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Controlling emotions

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Controlling emotions

I have had a conflict with a middle-aged lady while traveling on the highway. The woman hit my car from the back while I was driving. Immediately stopped the vehicle and got full of furry. I went directly to see the damaged that had been done to my car. I was outraged and contemplated even punching the middle-aged lady. Thank God, I have learned to have good control of my emotions, and I resented from committing the act. I interrogated the middle-aged lady as to why she had done so to me. The middle-aged lady said that she accidentally hit my car as she was trying to swerve away and prevent hitting a dog that was crossing the road .

Even though I was angered , I cooled off. Tring to put myself into the woman shoes, I pitied her since it was not upon her will to hit my car. She was trying to evade killing the dog, who knows the impact might have got the dog killed. I evaluated the situation and came to the pity of the middle-aged lady and forgave. For sure, she had no otherwise, and it was wise to swerve away to prevent herself from hitting the poor animal.

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