To: Ms Villa
Date: 29th January 2020
Subject: Sugar Ban for healthy lives
The research paper will revolve around sugar ban and will show how people will lead healthy lives if the government imposed the ban. Sugar increases the risk of obesity, tooth decay, diabetes and heart-related conditions when taken in high portions. It also increases stress, causes gum diseases, and it affects cognition in children.
Sugar has also been known to affect the brain by causing the latter to produce a feel-good chemical known as Dopamine in large quantities. This explains why one would crave for candy and sugary products as opposed to whole foods in an effort for the pleasure brought the chemical. Additionally, sweet products are likely to cause mood swings since they create a quick rise in blood sugar. The cells absorb the sugar, and the sharp drop of energy causes one to be jittery and easily irritable.
Sugar should also be avoided for those people who would like to remain young. This is because excess sugar in the bloodstream attaches to proteins to form molecules called AGES. These molecules damage the fibre proteins that are responsible for keeping the skin firm and youthful. The sagging skin and wrinkles cause one to ages faster.
Weight gain is another effect of excess sugar intake. This exposes one to the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Excess sugar inflames fat-causing cells causing them to release chemicals that are responsible for weight gain.
With the many reasons that would support the sugar ban, because of its effects, there would be opposing views to this. This is because sugar is not the only contributor to unhealthy diets. Intake of salt, saturated fats and high-calorie dairy products have also greatly affected peoples’ health. Ban on sugary products only might, therefore, send a wrong message to the public that sugar was the only unhealthy product. Additionally, it is hard to point out the sugar-dose relationship between sugar and obesity clearly. This relationship differs among different individuals.
High pricing on sugary products could lead low-income families into going for other options which could be expensive, unhealthy and sometimes inconvenient.
If prices of sugary products went high, people are likely to consume less of these products; instead, they will turn to natural foods which are suitable for their health. A healthy public will result in a decrease in public health care and the funds saved could be put into other uses that would be of benefit to the country.
In the research paper, I will endeavour to show the need for the sugar ban, while I consider the counter-arguments to this topic. I hope you will find this proposal appropriate and that it meets the requirements.