Public policy
In the real world today, one of the essential roles of public administration is the policy which entails both implementation and formulation. In an organization, policy making is taken as the most challenging task which is entrusted in the hands of the team management. The whole process entails making the decision that correlate with the overall corporate objective and which also relate with capabilities and ambitions of all stakeholders within the organization. For instance, even in our school institutions, there is a team of management that are in concern with the decision to make policy and how the same system is supposed to be implemented. It is possible to have a significant process of decision making, but implementation bay becomes a big challenge. Thus, every form of an implementation strategy requires a lot of consideration so that any point of failing is not made at the eleventh hour. In the process of policy formulation, there are many ways in which the policy may fail an organization. First, In case the policy formulation team vividly indicates that the business has more capability in operation that it has in the real sense, this organization capability might limit the power of a manager. For the public policy, it is considered as whatever the government decides not to do or to do when dealing with public interest problem. In many countries within the world, public policy play as significant in shaping our direct lives and on the other hand, they have driven many countries into failure.
Additionally, public policy is considered to be a source of chaos, war, harmony, and peace. As a result of public policy, some nation is deemed to be weak and others rich, leading to some states been called underdeveloped while others been called developed. The process of policy making is quite complicated since it leads to the bad and good policy since both bear the distinct consequences. The cycle of policy-making begins with the setting of agenda where member within the nation or organization are aware of issue taking place and are made to be contributors to the decision making. The other stage of policy formulation process includes gathering and analyzing of alternatives, and policy alternatives identification, execution of the options and evaluation of the policy which play a role of determining the effect of the policy to the organization or the citizen. Therefore, this research paper aims to discuss the challenges of policymaking.
In the United State, the departments of the legislature are considered as the primary challenge that influences the policy formulation in democracies of parliament. The political scientist conducted this research at Miami University, 2014. The fundamental aim of this research was to discuss how the statute of the legislature is capable of influencing the policymaking process in the parliamentary democracies during the period of the coalition government. This research portrays that multiparty government which is created by the delegation of cabinet ministry are the primary source of challenges during the process of policy formulation since they increase the rate of severity on the issues that lead to division in a coalition government. After the research was performed, it was found that 40% of the national policy has failed to benefit the national due to the negative influence of the legislature in parliamentary democracies. The finding also claimed that the procedural method of legislative on issues of policymaking or formulation should be well looked upon since it can contribute to national failures. Therefore, in every moment the government of United States is looking forward to formulating and implement a basic policy in the country there is need of the legislative department weighing and understanding the relevance of that policy to the nation to overcome the national failure. The evaluation of this research was done with the help of legal data that was retrieved from over 300 government bills that have ever been represented by two parliamentary democracies. The method that was deployed in analyzing this research was the use of statistical software known as SPSS. One of the principal findings in this review is that the department of legislatures plays a crucial role in policymaking, formulation, and implementation within the parliamentary democracies. The only way department of legislative is appreciated in the country is through the provision of the critical institutional mechanism which supports coalition party with a different preference on how to promote social success.
Corruption is another challenge that is facing all the department of the government when it comes to government policy making or formulation. According to the research that was performed at Harvard University by economist Author claims that in the medical sector, corruption is one of the factors affecting the effective operation of the industry. The review claims that the selection of the unskilled operator in the medical department. This selection of unskilled government policymakers is taken as a result of the corruption action in the public sectors. The research indicates that 34.2% of the government operators in the department of medical have been employed through cases of bribery and favoritism. The fundamental aim of this research was to investigate how cases of corruption in developing countries are affected affect the growth and development in the United States. The analytical data were collected from the department of corruption at new work. The procedural method that was applied in the calculation and analysis of collected data include how the crime affected the process of policy formulation by failing to come up with a quality policy that may trigger better performance in the department of medicine.
Additionally, India is another country that is affected by cases of corruption, especially in the Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGs). The research indicates that 69% of the stakeholders at MGNREGs who were specializing in the policy-making and implementations were elected through the case of corruption. By that, this scheme had ended up failing in securing employment for the citizen in India. Finding claims that as far as matters of fraud will continue emerging in India, corruption will keep failing most of the government department. This research was conducted by a government official who their primary purpose was to identify the causes of the government failure in securing the employment for Indian citizen. This research recommends that government should intervene over the department of MGNREGs to ensure that the case of corruption does not affect the selection of the stakeholders. Also, the management of the MGNREGs should be reasonable when selecting the employees in the industry.
Further, coordination is another challenge facing the interdependence of national economies in policy formulation. This research indicates that poor coordination of the policy formulation lead to inefficient outcomes whenever their policymakers are independent and decentralized. This review was carried out from a theoretical point of view. The fundamental aim of this research was to investigate if and when policy coordination matters in policy formulation. The procedural method that was deployed in the analysis of the study was the Liverpool world model, that exhibit firm spillover impacts for monetary policy. This method yield results different from the study. However, this review does not give a total confirmation about how cooperative strategies tend to differ from the uncooperative. Notably, in every game structure, better coordination from stakeholders assure better result in every game club. Thus, for the effective operation of every game club industry depend on the coordination of the club’s stakeholder. This review suggests that if Liverpool club could improve in term of improving the level of coordination, the club could have achieved a great result. The procedural method that was applied in the analysis of the review was the literature review.
Additionally, the contemporary world is facing several problems as social, economic, and political challenges arise. The fundamental purpose of this research was to discuss the corporation within national government sectors affects the economic growth in the country. Literature review and statistical analysis were the applicable procedural method for the study of this research.
Further, these data were collected from the international organization, including the electoral party, university-affiliated, and government-affiliated. The finding of this review suggested that think tanks, new security threats, emerging states, and the advent of several international organizations have a significant role in facilitating the strong relationship among government projects. Although abundant proliferation on think tank organization is met to improve the cooperative within the government organization, other numerous categories respond to a play a vital role, which include electoral party affiliated, university-affiliated, and government-affiliated. The review of this research offers a case study of think tanks across the world through explanation and display of what they do in influencing the case of policymaking.
In the theoretical approach to international migration, ignorance is another challenge that faces government when implementing and formulating the policing shaping both the functioning of global labor marketing and migratory. The fundamental aim of this research was to discover how policies formulations in government or public sectors affect the operation of the international labor market and seasonal flow, in spite of empirical evidence that government policies exist. In this research, data were collected from the global labor market website. These data were analyzed through the deployment of statistical software. It was found that 63% of the government’s policies in operation of the international labor market and migratory flow failed as a result of having stakeholders who are ignorant on the procedural method of policy implementation, as well as policy formulation.
Similarly, this review purposed to promote consideration of migration policies theory through an examination of the ideology and politics in the evaluation of migration policy in Kuwait. In the determination of this government policy, it was found that there was the inclusion of the power shift among the salience of issues on political agenda and political actors. However, there was no inclusion of economic transformation condition. The political agenda of this review included the social cost of immigration, demographic changes, regional political events, and security issues. It is finding claims that the only way to improve the government policy formulation and implementation in shaping both operations of the international labor market and migratory flows, in spite of empirical evidence that such policies exist was to enable government intervention on the issues of promoting the employment of skilled personal n department of the management. Besides, it was advisable for the government to encourage training and education institution so that at the end, there will be people with skills and capabilities to improve the level of management among the governmental sectors in future.
Competence in the level of skilled person is a challenge facing implementation and formulation in international migration. This research claims that the rate of a qualified individual is increasing with high standard, thus leading a lot of inconvenience on the agenda of business leader and policymakers. The reason why there is a high rate of competences on the level of the skilled person is that knowledge-based economies depend more on more top skills level than in the past, particularly in technology and science. The primary aim of this research was to examine and evaluate the recent drivers and trends behind the international mobility of the highly skilled person in technology and sciences. These technologies included information technology, engineers, and research. This review played a significant role in economic growth and development and innovation. The finding of this research claims that skilled migration, particularly from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the United States to Asia is increasing, especially about the temporary migration of experienced professional and student who are best in technology information.
Additionally, it is discovered that skilled migration at developed OECD countries is increasing but appears dominated by temporary flow, claiming more trend of circulation of the brain that of brain drain. The data claims that advanced countries, such as France, Canada, the United State, and Germany are the essential origin of temporary skilled migrants to the United States by 40.2% compared to the other countries who are the source of permanent skilled migration. Due to the high rate of temporary student flows in the United States, there are more data available on the movement of EU nationals. According to the finding of this research, the drivers of the migratory flows of expert and skilled employers in developed countries seemed distinct from those that characterize skilled migration from developing to developed countries. These drivers of opportunities for technological entrepreneurship have been given access to leading to private research at home and globalization policies of the R&D practices on national companies in countries, bottlenecks to employment opportunities in public research and cluster of innovation and research. Besides, these governmental drivers play a significant role in inflows from underdeveloped countries to developed countries. The study suggested that the financial support offered to international students and the possibility of permanent settlement, the pro-skill immigration policies of receiving countries, the existence of immigrant networks and the more significant economic differential between countries act as essential drivers for skilled migrants from undeveloped nations to developing countries. It was recommended that the national governments should intervene in a matter of formulating and modifying the numbers of education institutions offering particular courses such as information technology, engineering, and social science. The reason behind the formulation and modification of education institution among international government s to regulate the level of skilled personnel in the global sectors.
In the United State, wasteful use of natural resources in the formulation and implementation of policies is the challenge that faces ministry resource. In this research suggest that overlapping competencies and fragmented instruments characterize many members of European Union human and natural resources efficiently. This review deployed a conceptual framework for developing and assessing efficiency policy mixes in natural and human resources. In this review, the data were collected from the United Nations of human and natural resources website and later analyzed through the application of a literature review. It was recommended that the mix of instruments and policies is the best procedural methods for resolving the issues facing policy formulation and implementation in the ministry of resources and complex challenges of the 21st century. The other advisable means for solving the problems facing department of resources include levels of governance and sectors and life-cycle of resource use, high level and containing interacting instruments targeting multiple actors and deployment of mix addresses numerous resources domains at a strategic. The fundamental purpose of this review was to discuss the effective natural and human resources efficiency policy instrument through the presentation of both case studies and indicative policy mix across nine policy domain. The case studies included the product-service system, supply chain efficiency in the food system, and subsidies on environmental harmful. The other procedural methods that should be deployed in resolving the issue of resources in formulation and implementation of policy was to promote the coordination of practices within the ministry from theory to practices, promote coherence, reduce conflict, maximize synergies and evaluating the key challenges facing the department with aim of overcoming the trade-offs in instruments design. Despite this research discussing a new resolution to wasteful use of natural resources in implementation and formulation which include coordination, deployment, and devise of mix policy, there is others resolution which provides timing and complexity of natural resources and negotiating for the power within this ministry.
Poor strategies deployed on decision making are challenges facing many industries that are set to deal with data analysis. These analytical data evaluate and examine how the data have great potential in facilitating the decision making at all phases of policymaking from the recognition of problem through policy evaluation, implementation, adoption, and formulation. As result of drawing examples from the worldwide, Brandi’s and Macfarlane evaluate problems in translating data in policy and claims a data broker intervene by operating with data specialists to make sure that data are available to provide solution to each challenge on policy formulation and implementation, and presenting and synthesizing evidence succinctly and clearly to policymakers. The other fundamental aim of this review was to discuss how poor strategies deployed on decision making when implementing and formulation policy, especially on the sector of data analysis affect government performance. This data was collected and recorded from the United Nations website. The same data were analyzed through the application of the statistical software and later through the deployment of the literature review procedural method. Brandi’s and Macfarlane recommended various criteria that international government and organization should implement to deal with the challenges affecting the progress and better performance in the level of data analysis. Some of the procedural process in which data broker in program of policy formation a and implantation include usefulness of dissemination and presentation of evidence, limitation of finding, timelines of data collection and analysis, formulation of the policy questions, responsiveness of data systems and later assessment of effectiveness of the communication, particularly in most of the national government sectors. This review claims that 50% of the United States department that focuses on data analysis provide unreliable information about the deliver poor performance that does not facilitate economic growth in the country. The development of this review was supported by the Adolescent Health Branch, Adolescent and Family Health, Division of Child, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Human Resources and Human Services and Health Resources and Services Administration. As such, this research aims to recommend that the best was to deal with issues of decision making in the policy formulation and implementation is through advancing level of education in tertiary education background, particular to data analysis course.
Conclusively, these research papers discuss several challenges facing formulation of policy, especially to the national government sectors. Some of these problem that affect process of policymaking from worldwide include Poor Corporation, competence in level of skilled personnel, poor decision making, wasteful usage of natural resources in the process of policy formulation, influence from department of the judiciary, corruption and ignorance among the management members led to poor performance in national governments sectors. There are several ways in which these challenges affect the operation of the national economy. First, In the United States, the departments of the legislature are considered as the primary challenge that influences the policy formulation in democracies of parliament. Second, Corruption is another challenge that is facing all the department of the government when it comes to government policy making or formulation. Third, coordination is another challenge facing the interdependence of national economies in policy formulation. Four, In United States wasteful use of natural resources in the formulation and implementation of polices, is a challenge that faces ministry resource. Fifth, Poor strategies deployed on decision making are the problem facing many industries that are set to deal with data analysis. The above summary is vividly indication that most governmental sectors and organization are affected above challenges, thus leading to economic failure among both developing and developed nations. Therefore, this research stands out to inform and educate about the challenges facing national, international, and organizations sectors. Additionally, this research recommends various procedural methods of dealing with the above problems. Some of these solutions include improving education institutions.