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Operating System

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Operating System










Operating System

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Solution 1 3

Abstract 3

Introduction 3

Literature Review 4

Search Strategy 5

Selection 5

Methodology 5

Conclusion 5

Solution 2 6

Best fit Algorithm 6

First Fit Algorithm 6

Solution 3 7

Solution 4 9

Solution 5 10

Solution 6 12

Solution 7 13

References 15




Solution 1


Within a recent era of the computing world, operating systems as well as applications, competent memory not capable to outlast without management, chiefly if a relevance or application for an indeterminately long time must be subject to severe load. To amplify the performance assets they should be efficiently utilized. Real time frameworks and systems ought to utilize memory to execute or perform timely and with efficiency, otherwise, the aim of real time frameworks or system is going to be lost. It’s utterly a responsibility of the OS to convey help for the processes of memory management through numerous strategies because it acts as a key resource, for instance, the interface which runs on a hardware as well as application. Numerous memory allocation or distribution algorithms are designed to prepare memory, in keeping with the requirements and eventualities of use in numerous timestamps, however, there are several problems and challenges to supply full support or assistance for the fact of those allocations. In the OS, our management is completely controlled by numerous aspects such as memory management, application level, hardware level, as well as software system level particularly.


OS goes about as an interface among the end users and hardware. It controls all the operation as well as computer system processing. What’s more, it is additionally characterized as a unique program that deals with the PC equipment. The centralized computer working framework is composed predominantly to advance the utilization of equipment. The PC OS’s help multifaceted recreations, various business applications and for all in the middle of, the OS for portable or flexible PCs give an environment in which client or user can readily interface to perform and execute the program with a PC. In this manner, a few operating systems are actually panned or designed to be properly arranged, for others to wind up plainly proficient, and by a couple of combination or mix-up of the two others.


Literature Review

Dynamic memory administration assumes a vital part in memory administration because the overhead connected with the static memory administration is allotted for all the programs that keep running on time accumulation as well as does not utilize any piece of the memory block which can’t be utilized by different applications. For Effective utilization of advantages and more lively memory distributions, dependable load memory record structure is utilized, the stack utilizing static memory designation utilize DMA and makes it more efficient than the static memory portion (Irabashetti & Patil, 2016). The fundamental prerequisite of memory administration is to give approaches to progressively apportion segments of the memory to run their request, as well as free it for reuse and when never required again. This is basic to any propelled PC framework where a solitary procedure may be in progress whenever required.

Dynamic memory administration includes the utilization of pointers plus standard library capacities, in particular, malloc, realloc and free. The initial two capacities are utilized to assign memory, though the last one is utilized to return all the memory to the framework. The pointers are utilized to point the pieces of memory dispensed progressively. Much research has been properly done to enhance the dynamic memory repeats and the rudiments of various and consecutive fit are dependable in the changing territory, which must be moved forward. Two-level distinctive fit calculations are one of the enhancements of the diverse fit calculation. Considering the prerequisites of continuous frameworks, diverse calculations have been projected independently from two different levels. Indeed, even few changes have been completed on various calculations at two basic levels with the goal that it surely is made much more reasonable for the ongoing or real time frameworks (Irabashetti & Patil, 2016). In this article an immense amount of detailed data relevant to operating system strategies for the memory management, calculations, allocations as well as issues related to these strategies or techniques are mentioned (Irabashetti & Patil, 2016). In this study, author also research all issues or concerns associated with operating systems as well as whole algorithms associated with Operating systems and also research the complications connected with these techniques as well as methods. Author in this article also research on all required methods and techniques so that each and every reader of this article is capable to answer all the research questions related to the real-time exceptional applications and about dynamic operating systems.

Search Strategy

At first, I found that memory management procedures and techniques within OS essentially build my comprehension about the management of memory as well as I learn that it is important not to neglect and miss the fundamental ideas and thoughts. Keeping in mind the end goal to acquire important research papers with an emerging investigation of rising memory management procedures, conceivable research was led in IEEE, computerized library, research papers, Google Scholars. To get pertinent research learning, I utilized few keywords like memory allocation of memory management, memory management, and real-time OS allocation of memory, memory allocation issues or problems, dynamic memory allocation techniques.


After fundamental investigations on memory management of the operating system, I use to discover issues connected with the management of an operating system with the help of customary procedures of memory administration as well as proper strategies for identification of these issues are necessary because an operating system with fewer applications are not utilized for constant or real-time memory rehearse.


Instead of an uncontaminated proportional examination of strategies for memory management of the operating system, my main focus and attention are on immoderation of OS, methods as well as techniques of memory management and also on the understanding of those situations or circumstances where these techniques and methods are functional. Thus to focus and concentrate more on all the outcomes a general idea in addition to fundamental details of a small number of new as well as pre-existing methods and techniques has been used appropriately for this study or research.


In this study, I conclude that every technology connected with dynamic or alive memory management too has advantages and disadvantages and technology must be superlatively utilized in some particular situations. It has been concluded that mainly all algorithms are improved versions of previously discussed blueprint like the chronological as well as separate fit plus TLSF. The investigation exhibits that the specify of TLSF is reasonable for the constant framework in the strategy in light of the fact that the inward fragmentation is low because of TLSF, its response time is immense, and it is an essential request of all ongoing structures. The hugest factor is aside from this, TLSF portion notwithstanding assignment time is a little unfaltering time which makes it speedier than all other ordinary strategies.

Solution 2

Best fit Algorithm

With the help of best-fit algorithm memory block size required by any of the jobs is easily calculated just by using the formula mentioned below:

Size (Block) = size (Header) +n


When block size is obtained than scanning of block list is done and this scanning has been done with the formula:

N Words> = size (Block)


Therefore for our all problems allocation or allotment of the jobs to all memory blocks is shown in the table mentioned below:

Number of Job

Requested Memory

Allocated or allotted Memory Block

Size of Memory Block


Job A


57 K


Block 4

Extreme order memory

300 K

Job C

50 K

Block 3

200 K

Job D

701 K

Block 1

Low order Memory 900 K


As we know that Job B needs 920K, therefore, it will never be allocated to the enduring Block 2 whose size is 910K because the block size of memory is not sufficient to convince its constraint, it requires a minimum of 920 block size memory.

First Fit Algorithm

All the jobs are completely allocated to free block memory. In this approach, by searching throughout the free or liberated memory blocks as well as once an adequate memory block is found, it is then allocated, with no consideration about the blocks of memory that has not been reached and it finishes completely after finding the initial proper free partition.


Number of Job

Requested Memory

Allocated or allotted Memory Block

Size of Memory Block

Job A

57 K

Block 1

900 K

Job C

50 K

Block 2

910 K


Jobs mentioned below were not at all allocated for any of the free memory slabs because when Job A is allocated to the Block 1, and the outstanding blocks are not adequate for B as well as when Job 2 is allocating to the Block 3, furthermore no more remaining block is there for Job D. Jobs mentioned below are not at all allocated.

Job D

701 K

Job B

920 K


Solution 3

In the computer storage, the fragmentation is basically an incident in which space for storage is utilized inefficiently, falling capacity or presentation as well as often both. Accurate consequences of the fragmentation based on the detailed structure of storage allotment in use, plus the certain form of disintegration or fragmentation. As a rule, fracture prompts storage room being “squandered”, and all things considered the term additionally alludes to the squandered space itself. For different frameworks, the space used to store given information is the same paying little mind to the level of fracture. There are three extraordinary yet related types of fracture: outside discontinuity, inner fracture, and information discontinuity, which can be available in disconnection or conjunction. Fracture is regularly acknowledged in kind for enhancements in speed or straightforwardness. Closely resembling marvels happen for different assets, for example, processors (Hirschberg, 2015). At the point when a PC program demands pieces of memory from the PC framework, the squares are allotted in lumps. At the point when the PC program is done with a piece, it can free the lump back to the framework, making it accessible to later be designated again to another or a similar program. The size and the measure of time, a piece is held by a program fluctuate. Amid its life expectancy, a PC program can demand and free many pieces of memory. At the point when a program is begun, the free memory regions are long and adjacent. After some time and with utilize, the long touching districts wind up plainly divided into little and little bordering ranges. Within a long run, it might completely windup obviously unthinkable for a program to get costly adjacent lumps of the memory. Discontinuity happens inside an exceptionally dynamic memory distribution structure when a few free pieces are genuinely little to persuade any demand.

Internal Fragmentation: It is a space which is squandered inside designated memory frameworks or pieces because of limitations on the allowable sizes of all apportioned squares. All owed or assigned memory may be to some degree bigger than the asked for memory consequently this distinction in sizes cause parcel of memory, however not being used. Inward Fragmentation is essentially a region or a district and in addition a page which never used by the work involving that specific locale or for a page. Additionally, this space is totally inaccessible for utilize by the structure until the point when that particular employee is not completed totally and the area or page is discharged (Cunningham, 2013). At the point when the procedure is somewhat more than the asked for memory from the memory procedure, it makes a void space in a distributed piece, which makes inner discontinuity. Because of the guidelines representing memory assignment, more PC memory is some of the time dispensed than is required. For instance, memory must be given to programs in pieces distinguishable by 4, 8 or 16, and thus if a program asks for maybe 23 bytes, it will really get a lump of 32 bytes. At the point when this happens, the overabundance memory goes to squander. In this situation, the unusable memory is contained inside a dispensed locale. This course of action named settled allotments, experiences wasteful memory utilize – any procedure, regardless of how little, possesses a whole segment. This waste is called interior fracture. Not at all like different sorts of fracture, inward discontinuity is hard to recover, normally an ideal approach to expel it with a plan change. For instance, in the powerful memory portion, memory pools definitely cut interior discontinuity by spreading the space overhead finished a bigger number of articles.

External Fragmentation: This fragmentation happens when the dynamic calculation of the memory assignment allocates to a couple of memory and in addition, a little piece remains that can’t be effectively used. In the event that a lot of outside discontinuity occurs than the usable memory diminished radically. General memory space introduces just to persuade a demand, be that as it may, it is never be bordering. At the point when a procedure stacks and is expelled from memory, the clear space makes an opening in the memory space, and there are a few gaps in a memory space and this is named as an outer fracture. Despite the fact that the primary fit and also the ideal fit can change the genuine outside fracture sum, it can’t be totally disposed of. Compaction can be the ideal answer for external fracture. Outer discontinuity emerges when free memory is isolated into little pieces and is mixed by assigned memory. It is a shortcoming of certain capacity distribution calculations when they neglect to arrange memory utilized by programs proficiently (Stott, 2014). The outcome is that, albeit free stockpiling is accessible, it is viable unusable on the grounds that it is isolated into pieces that are too little independently to fulfill the requests of the application. The expression “outer” alludes to the way that the unusable stockpiling is outside the designated districts. For instance, consider a circumstance where in a program allows 3 constant pieces of memory and after that liberates the center square. The memory allocator can utilize this free square of memory for future assignments. Be that as it may, it can’t utilize this square if the memory to be allotted is bigger in estimate than this free piece. Outside discontinuity likewise happens in document frameworks the same numbers of records of various sizes are made, change measure, and are erased. The impact is much more terrible if a document which is separated into numerous little pieces is erased, on the grounds that this leaves comparably little locales of free spaces (Balyan, Saini, Sharma & Aggarwal, 2015). The key explanation for episodes of inside and also outside or external fracture is that inward or inner discontinuity happens when the memory is part into pieces of settled size while the outer discontinuity happens when the memory variable is partitioned into the size squares. At the point when the designated memory obstructs in the process moves toward becoming to some degree bigger than the asked for memory after that space left in a dispensed memory model or square is because of inside fracture. Then again, when the system is confined from memory, at that point it makes complimentary space, which causes an opening inside a memory and it is named as outside discontinuity (Cunningham, 2013).

Solution 4

Number of required pages for the storage of whole Job



Bits required for the storage of page numbers = 3 bits

Bits required for the storage of offset = 7 bits














Solution 5

By utilizing FIFO page removal algorithm,


Number of fault occurs = 10

Ration of Page Fault = 9/12 * 100 = 75 %

Ratio of no page fault = 2/12 * 100 = 16.67%

By utilizing FIFO



Number of fault occurs = 9

Ration of Page Fault = 9/12 * 100 = 75 %

Ratio of no page fault = 3/12 * 100 = 25%


I make a general statement for this which is; Yes, I completely increase the memory size and with this number of fault in a page would reduce.

Solution 6

In the FCFS all jobs are simply executed in their arrival order, therefore the processing order is,


Therefore there time is 0,

Total or whole time essential to practice all five jobs,

Central Processing Time of A + Central Processing Time of B + Central Processing Time of C + Central Processing Time of D + Central Processing Time of E

Which means 12+2+15+7+3: Total time is 39 ms

Turnaround Time is equal to finish time –arrival time

Turnaround Time for A =12

Turnaround Time for B=14

Turnaround Time for C=29

Turnaround Time for D=36

Turnaround Time for D=39

Hence average time for turnaround = 12+14+29+36+39


Answer is 26ms



In SJF or SJN, job with very small execution time select for the execution.

For the problem mentioned above the processing of Job is,


Complete time required for the practice of all five jobs,

The whole time needed to practice five jobs is,

Central Processing Time of B + Central Processing Time of E + Central Processing Time of D + Central Processing Time of A + Central Processing Time of C

2+3+7+12+15= 39

Which means Total time is 39 ms

Turnaround Time is equal to finish time –arrival time

Turnaround Time for B =2-0

Turnaround Time for E=5-0

Turnaround Time for D=12-0

Turnaround Time for A=24-0

Turnaround Time for C=39-0

Hence average time for turnaround = 2+2+12+24+39


Answer is 16.4 ms


Solution 7

FCFS: JobsB, C, D, E will be surely in a row when very first Job A is completed, their time of arrival is just less than a Central Processing Unit cycle of Job A. First come first serve format is used to execute on the arrival time.

SJN: Shortest Central Processing Unit cycle is only for the Job E which has 1 Central Processing Unit cycle, therefore it will perform first.

Relied on an ascending order of Central Processing Unit cycle Job B, Job D, Job C, Job A will surely be in a queue.

SRT: Sort remaining time will likewise select the perfect job for the performance or execution which Job has a small amount of time in anticipation of its completion. As the remaining time for Job E is very small therefore Job E is executed on priority basis. When the execution of Job is complete then all the jobs are queued in this order: Job B, Job D, Job C, Job A, Job C, Job D, Job A, Job A.

Round Robin: Within a Round Robin, perfect time slices are assigned to each job in equivalent portions as well as within a spherical order which manages all procedures irrespective of priority. Because we are utilizing a quantum amount of time of all 5 jobs, however, ignoring the framework switching as well as normal wait time needed, therefore first executed job is Job A. When Job A is finished then we go for next job and order is job B, job C, job D, job E, job A, job C, job D, job A.





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