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Learning from the Incident Technical Report

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Learning from the Incident Technical Report


Learning from the incidents of injury in an organization is considered to demonstrate the events, precautions, measures and policies after the incident injury outcome of the future. It may have both positive and negative impacts on Renovo building Company and The Strong building Company (Bradley & Rudolph, 2011). Therefore, positive learning from the previous incidents such as injury is an event which has the ability to significantly enhance the activities of the two companies from attaining and achieving their intended goals and objectives especially in the management department. Thus, the role of the report to the two companies is primarily to ensure that the management is capable to achieve the intended goals and objectives through effective learning from the injury incidents and safety processes. This can be significantly achieved by simply providing an overview of the two companies on the various mechanism as well as necessary methods of learning from injury incidents and respective management processes.

The nature of the report in particular is to understand the significance of using injury event to learn from and improve the safety of the employees as well as achieving goals and objectives of the two companies. Therefore, the roles of learning from injury event report are to develop proper process of learning from the injury event, ability to access various guidelines for incident reporting, investigation and relation to the learning from the incident process. Similarly, having the ability to understand the importance of using incident causation theories that enables to guide incident investigation and analysis (Bradley & Rudolph, 2011). On the other hand, understanding the various injury causation models for proper analysis of an injury event.

 Task 1: Importance of learning injury event and improve safety.

Learning injury event is very essential especially in dealing with the health hazards in respective working place with the ability to ensure safety of the employees, offer possible immediately emergency aids, and prevent possible occurrence, this is to create rational Occupational health and safety (OHS) (Bradley & Rudolph, 2011). Learning of injury event especially in working place are determined to the well-being and safety of the employees in the two construction companies.

The primary desire is to reduce the extent of accidents and further injuries that can affect the health condition among the employees. Therefore, the significance of using the injury event to learn and improved safety is developed through proper implementation of safety programs concerned with promoting safety and healthy working environment. And as a result, Renovabuilding Company and The Strong building Company main focus in using injury event to learn from and improve safety is to create rational occupational health programs by simply promoting and maintaining safe working capacity in regard to immediate employees’ health. moreover, the aim is to ensure the companies is much capability of attaining proper organizational culture to support the overall health and safety in the companies.

Additionally, the process of learning from injury event is crucial and fundamental to the development and achievement of the two organizations goals and objectives. Thus, through learning of injury incidents processes and models, the two organizations enhance the ability to instill professionalism among employees to improve productivity standards. In the long run, the organizations are capable of eradicating the chances of employees suffering from accidents and injuries especially from falling of building leading to the decline in the level of services delivery. Therefore, proper process of learning injury incidents is normally conducted to enhance productivity in the organizations to reflect through the provision of quality services. To some extent, it reduces the cost and expenses that the two firms incurs as a result of injuries occurrence in the working environment. Cost mitigation tends to reflect higher profitability of the company and increment in revenue generated.


Task 2: Implementation of learning of injury incident like fall from a building.

2.1:  The Learning from Incident Process

To ensure safety in working environment there are needs to implement essential learning from incident process. However, there are different steps and procedures used in effective learning from the incident processes. Consequently, the two organizations may have already process set aside to learn from incidents. Learn from injury incident especially when it involves the fall of a building, it provides a common way primarily to visualize the injury incident. The learn from incident process in the fall of a building from a few days or even several months. This largely depends on the scale of the injury that occurred when a building fall and how the falling of the building incident has been distributed throughout the organizations (Margaryan, Littlejohn, & Stanton,2017). In most cases, learning the injury incident begins when an incident or a near miss has occurred, when information about an incident is circulated from one site to another, then people starts to raise the concern about the onsite safety. The activities help and offer a potential opportunity for learning the injury incidents. The following are the learning the injury event process when a building fall.

2.1 (I); Reporting the injury event of the fallen building.

Since every incident that occurred must be reported to the relevant authorities. so, the incident of the fallen building must be properly reported to the relevant authorizes of the two organizations. This is primarily to raise the awareness that a certain building has fallen and identification of any potential and necessary problems that could lead to another. This is because, failure to report the incident, can results to severe injury or death while the injury event could be easily contained and possible deaths prevented. Therefore, the two organizations that’s the Renovo building Company and The Strong building Company must therefore ensure the reporting process is properly implemented to provide a starting point for the learning of the injury incident (Margaryan, Littlejohn, & Stanton,2017). The two organizations. The two organizations should make reporting to their respective departments be systematic and ensures that all events that can potentially jeopardize safety should be properly recorded. The organizations should therefore prioritize reporting over other competing goals and their objectives. After reporting the injury incident, the organizations should ensure rationale and appropriate mechanism to analyze the reported incident. Therefore, the process is developed with the desire of determining the likelihood and consequences of injury and develop understanding of the injury, and how the injury even at the fallen building affects the desired goals and objectives of the organizations.

2.1. (II); Proper Investigating Channels.

The injury event at the fallen building for instance requires proper investigation. This is mainly to avoid emergence of false information for actions by the two construction companies. During the investigations, the fallen building is properly analyzed mainly to identify cause of the incident. Ideally, both immediate and underlying causes should be properly surfaced during the advanced investigation process. The investigation should carry out in different ways such as investing those who were present, including those who saw how the incident of building falling occurred. This is necessary to get first-hand information.

2.1. (III); Developing injury incident proper alerts

The investigating team from both the two construction companies should provide a baseline for recommendation for inclusion in safety alerts, incidents alerts, safety flashes or lateral learnings around the collapsed building. They should be developed from the safety departments of the two organization or maybe be by the organization managers who are familiar with the work process and the necessary practice. These alerts should include the data elaborating more on the context in which the injury event happened and the various possible cause. The developed injury event alerts should be very clear and assist different individuals what they can do order to prevent such injury caused by the collapse building.

2.1; (IV). Proper Communication.

Communication through the incident alerts should be communicated to every individual who might benefit from them. The organizations should properly balance between communicating all the incidence alerts that occurred and targeting alerts to a particular group of people. The people on the safety department of the organization should have the responsibility for developing the alerts and decide the target population that should receive the information. Even though in most cases like the incident of a fallen building, the senior and supervisors of the organization always take the responsibility for communicating incident information to their respective safety teams.

2.1; (V). Reflection.

The people around the incident area for instance the resident around the collapse building should be given proper time to reflect on the injury incident alerts. Giving them the opportunity mainly to think the relevance of the occurred incident to their work or environmental living. The organization employees must be given a humble and fair opportunity to offer their input as well as feedback on how to improve the learning from the injury event and safety improvement. This can be significantly done by simply identifying their personal important recommendations as well as actions for improving safety and learning from incident processes for developing incidents alerts and communicating them. therefore, it gives people a chance to actively and resourcefully with learning from the injury event, rather than being inactive recipient of the information.



2.2; Implementing the required and necessary actions and processes.

The above actions should be properly implemented by the relevant authorities such as the safety departments of the organizations. This is necessary primarily to avoid the repeat of the similar incident of building collapse. the implementation actions should be taken immediately the previous incident is totally completed. therefore, the implementations should result to a positive change in both the two organization processes or different behaviors leading to the increase in safety as well as decrease in chances of occurrence of similar incident. Hence, without proper change in organization processes and behavior, then learning from injury event cannot properly occur in the organizations.

Task 3. Implementing safe workplace practices

3.1. Commitment to workplace safety.

The organizations need a well designed and implemented a workplace safety programs. The workers or employees need to demonstrate to the two organizations that indeed they are committed to workplace safety (Leistikow, Mulder, & Robben, 2017). This can be done for instance, handling the report from injury event at the collapse building with a lot of care and immediately, doing a very fair investigation and giving a very significant report plus helpful recommendations that can assist the construction companies in solving the problem with a lot of ease. This usually concerns the management because they should be the first to reflect the values in words and action. Therefore, constantly encouraging and reminding workers to always follow proper safety procedures.

3.2.  Training and educating workers and safety department workers

The training of the workers on matters to do with the safety should be always regular especially when a worker is first hired and new to the organization. This is done because sometimes the organization purchases a new equipment that need proper skills and training to be handled. For instance, advanced technological equipment used to carry out investigations like in the case of a collapsed building.

3.3. Evaluation and implementation.

It is very critical for the two organizations to make sure that all the accidental incidents like the fallen building is properly investigated and it should be done fairly no matter how minor the incident might look. The safety team should first examine the cause of the incident in order to come up with safer solution even in the future. Therefore, it assists the organizations to develop and implement the most viable and effective workplace safety programs. Similarly, the most crucial and significant part of the implementation, it helps the organizations to create and sustain an open flow of communication between the senior’s managers and shareholders and the workers.


Task 4 and 5. Injury causation theories and models

The two organizations can employ the following causation theories of injury.



Management failures theory.

The failures of management might have resulted to the injury incident. If the management of The Renovo building and The Strong building Company is serious about their workplace safety and health. The management must show some commitment in evaluation and implementation of the safety measures and health of the workers. The management must also be in a position to establish expectations, provide proper training to workers on the safety measures and the usage of new purchase modern advanced equipment and therefore evaluate the workers performance in the organizations departments with safety measures in the mind. The management and senior shareholders of the organization must therefore reinforce safe and healthy behaviors

The Human Resource Environment, Health and Safety; the role of the manager at this department of the two organizations is to make very essential decisions that are effective in integrating project decision. When the department fails to properly integrate project decision as well as evaluate the risks that might be associated with the process of production and the ultimate impacts on the environment then it might result to injury incidents such as in the case of the fallen building.

Drugs and Alcohol consumptions.

Drug abuse and heavy and excessive consumption of alcohol might contribute to the cause of injury at the fallen building at the workplace risking the safety and health of other workers. A worker under the influence of drugs might not be a position to operate some of the organization’s machines regardless of their level of training (Leistikow, Mulder, & Robben, 2017). They might receive incorrect instruction for instance from the construction managers. Therefore, wrong instruction from the construction manager when o worker is under influence of drugs like marijuana or alcohols can results to poor and weak walls construction leading to the collapse causing safety risks and health to other workers as well as other people.

The systems theory of injury incident causation.

In the view of any injury accident or incident situation that might involve injury, then the system is involve. The system involves three components. They include, the person, the machine and environment. The combination of the three can results to failure of the whole safety operation and process. Or on the hand, the machine (agency) can fail and results to an injury event especially on the construction site.

The human factor theory.

The human factors such as errors can attribute to accident incidents ultimately caused by human errors. This can occur since no human being is perfect, it entails trial and error perspective (Leistikow, Mulder, & Robben, 2017). The human factor consists of three broad factors, which results to human factors. They include, overload, inappropriate response, and inappropriate activities. for instance, when it comes to human overload, he or she might fail when assigned too much tasks to perform. Therefore, a great risk to human safety and health in the organizational departments.

The Epidemiological theory of injury incident causation.

The epidemiological theory of incident causation holds that the model used for studying and determining the relationship between the environmental factors and disease can be applied to study causal relationship. When it comes to relationship between the environment and disease, due to environmental conditions may results to numerous failures for instance cold or dry environmental condition that cause diseases to human while performing especially on construction sites leading to collapse of the buildings putting the safety life of others at risk.




Unsafe conditions

This is the situation whereby the workplace and its environment is not safe for the workers according to safety and health standards. The unsafe conditions may include, wrong scaffolding, opening as well as protruding bar reinforcement bars

Task 6. Injury causation models

The injury incident at the fallen building should results to theories and models development considering the following views from different individuals about the collapsed building. The theory of multiple causation includes the following reasons, inadequate maintenance, poorly designed equipment, untrained workers and finally lack of policy enforcement or standard procedures.

Human errors model

It entails behaviour model which blames human for the occurrence of injury event at the fallen building. Errors in this situation are likely to be done by human actions in various environmental conditions (Leistikow, Mulder, & Robben, 2017). The blame is basically on their unsafe behaviour. The human behaviour model is based on the proneness theory. This is clearly showing that some individuals have some specific features that make them more in making accidents or injury incidents

Similarly, we have a human factor model, which is based on the notion that human errors are the major cause of accident like the injury that might have occurred at the fallen building. On the other hand, human unsafe behaviour and poor design of workplace as well as the environment which does not consider human limitation in the safety organizations departments. In this case, Doctor Russel Ferrel developed his own theory of accident which was based on chains of human factors causes. The theory strongly believes that the main cause of accidents is human errors. This is due to fatigue, overload, anxiety, and emotions.

Task 7. Recommended model.

The Swiss cheese Model and Heinrich Domino Model of injury event causation.

It was first developed by James Reason as the linear accident causation model. The models believe that organization is doing everything possible to prevent injury events by defence in order to prevent risks and hazards to results to their loss. The two organizations should therefore develop a hard defence, which results to physical obstacles and automatic alarming system. While soft defence which are strongly dependent upon personal and procedures, investigations and education and training.

On the other hand, Heinrich developed the famous Domino theory which was based on unsafe actions and conditions, mechanical and physical conditions. This may result to technical failures leading to accidents and injury events. and therefore, injuries are the consequences of an accidents caused by fault of a person such as carelessness

Task 8. Domino Model for identification of the causes.

The famous Domino theory model which was based on unsafe actions and conditions, mechanical and physical conditions. This may result to technical failures leading to accidents and injury events. and therefore, injuries are the consequences of an accidents caused by fault of a person such as carelessness (Margaryan, Littlejohn, & Stanton,2017). The social environment, the process of acquiring skills from the workplace and therefore, lack of social skills and knowledge, inappropriate social and environmental might results to fault of an individual hence cause an injury event.


Task.9. Conclusion.

We can therefore conclude that accidents and incidents especially in construction work areas are always unplanned. The injury event especially on the fallen building always occurs due to individual errors and failures from materials, machines or objects which may result to injury, damages or even property loss. Most of these injury incidents occurs when employees ignore the organizations safety rules, as well as the management ignoring the safety conditions at the workplace (Margaryan, Littlejohn, & Stanton,2017). Therefore, unsafe actions and unsafe conditions, mental and physical condition, as well as the environmental conditions are the major immediate causes of injury incidents. Accidents and incidents causation models and theories gives detailed explanations on the direct and indirect happenings of accidents and incidents. Emphasizing on the roles of human errors on causation of injury events due lack of proper training and education as well as the mental condition of the individual worker.









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