Sensor and devices
Sensor and devices section comprises of GPS, CCTV, LED screen, IR sensor, and alarm buzzer. As the vehicle approach the transitional bridge, the server which is fixed with GPS will monitor the GPRS average area of the vehicle as it captures the image of the vehicle. At the same time, the CCTV camera will capture the video of a moving vehicle of an over-height vehicle when the system is triggered while IR LEDs detect the type of ambient lights. At the same time, this form of light will detect waves, thus making the camera to record the signal and transmit through the use of the wire capable to the screen. In retune, the LED screen will process the warning signal when the vehicle is found on collision with the bridge. This alarm buzzer indicates the warning signal, and the drive will be notified about the collision height of the vehicle by audible and flashlights.
At the edge IOT, we have Adriano board. This Adriano board is n charge of transforming the analog output into the digital output that indicates a light warning. At the same time, IR sensor processes the analog outputs which are transmitted to the Arduino board. This Arduino board is made of ADC, signal conditioning circulator, and microcontroller. The role of the microcontroller is to transform analog output at mega 328 into fix height of bridge that is indicated by LCD as the final output.
At the section of WAN Interface, there is the deployment of modem and internet. Within this modem, there is NodeMCU device that is used in prototyping the network of IOT. This hardware cell is applied in the configuration of IOT networks to deliver a bigger coverage of the network connectivity. This device is also programmed by Arduino IDC through use of USB cable and computer to provide internet. Instead of using a connection of USB cable to acquire a wide range of network, it is advisable to use hotspot connection.
In this section internet of things tend to integrate the infrared sensors as it plays a role of the controlling traffic. Road safety is integrated with IOT system to collect and analyze data that are found I transportation industry. Further, the deployment of the sensor and camera improve the efficiency of detecting the upcoming vehicle through an infrared sensor system and later giving alert the operator by use of the smartphone. IOT is essentials devices for creating a sensor product connection. The sensor is believed to do a lot of operation when there is an object in motion. In this process, database and server use User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to enhance effective receiving and sending of information, particular through the use of the wireless network. Through the IOT system, the over-height vehicle is recorded in the database. Since IOT is described as a disruptive technology that comprises of analytical technologies, cloud, social, mobile and social, after the data of over-height vehicle is recorded in the database the IOT system computes the real-time data of the object height. By use of the sensor, the actual distance and height of the object are measured. The microcontroller is responsible for calculating the height of the vehicle based on the program details. By that microcontroller will transform analog input into a final output which is displayed in LEDs, voice and lights warning. In case there is an occurrence of the vehicle collision with the system, the GPS will be in the position of sending an alarm to the ROP by use of email. Also, in case the vehicle is exceeding the fixed height, the driver will be alerted by the use of sound and way of the LED. Moreover, the occurrence of the incident will transmit a message to the system via a message and irregularities made be checked by ROP application and look on-site image of the vehicle.