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Research Methods and Project Design

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Research Methods and Project Design



Group Project Title

Internet of Things Enabled Smart Stadium for Enhanced User Experience

                                                               Assignment 1: Group Report

                                                           Student names and Student IDs

Srinivasa Rao Modugula            MIT190011

Aleem Mohammed                     Mit171391

Olufunsho Abiodun Olubowale Mit181554

Deepanshi Yadav                    Mit181591

Shaik Azeem                                 Mit182500

Bishnu Sapkota                            Mit182040








Project Supervisor Name: Sanjeeb Shrestha


Industry Name: 111IT Solutions

Contact Name: Mr Shiv Poudel


School of IT and Engineering



Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Problem Domain and research questions. 4

The problem in Current Scenario. 4

Key Research Questions. 5

Background and Project Objective. 5

3.1 Summary of Literature Review.. 5

3.2 Objectives of Project 6

Project Requirements Analysis and Specification. 7

Operations and Maintenance. 7

Enhance User Experience. 8

References. 9

Glossary. 14

Appendices. 14

Appendix I: Industry Client Details. 14

Appendix II: Individual Literature review.. 15














The technologies are increasing every day with new developments for society. Internet of Things or IoT is one of them which is quite popular due to being advance and offers several advantages. According to the predictions, IOT will involve at least 26 billion interconnected devices by the year 2020 [1]. The example shows popularity for IoT to achieve the concept of being smart. It can be defined as, a process which activates objects to see, hear, think, perform the jobs by talking and sharing information as well as making decisions and coordinating with them [2]. In other words, IoT enables devices such as mobile phones, laptops and computers for automatic work processes. This connectivity makes the surrounding smart, and in a single command, the work is done automatically without human help.

Similarly, in our daily lives also IOT could be used. Sport is a very crucial part of our lives because it provides entertainment. However, what if IOT is fused with stadium a smart output could be delivered. Hence, the purpose of this project is to implement the IoT mechanism in the sports stadium. There are two objectives which will be fulfilled through this project. Firstly, operations and maintenance facilities will be improved through upgrading system. Secondly, the user experience will be enhanced for the people coming and watching sports. This concept will be accomplished with the help of a tailored app that will connect devices with internet. Hence, this report will establish the connection of IoT devices could improve sports stadium through operation and maintenance facilities. These facilities will be green ground, light automation, security camera options, smart parking system management, restroom hygiene, and communication bandwidth crunch.

Further, the report is aligned through different sections. In the second section, problem domain and research questions for the current conditions of the sports stadium will be discussed. Section 3 will provide project background on IoT devices. Further, literature accomplished for the use of the IoT concept will be analysed. In section 4, project requirements for software, hardware and technical specification will be justified. Lastly, section 5 will provide an overall summary of the project developments discussions in this report.

Problem Domain and research questions

The problem in Current Scenario

The sport ‘Football’ is an integral part of our lives since it is inception from England. However, it is a form of entertainment that gets delivered through exceptional user experience as well as operations and maintenance. Currently, a Football stadium does not have any amount of technological advancements to achieve good experience. The report claims that Sydney Football Stadium underwent demolition due to lack of first-class facilities for fans, and female sports amenities [3]. Due to such reasons, the crowd cannot be seen in much quantity. As a result, the business side for supporting events gets much lower by entertainment companies.

The sport and entertainment companies cannot be solely focused on conducting a few games here and there. On the contrary, they depend on winning of the team every week or bringing new players; as a result, business productivity is not up to the mark and goes in the bottom of priorities [4]. Besides, profitability is another critical concern due to which revenue generation goes down. The operators who sell tickets, food and other merchandise does not produce a good income. Clearly, when there is limited customer crowd; who would buy food items, tickets and other facilities provided in the stadium. Therefore, there are two concerns which are identified in the field of sports stadium and entertainment. First, businesses do not focus on fans who are an integral part of games. Second, operations are lacking due to limited facilities for teams which lead players to quit.

Hence, to create a better user experience through operation and maintenance facilities, a large amount of technology investments is needed. Additionally, the Internet of Things (IoT) is an effective way to increase the experience of fans who could watch their favourite player. On the contrary, improved operations and management will help players to work in an organized manner.

The goal of this project research is to identify how the concept of IoT could be beneficial for making stadiums smarter. To accomplish this research; qualitative method such as document analysis will be considered. The combined research will be presented from selected peer-reviewed journals, articles, and literature presented in research from previous years.

Key Research Questions

Five research questions need to be addressed for this project.

  1. What are IoT and its significant characteristics which apply to smart stadiums? [5]
  2. How can different IoT technologies be implemented to improve operations and management? [6]
  3. Discuss different architectures of IoT that are suitable for Smart Stadium? [7]
  4. What are the advantages/applications of IoT for society? [8]
  5. What are the different adoption and security challenges for IoT implementation? [9]

Background and Project Objective

In this section, project background, as well as objectives, are discussed through the revision of literature review accomplished.

3.1 Summary of Literature Review

The current undertaken research determines how the concept of IoT has been implemented in several types of research. The review is aligned as per the IoT definition in the broader sense with its characteristics. Additionally, there are different types of technologies that the concept of IoT provides to make the stadium much better. The improvements are based on technologies that make operations very easier. Further, literature also revealed that for every IoT based platform, different architectures are designed. With the help of such architectures, the IoT platform becomes much simpler to operate. There are several advantages of IoT system in the sports and entertainment field. Because current stadiums do not offer anything either, it essential to infuse the concept of new technologies. Lastly, IoT is feasible on a theoretical basis; however, in a practical sense, adoption issues must be considered.

Approximately, 30 research papers for literature references are considered for conducting our research for IoT project. Also, we have identified sub-topics with the help of research complied together. For conducting research, peer-reviewed articles, government reports, conference papers, books and websites articles complied. Besides, the databases were used, such as Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ScienceDirect, IEEE, and ProQuest were very helpful to the research.

The individual research for a literature review is aligned in the following sections. In the first section, reviews are done to gather what IoT is as well as it is different characteristics. As per research studies, significant characteristics of IoT devices are connectivity, enormous scale, interconnectivity, processing speed, human interaction, heterogeneity [7]. Further, it explores technical characteristics; for example, data rate, frequency and ISM band, operation mode, maximum payload side, and power profile [7]. The second section discusses various IoT technologies that are highly effective; for instance, radio frequency identification technology, internet protocol, barcode, wi-fi, Bluetooth, wireless sensors [2]. The third section defines four major architectures of IoT implementation like European FP7 Research Project, ITU Architecture, Qian Xiaodong, Zhang Jidong Architecture, Kun Han, Shurong Liu, Dacheng Zhang and Ying Han’s (2012)’s Architecture [8]. In the fourth section, different applications are found in industries, healthcare, logistics, utilities, social interaction and smart infrastructure. The fifth section describes various IoT adoption barriers [2]. Some examples include security concerns, standardization, communication and human interaction factor [10]. Henceforth, the literature review successfully provides the role of IoT for effective and efficient smart stadium development.

3.2 Objectives of the Project

The objectives of the project are based on four original concepts which are described below.

  • IoT for Operations and Maintenance

The operations and maintenance include watch for players, restroom hygiene, lights, and communication bandwidth. The application should provide a connection to the services of the stadium. For example, IoT devices such as sensors help turn off and on lights. Another example is that the communication bandwidth for staff will be improved through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Furthermore, another possible way for providing player health benefits is wearable IoT device in their uniforms that will monitor body changes. Further, security can be checked so that terrorism activities could be analysed. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to provide IoT enabled atmosphere so that the operations and maintenance of stadiums could be improved. As a result, sports organizations will get the business benefit.

  • Smart Stadium App for Users

Another objective is providing users with complete fan experience as a live audience. The mobile app will be connected so that users could be connected with the stadium and take their services. For example, the parking system will be improved with online connectivity platform. Next, they could easily order food services online through app only. Rather than going and standing in the long queue, they will be able to achieve fast food delivery. Another instance can be navigation for the whole stadium by tracking the routes through GPS. Therefore, IoT devices are helpful, making fan experience unique.

  • Integration of Services on App

The third purpose of this project is to connect all the services on a single mobile app. Furthermore, this app should be compatible with users who have different smartphones. The support system should be sound so that user with android or apple could easily connect/disconnect.

  • Monitor and Control

The last feature and essential aspect for IoT enabled smart stadium should be monitoring of overall activities. The employees such as cook, sweeper, manager, security head must be connected on a single app. As per their requirement, they could be assigned activities. Hence, the purpose of the project is to enable a platform on which monitoring and control could be achieved.

Project Requirements Analysis and Specification

Operations and Maintenance

The operations and maintenance department look after different facilities of the Football Stadium. However, they manage as well as monitor facilities through the manual process of human resources, e.g., employees, workers, sweepers. Whereas, the staff is sometimes absent from the stadium premises. Therefore, we propose a desktop/mobile-enabled application as a solution to make the O&M department automatic. Further, this app will get connected to IoT devices such as sensors, camera, GPS and Wi-Fi to control operations. Six activities will operate automatically through the app dashboard with features. We will also provide six tabs for on that dashboard green ground, light automation, security camera options, smart parking system management, restroom hygiene, and communication bandwidth crunch. Furthermore, this application could improve user experience by showing consistency in operations and maintenance department. Hence, to develop the desktop application, we will require hardware and software requirements.

Following are hardware and software requirements to create the Desktop application:

Hardware Requirements

Name of hardware componentDescription
Computer: 1 GHz intel core processor, 512 MB of system memory (1 GB preferred), hard disk memoryTo develop software application computer is needed.
Physical Connection: Cable modem, DSL and other broadband connection, fibre optic data cablesIoT devices are connected to the stadium through cables.
Monitors: For security purpose and resolution should be 1024×768 and higherThe camera security will be watched on monitors in-stadium control room.
Wireless access points, Wi-Fi network, hub, switch, router, Wi-Fi extenderWi-Fi Network connection so that employee will connect desktop app through IoT devices.
OT sensors, Light heat sensors, GPSSensors for ground irrigation, floodlights, temperatures.
Communication mediums – Mobile, Laptops, Desktop, TabletsThe employee should have a communication medium to connect on the app.


Software Requirements

Name of Software componentDescription
Design: HTML, CSSTo design desktop and mobile web pages, we require HTML and CSS.
Scripting: Angular JS, JavaScriptTo design server-side scripting on the webpage, we require JavaScript.
Programming Language: JavaWe consider programming language java to build a webpage.
Windows: 32-bit and 64-bitThe software will be developed on the windows operating system.
Online Support: Internet connectivityTo research for a project, we require internet platforms such as Mozilla, Opera or Google Chrome.


Employee Simplicity

Employees work hard at stadium premises and are often busy sometimes with other activities. Therefore, we propose a mobile version of the application to make employee responsibilities easier. It will have easy navigation, user interface with a simple installation process. Further, we propose different options such as O&M department alerts, login, logout, register, parking allotment, customer seat upgrade, stadium directions, and restroom hygiene, automatic ground irrigation, on/off floodlight switch. Hence, to make a mobile application, we must consider hardware and software requirements

Following are hardware and software requirements to create a mobile application.

Hardware Requirements

Hardware Requirement Description
Computer: 1 GHz intel core processor, 512 MB of system memory (1 GB preferred), hard disk memoryTo develop software application computer is needed.
Screen resolutionThe camera security will be watched on monitors in-stadium control room.
Wireless access points, Wi-Fi network, hub, switch, router, Wi-Fi extenderWi-Fi Network connection so that employee will connect their app through IoT devices
OT sensors, Light heat sensors, GPSSensors for ground irrigation, floodlights, temperatures.
Communication medium: Android phone and Apple phoneEmployee run Smart Stadium app on a smartphone


Software Requirements

Design: HTML, CSSTo design mobile web pages, we require HTML and CSS.
Scripting: Angular JS, JavaScriptTo design server-side scripting on the webpage, we require JavaScript.
Programming Language: Java,We consider programming language java to build a webpage.
Windows: 32-bit and 64-bitThe app will be developed on the windows operating system.
Online Support: Internet connectivityTo research for a project, we require internet platforms such as Mozilla, Opera or Google Chrome.





















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  • IoT: Internet of Things
  • M2M: Machine-to-Machine communication


Appendix I: Industry Client Details

Company Name: 111IT Solutions


Company address: Level 2, 552 Princes Hwy, Rockdale, NSW 2216

Company Profile

Location: Sydney based IT Firm
Team Members: Software developers, designers, network engineers, system administrators, software developers.
Work Experience: 10 years
Software Products: Food services app, IoT smart home, Payroll management system, operations and management solutions.
Domain: Database design and Development, Digital Marketing, Software Development Training
Technological Expertise: JAVA, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Swift, PHP, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Laverval, JavaScript, Angular JS, and WordPress
Applications: Web, mobile and desktop application
Industry Assigned Supervisor Detail

Contact Name:

Email Id:

Contact Number:

Brief Biography: I have an experience in IT for ten years working in information technology companies with banking and insurance domain. My education is based on an Australian university in Bachelor in computer science and engineering, post-graduation in computer science and engineering. I am a professional certified for Microsoft since 2009 (.Net Framework) and has different other IT training such as cloud computing, IoT technologies, Data Science, project management, DevOps, Scrum Master as well as Cybersecurity. Besides, I have also assisted in one of the projects of IoT with smart homes.

Client Name and Signature                                                                                   Date:

Mr Shiv Poudel15/12/19

Industry Assigned Supervisor Name and Signature                                   Date:

Mr Shiv Poudel15/12/19


Appendix II: Individual Literature review

Student Name: Srinivasa Rao Modugula

Student ID: MIT190011


IoT stands for Internet of Things which has become a popular terminology. However, no formal or standard definition is found for the same. Several accomplished pieces of research have defined their explanation as per reach. IoT can be described as an interconnection of devices with the internet so that data creation for analytical insights and operations be obtained [11]. In other words, the IoT network provides the ability to connect electronic devices for information exchange. Whereas IoT can also be understood as the concept of connecting objects. Authors describe them as, objects which carry a unique function for communication and allows processes of transport, storage, processing and access to data [5]. Therefore, IoT is an infrastructure on which connecting objects are placed. These objects are helpful in the process of information sharing with each other.


Accomplished studies have defined several characteristics of IoT, which applies to the concept of the smart stadium. The first paper describes IoT devices are quite beneficial because of features like security, duty cycle, battery life, range, reliability and its relative speed [12]. It shows IoT devices will be helpful to make operations of smart stadium much better. Second paper state IoT devices provide instant network connectivity so that information could be exchanged and device control be obtained [13].  It is another characteristic which depicts that IoT facilitates connectivity instantly. However, connectivity is also discussed by several other kinds of literature published. For example, connectivity-related technical characteristics are discussed by authors. They discuss data rate, frequency and ISM band, operation mode, maximum payload side, power profile, range and standard [14]. Thus, connectivity could provide benefit for connecting with a large number of users. The mobile app could provide the ability to get interconnected in a specific range.

Similarly, authors in a study explore the concept of connectivity; M2M technologies is one characteristic which is combined through IoT connectivity ecosystem [15]. Again, another paper address how connectivity has become one platform for making accommodations for better and smart facilities [16]. Hence, connectivity is seen as the most prevalent characteristic supported by many literature acclaims.

Furthermore, the fourth published article demonstrate other essential characteristics. Authors explore things-related services are provided by IoT such as privacy protection and semantic consistency. Additionally, IoT is heterogeneous as different types of devices can be connected; whereas dynamic changes as well as the enormous scale is other characteristics [7]. Further, the authors explain devices are changed dynamically as per the command. Another vital aspect they discussed is how globally as well as for small network IoT is used. While the IoT concept is implemented on a larger scale makes it useful for larger projects. Thus, significant characteristics which apply to smart stadium concept is enormous scale because stadiums are more. The third research paper discusses two types of IoT characteristics, such as actor and device. The device characteristics include higher intelligence level processes and processing power; while, actor includes human interaction as a crucial part of the IoT system [17]. Therefore, human interaction and smart interaction is needed aspect which can be involved in the stadium experience.

Hence, from research articles, several characteristics are obtained, such as connectivity, enormous scale, interconnectivity, processing speed, human interaction, as well as heterogeneity. All of them are very much applicable to the smart stadium and their operations. The characteristics of a useful smart stadium project could be invented effectively.

Student Name: Aleem Mohammed

Student ID Mit171391

IoT Enabled Technologies

There are several technologies which are IoT enabled and has been researched in different articles for specific purposes. The very first research is based on Radio Frequency Identification, and it is used for smart technologies. The authors describe that RFID is a system which transmits the people identify from radio waves. They also explain that RFID resolve individual IoT system queries in a meagre budget.

Additionally, the paper reveals that RFID is divided into different parts such as tag, reader, antenna, access, controller, software and server [18]. The technology is also used for wireless applications, for example, distribution, trace, patient monitoring in healthcare applications as well as military equipment. This research also considers RFID as lower budget and highly secure technology for smart infrastructure.

The second and third technologies are being found in two more research publications. Consider second which in internet protocol and used on the internet so that information could be passed from one datagram to another. The authors also describe that in two ways, it is used in the IoT devices, for example, IPv4 and IPv6. It is grouped into five classes such as Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E. The research also establishes that protocol offers 4.3 billion and 85, 000 trillion addresses from IPv4 and IPv6 respectively [19].  Whereas, third technology which is highly famous and used in IoT systems is a barcode. This concept uses number and letter encoding for scanning of any product and considered reliable and massive storage capacity. Therefore, Barcode can be used for enhancing the user experience for buying food services [20] while Internet protocol offers internet connectivity which is a significant concern in IoT based smart stadiums.

The fourth technology in the IoT based system could be found as Bluetooth wireless technology to make communication. The authors have presented many aspects of understanding how Bluetooth is useful for IoT. Further, it will expensively connect the devices; for example, connections could be made with a notebook, computers, handheld, PDAs, cameras and printers in a range of 10-100 meters effectively [21]. The next research article reveals new and vital protocol ZigBee, which improves wireless sensor networks in IoT. Further, authors describe various characteristics such as low cost, low data rate, relatively short transmission range, scalability, reliability, flexible protocol design [6]. Besides, ZigBee is used for different purposes such as agriculture, industries monitoring processes, healthcare monitoring and energy power systems.

The last two technologies are also found very much applicable in the concept of IoT based system. Wireless sensor networks have sensors which could easily monitor a person’s conditions without any issues. Authors discuss some of the examples such as military, homeland security, healthcare, precision agriculture monitoring, manufacturing, habitat monitoring, forest fire and flood detection [22]. Whereas, another article also published how sensor technology works. For instance, sensors are fitted into a patient’s body so that responses for a particular disease could be found and medicine after-effects could be noted effectively. Lastly, artificial intelligence can also be applied in the context with IoT as per last research article published. For example, they offer different services such as embedded environment, recognition for context, personalized needs, response and anticipatory desires [23]. Therefore, technologies are highly capable and offer advancements to the field of IoT system.

Student Name: Olufunsho Abiodun Olubowale

Student ID Mit181554

Types of IoT Architecture

Research papers show different architectures to present Internet of Things. Smart parking facility architecture only shows allocation for parking spaces in the cloud computing-based platform [24]. Sport event management architecture uses two standards for communication between IoT devices; examples are Open Messaging Interface1 (O-MI) and Open Data Format2 (O-DF) [25]. As our goal to propose smart stadium for Football, the research papers support it. The literature shows that IoT architecture contains three layers such as perception, network and cloud computing [26]. The layer of perception and network contains sensor devices, as well as the default gateway. Cloud computing has network applications interface proposed in another study for security and interface ETSI’s M2M NSC and ETSI’s M2 [27]. These discussed architectures propose concepts of IoT implemented in the smart stadium. Further, sports and entertainment are considered for understanding how smart stadium facilities works efficiently and effectively.

Several other architectures are present in some research paper collection to support the concept of IoT system. European FP7 research projects consider things as an active participant for business, information and social process in their IoT architecture [28]. Whereas, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in their Telecommunication Standard sector proposed IoT reference model. The model has four layers such as application layer to show IoT applications; service and application support layer to show capabilities of IoT components; network layer for connectivity; and device layers for IoT devices [29]. Further, two more IoT architectures were proposed on the same three-layer concept. Qian Xiaodong and Zhang Jidong Architecture 2012, they consider three layers, example – bottom perception layer, middle transportation layer, and top application layers [30]. Hence, IoT architecture in literature review presents it in a 3-layered and 5-layered division. The network is essential for connecting IoT devices, and therefore, one research paper only shows network architecture model of IoT devices. Authors Kun Han, Shurong Liu, Dacheng Zhang and Ying Han’s (2012) and their architecture present layers like internet, high speed data network, and network management equipment [31]. Therefore, different IoT architectures are studied to understand communication bandwidth crunch activity.

Student Name: Shaik Azeem and Bishnu Sapkota

Place Student ID Mit182500, MIT182040

Advantages/Applications of IoT to Society

In the first paper, authors inform readers about different IoT based applications. They are smart infrastructure, healthcare, supply chains logistics, and social applications [8]. These applications are very helpful and could serve society in a number of ways as per authors. According to the study, smart infrastructure offers smart grid in energy collection as well as disturbed energy source installation and management [32]. Another study revealed that a smart city is the biggest application to offer security surveillance for homes and official buildings [33]. While, in healthcare, authors describe the advantage to improve patient’s life through monitoring and control health [34].

Further, IoT sensors are responsible for tracking logistics activities. They also offer discussion about integration of IoT in Facebook and Twitter for providing user activities [35].

On the contrary, the second paper provides completely different IoT applications like personal and social, enterprises and industries, service and utility monitoring, and mobility and transportation [36]. They predict that the use of IoT devices for social interaction is efficiently obtained. Transportation is considered another advantage through which traffic control is obtained from the Traffic Information Grid (TIG) and Intelligent Traffic Information Service (ITIS) [36]. While, commercial organizations can improve their transaction process; environment, agriculture and energy efficiency will be derived from IoT to the society.

In the third paper, a new advantage can be identified from the accomplished research on education and decision making. Authors reveal that smart education environment could be build so that society will have improvements for students seeking education from school and colleges. As per research, the smart environment could be built by using information and communication technologies such as information sensing devices and information processing platforms [37]. The former could be obtained so that teachers will monitor student performances. Whereas, the latter could help students from seeking their feedback on specific subjects.

In the fourth paper, applications are explored in depth from transportation, healthcare, smart infrastructure and social domain. Authors provide each section individually and align the advantages of IoT based network. For example, four applications of transportation include assisted driving, monitoring, maps and mobile ticketing. Whereas, healthcare has tracking, data collection, authentication and sensing [38]. The infrastructure will include smart homes, museums, gyms and industrial plants [39]. Lastly, the social domain has other applications like social networking, losses and crime theft [38]. Therefore, authors provide a survey to understand how IoT concept could improve our society by making certain changes.

The fifth and sixth paper offers applications in the particular fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and industries supply chain management [40]. The application of HCI based IoT applications could provide advantages in four domains like utilities, smart home, healthcare and wellbeing and personal data and privacy [41]. These applications are already discussed in the above literature and offer significant benefits. Similarly, the fifth paper discusses the concept of utilities in terms of supply chain activities. Further, the research explores how supply chain management has positive changes after IoT implementation [42]. Additionally, the role of IoT is discussed with the help of IoT concepts such as definition, technologies, SCM processes, methodologies, industry, supply chain processes, as well as food manufacturing. Therefore, various applications/advantages of IoT devices are discussed that could improve society issues efficiently.

Student Name Deepanshi Yadav

Student ID Mit181591

Adoption and Security Challenges for IoT

The compiled research shows several adoption and security challenges while implementing the concept of IoT. Following reviews are gathered from different acclaimed research done by authors for adoption and challenges.

[43] Authors in this research discuss various challenges in the adoption process of the IoT network. First, the internet of vehicles is one of the concepts which is not used currently due to issues in the ad-hoc network. Second, IoV is not used due to being vulnerable to cyber-attacks and identity theft. Third, data collection method is having many issues like corruption of information, buffer overflow, and algorithm problems. Fourth, software-defined communication platform could be replaced from traditional systems. Lastly, rainwater harvesting is unable to be used in IoT integration. Therefore, the article defines some of the challenges the IoT system is facing during adoption.

[9] In this research paper, authors discuss security and legal challenges for IoT adoption. Authentication of data from source to destination route is a crucial concern because cryptography key generation creates overloading. Paper also discusses access control as another concern because of limited support on access verification. Security measures are unable to take because IoT nodes unknowingly take private information of users. While, legal concerns are also considered, such as evidence analysis, collection, preservation, correlation, criminal actors’ evaluation. Hence, the paper is helpful to gather how IoT environments are challenging to adopt because of security issues.

[44] This research paper discusses four significant challenges of IoT adoption. First, standardization for IoT architecture and communication protocols are challenging to imply. Second, architecture implemented for IoT is usually integrated through application, logic, and hardware components that lack a complex concept. Third, interoperability is difficult to implement because IoT devices do not support software and vice versa. Fourth, some IoT devices are not available at the time, which makes adoption an issue.

[10] Similarly, this research paper not only discuss interoperability and security issues; however, establish other challenges also. Data extraction process in IoT seems impossible due to lack of fog computing whereas, big data produce a large amount of information which is unable to operate through traditional RDBMS. Further, networking protocols such as wireless sensor networks and M2M communication are costly and complicated.

[45] Authors discuss various challenges in IoT system due to lack of human interaction such as technical, society issues, economic, and political. Further, they explain people does not understand anything for IoT operations. Therefore, the lack of interaction fails, which is needed for the smart concept in the first place.

[46]Whereas, another paper emphasizes that no human interaction; however, standardization of the rules and regulations, IPv6 implementation, power supply for sensors are responsible for adoption issues. Thus, rules for implementing better IoT devices are required for understanding better quality. Additionally, the IP address for networking is also essential and should be focused on. Lastly, the power supply from the energy source is another concern from which sensors draw powers.

[47] This study explains vital concerns for the smart stadiums such as the risk of privacy violation, infringement risk, information collection with consent, violation risk for data ownership, sensitive information in working hands, the complex allocation for responsibilities, safety reduction, and defects in surveillance of videos. Hence, challenges from security, forensic and technical perspectives should be considered adequately. Smart stadiums should consider all three perspectives so that a better system could be designed for the company.



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