health (NIH) started several awareness-based campaigns by using both traditional and new media platforms.





  1. Literature Review and the Conceptual Framework:


  • Public Service Advertisements:


Public service Advertisements are either paid or unpaid, highly influential, aimed for attitudinal change. For the social well-being aspirations, these advertisements tend to spread awareness concerning ongoing social and health issues (Singh 2017). To highlight this phenomenon, (Park, Turner, and Pastore 2008) examined the recruitment of volunteers to help the players during Special Olympics by using either of two routes described in Elaboration Likelihood Theory (ELM). The researchers selected n= 221 participants and selected empathy as a mediator of persuasion. Findings revealed that individuals highly used central route of persuasion along-with empathy for making a suitable decision. However, the people with both low and high empathy, mainly depend on the central cue and decided on the rational argumentation. As per noted by (Govoni 2012), for the government and non-profit organisations, Public Service Advertsiemensta are the primary constituencies. They are designed to educate the public, to raise awareness, to raise money, to modify behaviours. These Public Service Advertisements address several issues, i.e. substance abuse, children rights, healthcare awareness and others. (Jones 2012)

further examined this correlation between Public Service Advertisement and the reaction of Generation-Y concerning alcohol consumption. The researcher selected a sample of n= 177 college-level students and recorded their responses regarding organ donation and drug abuse by using survey questionnaires. Results indicated that although the majority of students convinced with the message content, the advertisements prescribing organ donation persuaded comparatively more participants than the drug abuse. However, the researcher concluded that prior knowledge and awareness about the issue are two strong mechanisms that can work along-with advertisements for the attitudinal change. Media advertising is a symmetrical process where both consumers and marketers are equally benefitted as (Yuan 2013) examined the potential behavioural changes caused by Public Service Advertisements among the youth for book reading in the United States, Mexico and China. The researcher used the Case Study approach and gathered data from secondary resources, i.e. government published statistical record, previous studies and the other relevant evidence. Results indicated that Public Service Healthcare Advertisements largely influenced people to adopt book reading. However, instead of buying books, people mostly preferred a donated book. Thus, the researchers concluded media advertisement as a powerful tool to reinforce behavioural changes among the public.

For instance, the role of Public Service Advertisements is prominent particularly, aimed for behavioural changes among children and teenagers in China and Hong Kong. As (Chan and Huang 2015) scrutinised the role of Social Marketing advertisements and used the Case study approach. Results revealed that participants showed a positive response towards food water reduction and green living campaigns. According to the researchers, the relevant advertisements contained highly persuasive messages and the respondents accepted by using cognitive reasoning, which further led to persuasion.

Similarly, (Paul and Singh 2016) assessed the role of Public Service Advertisements for social well-being in general. The researchers used review approach and selected a sample of n= 24 peer-reviewed research studies. Results revealed that Public Service Advertisements always contain hard-hitting educational messages to persuade audiences. They promote constructive ideas to promote social well-being through an attitudinal change. Therefore,  issues identified and raised through Public Service Advertisements gain an increased awareness and positive response from society. As television, radio, newspapers, Social Media, magazines and others are strong strategic means of communication, Public Service Advertisements are specially designed to bring behavioural changes by using words, demonstrations, symbols and others (Ahmad Tajuddin 2017). To further assess the different aspects of Public Service Advertisements (Ti et al. 2017) examined the content and impacts of Public Service Advertisements by Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) regarding growing Cardiovascular diseases. The researchers used n= 13 survey questionnaires by using Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) system. 75% of participants revealed that the message content was easily understandable for them; however, 70% of respondents agreed that they are willing to act accordingly.

Similarly, (Raza 2018) conducted a comparative analysis of Public Service Advertisements published after the earthquake in Pakistan (2005). The researcher selected n= 3 English newspapers in Pakistan and utilised content analysis technique. Results revealed that newspapers published several Public Service Advertisements during the selected period.

Moreover, Daily Dawn published a comparatively higher number of relevant ads than The Daily Nation and the News. Overall, the total number of published ads showed newspapers a greater concern for print media towards public wellbeing and rehabilitation. As per noted by (Bertrand et al. 2010), the role of Public Service advertisements is distinguished due to increased efficiency for healthcare awareness. They target vulnerable individuals and easily persuade them for their well-being. (Henley, Ranganathan, and Gurtu 2018) also scrutinised the role of public service advertisements to spread awareness regarding mobile phone usage during driving among American youth. The researchers used the quantitative method, and findings revealed that Public Service Advertisements are strongly associated with the behavioural change among the individuals. The respondents also expressed the importance of relevant media advertisements for social well-being in general.


H1: The is a positive relationship between mass media and public service healthcare advertisements




  • Role of Media Advertisements in Healthcare Awareness:


According to (Masoni, Guelfi, and Gensini 2011), for healthcare awareness, organisations resort to all the media platforms. Particularly, when it is about digital media advertisements, they are more accessible for users. Companies also use popup advertisements with catchy graphics and phrases that instantly grab users’ attention. For instance, online platforms widely advertise smoking, HIV and Cancer awareness which influenced many individuals worldwide. Increased health concerns also demand other mass media platforms work as an ally for spreading healthcare awareness. Both international and national level media platforms connect healthcare professionals and the public. For this purpose, several human resources and communication channels are strategically preferred, including advertising, campaigns, talk shows and others (Naveena 2015). In this regard, (Larson et al. 2005) investigated the use of media advertising by media centres in the United States.

The researchers selected a sample of n= 17 medical centres awarded as “America’s Best Hospitals” and used semi-structured questionnaires. N= 16 medical centres revealed that they resort to media advertising for promotional advertising and also to spread healthcare awareness. For advertising purposes, they consult institutional review board which further sets the advertising strategies and handle budgetary matters. The advertising content mainly contains public service, healthcare information, the introduction of newly improved drugs, therapeutic techniques and others. (Lapointe, Ramaprasad, and Vedel 2014) also scrutinised how healthcare professionals and organisations collectively use Social Media platforms to raise healthcare awareness among the masses. The researchers used a multiple case study method and found that healthcare communities and organisations use different social networking platforms to spread healthcare awareness. Particularly for cancer awareness, the organisation mostly prefer several Social Networking Sites that fully support the principle objectivities of these organisations and communities.

According to  (Krishen and Bui 2015), healthcare advertisements sometimes contain fear-based framing that ensures positive outcomes. As the fear-based framing is an important strategy in market-based communication, the researcher further analysed the role and effectiveness of healthcare advertisements regarding obesity in America. Data gathered from a sample of n= 122 respondents in the Western part of the US revealed that participants showed a great willingness to eat a healthy diet and exercise to avoid obesity. By providing “a consequence image” in the advertisements, the message directly convinced the participants to change their attitudes. As per noted by (Gollust, Fowler, and Niederdeppe 2019), the role of media for supporting healthcare practices and motivating the public to take healthcare measures is of a greater concern today. To spread public awareness regarding healthcare, previously identified three functions are highly relevant: surveillance, interpretation and socialisation

Furthermore, (El-Jardali et al. 2015) investigated the use of newspapers regarding healthcare awareness in Lebanon. The researchers used media content analysis and also employed semi-structured surveys from n= 27 local journalists, advertisers, healthcare professionals and policymakers. Researchers found that out of 1,279, 39.8% of reports highlighting the opinion of health professionals, 5.9% of articles were based on evidence from peer-reviewed research studies. According to the researchers, the use of content-specific strategies for spreading healthcare awareness are not only for people having ongoing health issues but also, teaches them ways to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The use of media for healthcare advertising and awareness has improved essentially. Healthcare marketers are more concerned about designing advertising strategies that can cause attitudinal changes among patients.

Today, the role of mass media is equally important as a mediator of communication between healthcare professionals and the public (Radu et al. 2018). To validate this, (Paul and Singh 2016) investigated the extent to which different healthcare awareness articles published in local newspapers of Manipur, India. The researchers selected healthcare articles published during 2011 and 2012 from n= 4 English and n= 6 Manipuri language. Results indicated that during the one-year total n= 10,874 were published on different healthcare topics. 72.9% of articles were about general public health, and 95.9% of articles were injury-related. However, 45.8% of articles were especially published in the healthcare section of the newspaper. The researchers concluded higher sensitivity and concern towards healthcare issues in the local news media, predicting positive outcomes in the future. (Alshammari et al. 2017) also affirmed the role of media-based healthcare advertisements in Rajasthan, India. The researchers selected a sample of n= 130 individuals (n= 83 males, n= 37 females) and used structured survey questionnaires for data gathering purposes. Results showed that media advertisements played a strong positive role to alter audience behaviour to achieve better healthcare services. Moreover, the role of media was highly instrumental in persuading people for better health and healthy behaviours. According to (Ekiyor and Fatih Altan 2019), healthcare institutions largely focus on communicating directly with the masses. For this purpose, they resort to mass media, especially advertising, to spread their message. Organisations using media advertisements use different strategic designs for their messages and successfully reinforce the attitudinal change. Although they do not offer any financial benefits to the advertisers, still they are an integral part of media messages.


H2: There is a positive relationship between mass media advertisements and coronavirus awareness in Pakistan




2.3 Impacts of Public Service Healthcare Awareness Advertising:

Healthcare advertisers aim to persuade the public for the necessary healthcare measures. Several studies affirmed the impacts of these advertisements as passive, highly persuasive and influential for the audiences. Media advertisements campaigns, i.e. drugs, alcohol usage, HIV, Cancer awareness, Tuberculosis and others are the leading examples of mass media causing positive behavioural change (Wakefield, Loken, and Hornik 2010). To affirm this, (Judie-lynn 2009) scrutinised the impacts of televised healthcare advertisements for HIV awareness from 2005 to 2007 in Kenya. The researcher utilised semi-structured interviews and selected n= 200 individuals. Findings revealed that both male and female respondents indicated a great attitudinal change due to televised HIV awareness advertisements. For them, advertisements were highly appealing as they largely contained sexualisation, but they also persuaded them for safer sex against HIV. (Anthony 2011) further highlighted the impacts of televised healthcare advertising regarding AIDS/HIV awareness in Nigeria. The researcher selected n= 160 local respondents from different age groups and professions, having a moderate amount of knowledge regarding increasing HIV in the country. Results indicated that, by setting the agenda for public awareness, the role of television advertising was highly significant to raise awareness. According to the respondents, these advertisements are effectively informing them about the menace of HIV and also educating them regarding all the precautionary measures. Similarly, (Gordon et al. 2012)  also witnessed the impacts of media advertising. The researchers preferred different communication resources, i.e. pamphlets, newspapers advertisements, websites promotions, television and radio advertisements to spread lung cancer awareness. Mainly named as “the systematic application of marketing approaches”, the advertisements technique was applied to the heavy smoking community in Doncaster, England. Although, the researchers found some primary barriers, yet the results revealed strong positive impacts of marketing and communication strategies on triggering the behavioural change among individuals. According to (Kennedy-tucker and Kennedy-tucker 2014), media advertisements aim to support social causes, are strategically supervised and endorsed by medical centres and healthcare professionals. They not only educate the public but also, inform them about the unhealthy practices that can damage their physical and mental health. Healthcare advertisements by different medical centres and units can also validate this phenomenon as (Househ 2013) reviewed the impacts of Social Media based healthcare advertisements on medical professionals and their patients in general. According to the estimated results, 65% of medical professionals use Social Media for professional purposes, and 74% of online users prefer social media platforms to stay updated about healthcare programs, technologies and medications through online advertising. Thus the researcher concluded that use of major Social Media platforms, i.e. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and others for healthcare advertising and awareness purposes had revolutionised the patterns of attitudinal changes. Especially when the healthcare sector aims to reach out to the general population, the role of Social Media platforms is highly prominent. For this purpose, (Naveena 2015) analysed the impacts of national-level healthcare advertisements broadcasted/published on Radio, Newspapers, Social Media and Television in India. The researcher used n= 46 structured questionnaires to determine the impacts of these advertisements. Results showed that more than 65% of these platforms are easily accessible for the audience all over India, which means that they conveniently experience exposure to healthcare advertisements. 85% of participants revealed that these advertisements strongly influence public attitudes and behaviour. Therefore, the researchers concluded that media platforms greatly help healthcare sector to access the public for healthcare awareness and digital media is comparatively more effective, fast, infinite, efficient, convenient and of greater influence than the face to face communication. Likewise, (JANG et al. 2016) investigated the impacts of Public Service Advertisements regarding Cardiovascular diseases in South Korea. The researchers used descriptive quantitative method and selected a sample of n= 1000 individuals from 15 provinces. Findings showed that a majority (70%) of participants expressed persuasion towards adopting healthcare measures to avoid these diseases, and 24% revealed a slight persuasion that they would try hard to follow the healthcare measures. Thus, the researchers found a strong significant relationship between Public Service Advertisements and attitudinal change among the study respondents. According to (Lapierre et al. 2017), the influence of healthcare advertisements is highly prominent special on the children and the young generation. Moreover, as youngsters comparatively more prefer digital media, they frequently experience watching healthcare advertisements, which is highly beneficial for them. To empirically validate this proposition, (Yom-Tov et al. 2018) scrutinised the integration and impacts of online healthcare advertisements on weight loss, exercise and healthy food adoption among internet users. The researchers used a longitudinal study design and gathered the response before and after exposure to the advertisements. Results indicated that the majority (48%) of respondents expressed their willingness regarding weight loss, exercise and healthy diet consumption. However, 32% of participants showed a slight willingness and only 20% of them refused to take any action towards healthcare. As per noted by (Kim and Diwas 2020), the role of media advertisements is highly influential in bringing positive attitudinal changes. Besides, using rational argumentation as logical reasoning is another major strategic move to bring the desired outcomes.


H3: There is a positive relationship between Coivd-19 based media advertisements and attitudinal change




















Figure 2: Conceptual Framework




  1. Research Methodology:

3.1 Study Design:

This study is exploratory. For the data gathering purpose, the researchers used well-develop, structured survey questionnaires as the survey method is capable of information gathering directly from the study participants and is relatively convenient to generalise (Glasow 2005). For data manipulation and analysis process, the researchers used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 64 bit).


3.2 Population & Sampling:

The study population involved respondents from Sahiwal, Pakistan. The researchers randomly selected a sample of n= 179 respondents. They used a convenience sampling method as it was an only suitable technique to select the participants meeting the inclusion criteria (Sedgwick 2013) during Covid-19 lockdown situation. All the respondents appropriately filled the questionnaires, so the response rate was 100%. The survey packet was sent during the peak of Covid-19 pandemic (May 10th, 2020 to May, 19th 2020). The questionnaires contained three basic demographical queries and sixteen questions on 3 points Likert scale, relevant to study variables investigating the respondents’ opinion regarding healthcare advertisements, their role in Covid-19 pandemic and their behavioural impacts. Further, the researchers used web-based surveys for data gathering purposes due to previously mentioned lockdown limitations.


4.2.2 Demographical Data:

Table 1 below shows the results of the demographical data. The findings indicated that 69.7% of respondents were females, and 30.3% were males. Data further revealed that 47.2% of participants were between 16 to 25 years, 30.3% per cent ranged between 26 and 35, 11.2% of respondents were between 36 to 45 years, 7.9% per cent were 46 and above. Similarly, 5.1% of respondents had a secondary school degree, 10.7% were high school graduated or less, 24.2% had a bachelor’s degree, 39.9% were university graduates, 17.4% possessed Masters level degree and 2.8% respondents had Doctorate. The respondents from diverse age groups and qualification filled the questionnaires. The researchers measured demographical data by using IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 22.


Table 1: Demographical Data of Study Respondents


AgeBetween 16 to 258447.2%
Between 26 to 356033.7%
Between 36 to 452011.2%
46 and Above147.9%



Matric/Secondary School95.1%
Intermediate/High School1910.7%



Research Instrument:

The research questionnaire is designed under the supervision of the subject experts. All the study variables also ensured the validity of the research instrument. Moreover, the researchers also tested the reliability of the research instrument as it determines the extent to which the research tool can provide valid and generalisable results (Taherdoost 2018). For reliability analysis, the researchers used Cronbach Alpha test. The Cronbach Alpha value of a= 0.812 affirmed that the research instrument is highly reliable. The values gathered by using Cronbach Alpha test are mentioned in Table 2 below:



Table 2: Intercoder Reliability Analysis of the Research Instrument


ItemsConstructsCronbach Alpha ValueStatus
H1Media & Public Service Healthcare Advertisements.766Reliable
H2Media Advertisements & Covid-19 Awareness.785Reliable
H3Public Service Healthcare Advertisements & the Attitudinal change.771Reliable



Survey Structure:

All the researchers themselves distributed the survey questionnaires by using online resources such as email, Facebook, WhatsApp and the others (n= 179). The prepared questionnaires were handed over to the participants (Habes et al. 2020) available online from Sahiwal.  Four sections of the questionnaires involved:


  1. Demographical data including name, age, gender and education
  2. Data concerning Role of Public Service Advertisements and their importance
  3. Responses regarding the role and importance of Healthcare advertisements
  4. Data obtaining responses that may witness the persuasion caused by healthcare advertisements


Statistical Analysis and Results:

The researchers employed descriptive statistics to calculate the frequency and percentage of the responses by using SPSS (Arkkelin 2014). The analysis procedure took two phases (i) First, the researchers calculated the frequencies and percentages of the obtained responses and (ii) Second, the researchers conducted Multiple Regression Analysis to examine the proposed relationship between study variables. According to (Uyanık and Güler 2013), multiple regression analysis is a helpful technique to test the potential relationship between the variables.


Hypothesis Testing:

As this study contains three dependent variables, Mulitple Regression Analysis was the most suitable test to validate the postulations (Grégoire 2015). To highlight the assessment results, the researchers obtained RSquare, t-value and p-value and mentioned them in Table 3 below. Based on the data analysis, H1, H2 and H3 were fully supported by the empirical data. Thus, Public Service Advertising (PSA) and Healthcare Advertising are positive correlated with the attitudinal change (β= .518  , P= .000 ), (β= 7.439  , P= .000), (β= 6.422 , P= .000 ) respectively. Thus mass media marketing is positively associated with attitudinal changes among the audience.


Table 3. Hypotheses-testing of the research model (significant at p** < = .000, p* < 0.05).

H1PSA> MMA.5188.0270.000PositiveSupported***


Note: MMA: Mass Media Advertising, PSA: Public Service Advertisements, HCA: Healthcare Advertisements, AC: Attitudinal Change




Figure 3: Regression Analysis of the Conceptual Framework


Results indicated statistically significant relation between media advertisements, healthcare awareness and attitudinal changes among the audience. The researchers found a strong, positive relationship between mass media, Public Service Advertisements, Healthcare Marketing Ads and the Attitudinal change as media enterprise bear the responsibility of well-fare and play an active role to spread awareness (Ingenhoff and Koelling 2012). Especially during the current pandemic, media platforms are playing an important role to spread awareness (Mejia et al. 2020). In this regard, the role of Public Service Healthcare Advertising is remarkable for persuading the audience (Alhawamdeh, Alghizzawi, and Habes 2020). Medical practitioners also consider controlling the infection through preventive measures as one of the most effective strategy (Collinson, Khan, and Heffernan 2015).  Therefore, in support of H1, H2 and H3, we conclude that media advertising is playing a substantial role in knowledge, awareness and shaping attitudes of people (Karasneh et al. 2020) in Sahiwal, Pakistan.



  1. Discussion & Conclusion:

Compared to the 2002–2003 outbreak, the COVID-19 emergency is occurring in a much more digitised and connected world. The amount of data produced from the dawn of humankind through 2003 is generated and spread today within a few minutes. Furthermore, advanced computational models, such as those based on machine learning, have shown great potential in tracing the source or predicting the future spread of infectious diseases. It is, therefore, imperative to leverage big data and intelligent analytics and put them to good use for public health and creating awareness among the general population through media platforms. Relying on digital data sources, such as data from mobile phones and other digital devices and spreading it among people through media advertisements, is of particular value in outbreaks caused by newly discovered pathogens, for which official data and reliable forecasts are still scarce (Ienca and Vayena 2020).

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health crisis, deeply influencing the way we perceive our world and everyday lives. Not only the spread rate of contagion and patterns of transmission endangered our sense of security, but the safety measures put in place to contain the spread of the virus also require social distancing by refraining from doing what is inherently human, which is to find comfort in the company of others. Within this context of physical threat, social and physical distancing, the role of the different mass media channels and social media in lives on individual, social and societal levels cannot be underestimated.

After the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government of Pakistan took several measures to cope with it (NIH 2020). To overcome the disease outbreak, Pakistan National Institute of Health played a pivotal role in devising and circulating protocols regarding COVID-19 prevention, transmission and defection, as well as launching public awareness campaigns on media platforms. These relate to the use of personal protective equipment and facemasks, the handling of suspected cases, sample collection and transport through virus transport medium, and adequate hand and general body hygiene, etc. (NIH 2020).

As validated by the study results, media advertisements are playing an influential role by keeping the general population aware of the protective measures. The proposed model also anticipated the potential impacts of Coivd-19 awareness campaigns and results further authenticated the propositions as the need for communication with the public during the health crisis is of greater significance (Naveena 2015). This study also witnessed that the media platforms are following every step of this journey – with multiple stories, incessant headlines and continuous updates across the past few weeks. Mass media have long been recognised as powerful forces shaping how we experience the world and ourselves focusing on generating awareness without causing panic or speculating too much.

Healthcare experts are giving great emphasis on advertising health communication strategies that are collaboratively designed, implemented, and evaluated. Besides news updates and short informative videos and infographics, Media outlets also initiated a competition inviting children and parents to share activities they are doing at home during self-isolation. Moreover, besides traditional media channels, Social media platforms are also playing a crucial role in disseminating news about the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, with such a wide scope of responsibility and overall power over the distribution of information, many platforms are rushing to do what they can to help, including donating to support relief efforts, taking steps to prevent fake news, and offering advice to the general public (Brindha 2020).

Therefore, mass media-enabled healthcare professionals to directly access the public to expand their research regarding healthcare awareness. Similarly, the media platforms not only facilitate the information spread but also influence public opinion and behaviour. Particularly, media advertisements that are capable of accessing almost all the parts of Pakistan are highly influential in spreading Covid-19 awareness messages. Advertisements on traditional media platforms are an effective way to convince the target audience, and Social Media are also playing their part. However, the growing number of Corona positive cases is a major challenge for all social institutions as Pakistan is a developing country with limited healthcare and financial resources (Waris et al. 2020). Besides government, major social institutions like media are further required to play their role more effectively as the global health emergency is briskly growing (Saqlain et al. 2020) and overburdening the healthcare sector in Pakistan.



  • Study Contributions:

This study examined the role of mass media advertisements regarding Covid-19 awareness. The researchers employed a self-constructed model as the conceptual framework of the study. The findings are consistent with the previous studies highlighting the role and effectiveness of healthcare advertisements on audience behaviour. As per noted by (Banerjee and Dash 2013) media advertising aimed to spread disease awareness from a campaign effectiveness point of view, is highly persuasive and fruitful. However, more media-based campaigns should be designed to optimise relevant advertisement features. Thus the model proposed in this study can be applied to the other investigation, and constructive outcomes can be obtained.



  1. Limitations & Recommendations:

Previous studies witnessed the power of media advertisements to spread healthcare awareness, and the current analysis validated this proposition. However, this study contains some limitations. First, due to the lockdown situation in Pakistan, we used convenience sampling method and gathered the data by web-based surveys, we did not have any particular sampling frame. Second, Corona Virus cases are briskly growing; the statistics we used might change in the upcoming days. Therefore, we suggest more studies to scrutinise the effectiveness of media advertisements and other relevant content to spread disease awareness. For this reason, the proposed model can be used to improve the contributions of Covid-19 awareness campaigns.


Funding: The authors did not receive any funding for this project

Conflicts of Interest: None











































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