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Sim’s Hardware

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Sim’s Hardware is the most significant hardware retailer in Australia established in the year 1928, including products hardware, paint, tools, outdoor, garden and housewares. However, the company faces several business problems that create difficulties to sustain. One of the typical business problems is the uncertainty that could affect Sim’s Hardware in various types. Some of the uncertainties include technology, credit market, new government regulation, and the global economy. Hence, the purpose of this report is to implement applied research strategy for analysing the sustainability of Sim’s Hardware. Furthermore, the discussion has three parts which break down research strategy into applied research strategy and hypothesis; applied research methods and data collection techniques; findings of applied research strategy.


Part A: Applied Research Strategy and Hypothesis

  1. Research Purpose and Question

The purpose of this research is gathering different kinds of uncertainties for Sim’s Hardware’s work processes. Furthermore, it impacts on all the business negatively or positively is another objective. Hence, research questions are formulated around the concept of business problem uncertainties inside the business world. Following research questions are considered an essential part of the applied research strategy. Additionally, the targeted group is contemporary business organisations who are going through different types of uncertainties in a business sense.


Q1: What is uncertainty inside business environments?

Q2: Elaborate on different types of uncertainties or deviations, which cause challenges for Sim’s Hardware (Bhamra, Dani & Burnard, 2011).

Q3: What impact does uncertainty have on company’s work process as well as sustainability?

  1. Geographical, Cultural, Social or Institutional context

The context narrows down research in some specific dimension regarding uncertainty business problem. Furthermore, the geographical context showcases the dimension or scope of area in which research will take place (Liu, 2019). As Sim’s Hardware is specific to Australia with customer reach in 50 km of significant city, hence research scope will be identifying companies going through uncertainty in Australia. While the cultural context for research will include how culture impacts the organisation’s uncertainty. For instance, cultural factors due to diverse perspective could influence organisation due to their personal beliefs. Furthermore, social influence includes economic conditions which brings uncertainty for Sim’s Hardware. Therefore, applied research is based on all the factors which could affect uncertainty business problems.

  1. Policies and procedures for conducting the research

Sim’s Hardware follows strict policies for conducting human resource management, financial statements, as well as credit and taxation policies respectively. Hence, conducting research based on different participants must follow a proper protocol while gauging the economic, environmental, market, technology and governmental uncertainties for specific organisations. Furthermore, ethical guidelines for conducting applied research includes awareness with active participants for the purpose of study, conditions, and telling them the truth regarding the concepts (National-Louis University, n.d.). For example, in this research study participants will be employees, CEO, and research analyst under Sim’s Hardware. Besides, a complete brief will be offered to them before proceeding on primary and secondary research.


  1. Data Collection and Storage

As per organisational procedures and policies, all the equipment provided for employee efficiency should not be tampered and use inappropriately. Due to this protocol, all the data collection and information retrieval related to research will be done without harming any equipment. Hence, data will be collected and stored in a systematic way with the help of paper-based records. Paper-based records are the information that is readily available on the internet and offers data on the organisation including journals, reports, articles, project files and business letters (Ayatollahi, Bath & Goodacre, 2009).

  1. Description of Research Methodology


The research methodology for Sim’s Hardware and their uncertainty problem will include primary and secondary data collection methods, respectively. The research methodology is a practical technique which is implemented as a tool of the trade so that possible information could be collected and analysed (Jovancic, 2019). However, our proposed research is based on defining uncertainties. Hence, qualitative and quantitative data collection both could be implemented for identifying situations. Following characteristics are included for conducting research.


Sample Size: The sample size for evaluating uncertainty will be 50 organisation facing a similar issue. It is essential to obtain how other organisations that are contemporary to the Sim’s Hardware is going through issues of a down economy, technology implementation, and other new changes.


Population: The population for studying business organisation includes companies situated in Australia, specifically in Sydney same location at Sim’s Hardware. The research scope is narrowed down towards the region’s prospects.


Data Collection Methods: Qualitative data method applicable here will be questionnaires for understanding uncertainties impact on business growth. Furthermore, all recorded responses will be converted into answers converted into the numerical form, including, charts, graphs and tables (Jovancic, 2019). On the other hand, the qualitative method will be one on one interview conducted to obtain the perspectives of senior managers related to uncertain issues which comes while doing businesses (Sutton & Austin, 2015).


  1. Factors Affecting Data for Research


The data collection for research is accomplished with the help of different mixed methods presented. However, it also affects the research process abruptly if not followed under a certain protocol. Following factors must be considered will performing the Research on Sim’s Hardware business issue.


Integrity: The research integrity is a process in which honest and verifiable methods are used to propose, perform and evaluate certain research problem effectively. The honesty for conducting research builds trust for identifying a serious issue. However, if integrity lacks then research process comes under false pretence and does not offer any credibility for organisation to consider.


Validity: Validity is another important aspect for conducting qualitative research because it shows transparency, and makes researcher unbiased (Mohajan, 2017). Hence, validity should also be kept in mind while conducting qualitative research methods, respectively.


Reliability: To obtain reliability, the 1-on-1 interview should be unbiased and fair while seeking answers. Hence, respondent validation for our research will be obtained by including participants and showing they’re with interview transcripts (Noble & Smith, 2015).

  1. Limitations of the Research

There are two important limitations of the research that will make the process somehow shorter. First of all, the sample size for conducting research is limited as we are looking into contemporary organisations. However, in Sydney the companies working in similar fashion are quite limited to the Sim’s Hardware. Second of all, lack of research studies conducted on different types of uncertainties in collective way is another difficulty to accomplish. Some studies only include economic perspective, or technology or another domain. Hence, finding specific research studies is a severe limitation of research to overcome.


  1. Justification of Relevance of The Research

Nowadays, business goes through different problems because of the lack of prediction for anything. In the current world, it is impossible to assess what could disturb the company’s sustainability. Additionally, decision making sometimes goes wrong for investment choices, or resource allocation bringing violation of organisational models (Platt & Huettel, 2008) Therefore, assessment and predication for future sustainability it is essential to conduct active research on current issues. Therefore, this research is relevant for Sim’s Hardware so that they could avoid such uncertainties at times of business problem suddenly appears.


Part B: Applied Research Methods and Data Collection Techniques

  1. Applied research methods Evaluation

Applied Research is a systematic approach in which objective is to find a solution for an industrial or business organisation based on the formulation of a theory (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). For conducting research, the theory was proposed based on the issue of uncertainty for processes inside Sim’s Hardware organisation. Hence, the theory was on what kinds of uncertain issues could negatively impact the organisation and reduce its sustainability.

Therefore, for planning research theory and using applied research method, different uncertainty issues were identified through paper-based record methods. Following uncertainty issues or theories were defined for planning research strategy.


  • When the economy goes into recession, an uncertain environment is created inside the organisation. Additionally, companies stop investing and hiring for new recruitments due to economic recession (Bachmann, Elstner & Sims, 2013). Therefore, it impacts the company’s revenue and its competition survival with other contemporaries.
  • Environmental uncertainty impacts small business owners and their marketing decisions negatively (Didonet, Simmons, Díaz‐Villavicencio & Palmer, 2012).
  • Implementation of new technology inside the organisation could bring uncertainty for adoption and use among employees.
  • Another uncertainty issue includes regulations introduced by the government, which impacts business processes negatively. For example, emission tax and emission trading scheme were launched under climate change protection act; however, it produced business risk for organisations conducting manufacturing (Bui & de Villiers, 2017). Hence, changing regulations bring uncertainty in business processes of product development and manufacturing companies.


  1. Selected Methods and Techniques


Following methods and techniques will be used to select, gather and analyse data as per research methodology concepts as well usage of technology.


  • Secondary Data Collection Method

Secondary data collection method offers answers to the research questions through online and academic research. Hence, this method will be applied in the initial phase of the research process to understand what business uncertainty term exactly means. Additionally, for secondary research paper-based records will be obtained and stored at one location. Some of the essential records will be peer-reviewed journals, articles, company reports, and online articles offering information. After pursuing secondary research, we will conduct primary research for specific sample size and population as explained part A.

  • Primary Data Collection Method

The primary data collection method is persuaded after accomplishing primary data sources for getting an idea on the issue. After understanding different uncertainties such as technology, economic recession, disruptive technologies now primary data will be obtained. Furthermore, primary data involves the source such as customer, company executives and employees who are the target market for assessing in situations. In this research, primary targets are senior managers from organisations, Sim’s Hardware employees, as well as their top customers. Two types of primary data methods will be implemented, including qualitative and quantitative research.


  1. Qualitative Research Method

In a qualitative research method, one-on-one interviews with the employees will be conducted effectively. It is essential to understand that uncertainty could also affect customers and employees negatively. Henceforth, we will analyse through structured interviews and on record transcripts for presenting research.

  1. Quantitative Research Method

Quantitative research method includes number as part of numerical analysis. Hence, a survey will be conducted online for senior managers to evaluate uncertainty problems, respectively. For instance, survey questionnaires for 50 senior managers will be conducted so that the uncertainty issue could be analysed. After numerical data are acquired, then it will be tabulated in the form of tables, charts and other visuals.

  1. Justification for Methods and Techniques

The data collection methods are used as per the appropriate business industry situation. Furthermore, to evaluate the issue, best options are considered as survey interpretation and interview conduction processes. Therefore, with current applicability, these methods are adequate and appropriate to the applied research process.


  1. Sources of Information (primary and secondary)

Secondary sources of information will be academic databases including google scholar, Elsevier, IEEE and other available through online catalogues. Furthermore, reports of industry and Sim’s Hardware will also work as another source of information. Whereas, the secondary source includes employees and senior managers from sampled size 50 organisations. Further, customers will be a secondary source of information which are associated with the organisation throughout.

Part C



Ayatollahi, H., Barth, P., & Goodacre, S. (2009). Paper-based versus computer-based records in the emergency department: Staff preferences, expectations, and concerns. Health Informatics Journal15(3), 199-211. doi: 10.1177/1460458209337433

Bachmann, R., Elstner, S., & Sims, E. (2013). Uncertainty and Economic Activity: Evidence from Business Survey Data. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics5(2), 217-249. doi: 10.1257/mac.5.2.217

Bhamra, R., Dani, S., & Burnard, K. (2011). Resilience: the concept, a literature review and future directions. International Journal Of Production Research49(18), 5375-5393. doi: 10.1080/00207543.2011.563826

Bui, B., & de Villiers, C. (2017). Business strategies and management accounting in response to climate change risk exposure and regulatory uncertainty. The British Accounting Review49(1), 4-24. doi: 10.1016/

Cooper, D., & Schindler, P. (2011). Business research methods.

Didonet, S., Simmons, G., Díaz‐Villavicencio, G., & Palmer, M. (2012). The relationship between small business market orientation and environmental uncertainty. Marketing Intelligence & Planning30(7), 757-779. doi: 10.1108/02634501211273841

Jovancic, N. (2019). 5 Data Collection Methods for Obtaining Quantitative and Qualitative Data. Retrieved 25 February 2020, from

Liu, Y. (2019). Online and Offline Communication and Political Knowledge and Participation in Presidential Campaigns: Effects of Geographical Context. International Journal Of Communication13(24). Retrieved from

Mohajan, H. (2017). TWO CRITERIA FOR GOOD MEASUREMENTS IN RESEARCH: VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY. Annals Of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series17(4), 59-82. doi: 10.26458/1746

National-Louis University. Policies and Procedures for Conducting research (pp. 1-11). National-Louis University Institutional Research Review Board.

Noble, H., & Smith, J. (2015). Issues of validity and reliability in qualitative researchResearch. Evidence-Based Nursing18(2), 34-35. doi: 10.1136/eb-2015-102054

Platt, M., & Huettel, S. (2008). Risky business: the neuroeconomics of decision making under uncertainty. Nature Neuroscience11(4), 398-403. doi: 10.1038/nn2062

Sutton, J., & Austin, Z. (2015). Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management. The Canadian Journal Of Hospital Pharmacy68(3). doi: 10.4212/cjhp.v68i3.1456


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