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Table of contents


Chapter 1: Introduction 3

1.1 Introductions 3

1.2 Rationale 3

1.2.1 What is the issue? 3

1.2.2 Why it is an issue? 3

1.2.3 Why it is an issue now? 3

1.2.4 What light does this research shade on? 4

1.2 Aim of the research 4

1.3 Objectives 4

1.4 Questions 4

1.5 Research hypothesis 4

Chapter 2: Literature review 4

2.1 Threat mapping against cybercrime incidents and factors for preventing them 5

2.2 Development of victim profiles for minimizing the risk of victimization 5

2.3 Initiatives for cybercrime combat and evaluation of their effectiveness 6

2.4 Cybercrime policing and its associated metrics, such as the cost of policing tasks and statistics of cybercrime in the public sector 6

Chapter 3: Methodology 7

3.1 Research philosophy 7

3.2 Research approach 7

3.3 Research design 8

3.4 Data collection methods 8

Chapter 4: Conclusion 8

Reference list 10


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introductions

Cybercrime is a majorly developing aspect that is related to the overall development restricting factor. Cybercrime is defined as the type of crime in which a computer is used to facilitate or conduct some of the most disturbing practices such as phishing, child pornography, hacking, hate crimes and spamming. In the overall scenario of the various types of cybercrimes, a major factor that plays very crucial role in their conduction is data. This proposal reflects the efficient management of online operations and develops approaches for managing issues of cybercrime. An in depth analysis of different responsible factors are discussed throughout the proposal.

1.2 Rationale

1.2.1 What is the issue?

Cybercrime is a largely spreading phenomenon that is affective almost all types of industries as well as the personal interactive opportunities of individuals. The impacts related to availability of cybercrimes have led to a very serious situation all around the world. The cases related to cybercrimes have drastically increased with the advancement in computing and networking technologies.

1.2.2 Why it is an issue?

It is a major issue as online crimes have been a significant part of all major operations in the current years. Areas such as shopping, bill payments, business transactions and trading are largely affected by the implications of wrong cyber arrangements and unauthorised service breaches all around the world.

1.2.3 Why it is an issue now?

In the current scenario of business, data security and information privacy are some of the most important aspects and thus in order to provide the relative strength to the escaping mechanisms associated with this issue. In addition to this, there is a major lacking in the awareness segment of this issue and a relative analysis is much needed to draw appropriate attention in respect to this prevailing issue.

1.2.4 What light does this research shade on?

This research provides a relative understanding of the various fragments that collectively provide a major impact on the cybercrime and its awareness all around the process. Factors such as threat mapping, development of victim profiles and their relative initiatives in order to combat the issue of cybercrimes are some of the most important aspects that are taken in to consideration throughout this research.

1.2 Aim of the research

This research aims to develop a relative analysis over the issues, impacts and relative precautionary measures that can be taken in order to develop a proper campaign for controlling increasing incidents of cybercrimes.

1.3 Objectives

To specify various threats that are related to cybercrimes

To analyse the idea of cybercrime and its relative effects

To develop an approach which can justify ways to control highly developing incidents of cybercrime

1.4 Questions

What are the various threats that are related to cybercrimes?

How can the idea of cybercrime and its relative effects be analysed?

What are the various approaches that can justify ways for controlling cybercrime?

1.5 Research hypothesis

The research hypothesis related to this subject is largely associated with the development of a pre-judgemental approach that can be justified with the completion of this project.

H0: Cybercrime is not a major issue in te current business context.

H1: Cybercrime is a major issue in the current context of business operations.

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Threat mapping against cybercrime incidents and factors for preventing them

In order to map the availability of different types of threats and opportunities related to cybercrime, a relative fragmentation of its assessment is highly required. In order to simplify the learning process associated with issues and considerations cybercrime is categorised in to different fragments which are namely, man in the middle attacks, drive by attack, password attack, eavesdropping attacks and cross site scripting attack (Ab Rahman and Choo, 2015). Apart from these there are several other types of cybercrimes which have major importance in terms of performing illegal practices. At large scales there are some of the most effective perspectives which signify the importance of cyberattacks and crime a big issue. Threats like data theft, improper usage of international resources and huge irregularities in context of business transactions are largely affected by the availability of cybercrimes. There are several factors which relates to an availability of relative conclusion in context of this subject. Factors such as availability of efficient technical interventions and large loopholes in the structure of operations have initiated the chances of failure throughout the issue of cybercrime (Chainey et al. 2018). In order to prevent the misuse of internet and technology based development in terms of cybercrime, applicable initiatives such as development of a centralized monitoring factor and secure operational environment can be taken in to consideration. These aspects can be a real help in order to facilitate the overall usability and operational importance of internet and information storage and movement.

2.2 Development of victim profiles for minimizing the risk of victimization

Victim profiles are some of the most important aspects that co-relate with understanding of cybercrimes and their respective characteristics. It helps in taking in to consideration the various loopholes and disadvantages which can be a major reason for the development of various types of cybercrimes. One of the most important factor that is related to victim profiling when consideration the cases of cybercrime is its pattern and mode of conduction (Cole, 2015). Different set of issues and responsibilities are related to each other in different types of operational arrangements which are not visible to major types of experts also, so the availability of an appropriate profiling system can provide significant amount of help in terms of security and precautionary principles associated with an organizational setup. Victim profiling also helps in making a reasonable amount of concentration over new aspects of crimes that are being conducted in terms of internet. It provides the authorities with an opportunity which can be justified as an important segment for concluding results of different methods used in terms of anti-cybercrime initiatives (Williams et al. 2018).

2.3 Initiatives for cybercrime combat and evaluation of their effectiveness

In order to control the overall development that is associated with cybercrime combat, there are several perspectives which signify the issue and provide appropriate ways for its solution. Currently, the domestic as well as international legal systems are largely in accordance with the respective associations and appropriate alignment towards controlling efforts for cybercrime control (Khan et al. 2018). Different stakeholders with different interests and profiting perspectives are largely included throughout the international global internet scenario and thus the policies and regulations initiate a considerable amount of focus over a much wider impact area. Initiatives such as, development of proper tools to control and monitor every single information related to internet and keeping a check over its fragments of development play a vital role in sustaining adverse impacts of cybercrimes (Levi et al. 2016). The effectiveness of different combat initiatives is largely dependent over its connectivity with the impact population and relative development that can be obtained with its inclusion in the mainframe of operation. Different regional organizations which have an international consideration are also a very useful method of controlling the drastically increasing cases of cybercrime along with appropriate effectiveness (Abomhara and Køien, 2015). In addition to this, there are different set of cybercrimes cells in regional authorities along with the international wings which facilitate the monitoring as well as responding perceptions related to cybercrime.

2.4 Cybercrime policing and its associated metrics, such as the cost of policing tasks and statistics of cybercrime in the public sector

Law enforcement in terms of cybercrime is a huge area that has come in to existence in the current scenario. Cybercrime policing provides a relative analysis of all the major perspectives which take place in a cyber-operation (Leon, 2015). The initial criminal justice regulations were not at all appropriate for the development of large scale improvements in cybercrime and thus cybercrime policing gained its popularity throughout the process of cybercrime reduction. Different associated matrices such as policing costs and requirements are largely taken in to consideration as they are the initial building blocks which constitute legally binding obligations to the cyber network and operations (Taal et al. 2017). Cybercrimes are not only limited to data breaches but it is a methodology that is aligned with an objective to facilitate smooth and goal oriented development. Factors such as low technology monitoring methods, investigation and availability of professional disciplines are some of the most initial segments that are involved in order to provide a relative protective mechanism for cybercrime perspectives. Developments at different level of operation in terms of the usability and consideration of online information management, a significant amount of cost management perspectives must be taken in to consideration (Jansen and Leukfeldt, 2018). Sustainability in terms of coat management is one of the moat important factors that are required to be taken in to consideration for enhancing the strategic approach of dealing with currently available challenges.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research philosophy

Research philosophy is something that guides the concept upon which the research is being conducted. Realism, interpretivism and positivism are the three types of research philosophies that are used to describe any research. This research will be based over positivism philosophy as it will help in gaining the pre-judgemental considerations and expectations for this research and enable the researcher to develop positive approach (van Zyl, 2015). The reality oriented alignment perspective related to positivism philosophy will be highly beneficial for the researcher to instigate an overall orientation of relative adjustments throughout the research.

3.2 Research approach

In order to constitute different concepts and theories related to cybercrime in this research, the researcher will be using deductive approach. The use of deductive approach will also be beneficial for analysing previous considerations which are concluded in earlier researches over this issue. It will be very beneficial in developing an objective understanding which can be in large extent helpful for this research (Barrett and Bolt, 2014). The availability of deductive approach can be termed as a major driving factor in summing up of different fragments such as theory, hypothesis, observations and confirmation related to this research.

3.3 Research design

Research design is a major segment associated to a research conduction process and thus in order to facilitate its development the researcher will be using descriptive research design. The use of descriptive research design will also help the researcher in gaining a reflective understanding of real time applications related to the subject. It will boost the overall usability and operational importance that is associated with this project (Lewis, 2015). This aspect of research design will also be beneficial for the researcher to collect and analyse a huge among of samples and draw appropriate conclusions over them.

3.4 Data collection methods

In order to provide the research a correct platform for making recommendations, a majorly needed perspective for sample collection needs to be utilized. The researcher will be using both qualitative and quantitative methods of information collection in order to gain a proper reflection of the various perspectives that have a major impact over the combating initiatives related to the prevailing issue. Bot primary and secondary sources of data collection process are initialized and in order to fragmentise the whole researching process the availability of differently approached methods need to be involved. Availability of a sound data collection method provides significantly high results and thus this aspect is highly under consideration for each and every interest group.

Chapter 4: Conclusion

A major conclusion that can be developed from this assessment reflects the drastically developing issue of cybercrime and their respective reasons foe operational. All the major fragments that are related to development of wide area cybercrime initiatives along with the measures which can be implemented in order to facilitate its control and coordination. Almost every type of cybercrime is in some of most extent related to insecure data storage and availability of ineffective approaches for dealing with its transfer and management. Major aspects such as victim profiling and measures to control data protection and management are larger consideration included throughout the process. The evaluative nature of this research is largely important to provide a significant amount of information and analysis over the subject taken in to account.

Reference list

Ab Rahman, N.H. and Choo, K.K.R., (2015). A survey of information security incident handling in the cloud. computers & security, 49, pp.45-69.

Abomhara, M. and Køien, G.M., (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: vulnerabilities, threats, intruders and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security, 4(1), pp.65-88.

Barrett, E. and Bolt, B. eds., (2014). Practice as research: Approaches to creative arts enquiry. Ib Tauris.

Chainey, S.P., Curtis-Ham, S.J., Evans, R.M. and Burns, G.J., (2018). Examining the extent to which repeat and near repeat patterns can prevent crime. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.

Cole, E., (2015). Insider threats and the need for fast and directed response. SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room, Tech. Rep.

Jansen, J. and Leukfeldt, R., (2018). Coping with cybercrime victimization: An exploratory study into impact and change. JQCJC, p.205.

Khan, N.S., Chishti, M.A. and Saleem, M., (2018), September. Identifying Various Risks in Cyber-Security and Providing a Mind-Map of Network Security Issues. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Networking: ICCCN 2018, NITTTR Chandigarh, India (Vol. 46, p. 93). Springer.

Leon, A.D., (2015). Impacts of Malicious Cyber Activities(Doctoral dissertation, Johns Hopkins University).

Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D. and Williams, M.L., (2016). The implications of economic cybercrime for policing.

Lewis, S., (2015). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Health promotion practice, 16(4), pp.473-475.

Taal, A., Le, J., de Leon, A.P., Sherer, J.A. and Jenson, K.S., (2017). Technological and Information Governance Approaches to Data Loss and Leakage Mitigation.

van Zyl, I., (2015). Disciplinary Kingdoms: Navigating the Politics of Research Philosophy in the Information Systems. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 70(1), pp.1-17.

Williams, M.L., Levi, M., Burnap, P. and Gundur, R.V., (2018). Under the Corporate Radar: Examining Insider Business Cybercrime Victimization through an Application of Routine Activities Theory. Deviant Behavior, pp.1-13.


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