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The advert that I find to be having high personal relevance Is the advert on Grammarly account. The advert starts with a phrase, ” If you like something on your computer, you have to use Grammarly.” After the opening statement, what follows is narrations on experiences that other users have had on the Grammarly with some citing correcting of mistakes and also helping them with doing the correct citation. As a student, who is more focused on delivering more quality work, I find this advert to be more relevant to me.

One of the most appealing advertisements is the commercial on Pepsi, which majorly feature Cardi b. The ad starts with a narration of Cardi carol featuring Cardi b and her sister. The story, which is narrated in a colorful animated book that captures one’s attention, gives an illustration of Cardi B and her sister waiting for Santa to provide them with gifts. Use of Cardi B as the celebrity, animation as well as the full range of music and dancing makes the advertisement more pleasant.

The advertisement on snickers bite featuring Beck White is one of a commercial that exhibits surprise. The ad starts with a football game where Becky White is seen playing tiredly. After a tackle, Becky White falls, and one of the team members bashes her( currently representing a player named Mike) telling her that she is playing like Becky White, however, after been handed a snickers bar by a girlfriend who is watching, Becky White magically transforms to a young man and says that he feels better.





An example of an advertisement that is easy to process is an advertisement on Colgate Total Antibacterial Flouride. Apart from exhibiting how it enhances the readiness of an individual when they are meeting a significant audience, the advert makes a comparison between the ordinary toothpaste and Colgate. The advertisement uses pictures well-cleaned teeth, gums, cheeks, and tongue to show how the toothpaste manages to fight germs for a considerable amount of time totaling to 12 hours, thus keeping the mouth healthy.


























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