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MD Anderson Cancer Center Centre Consultant

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MD Anderson Cancer Center Centre Consultant































I would like to offer special thanks to Tamia Anderson for the assistance provided on the consultation on how to get better services at MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre.

The information appreciated because the advice given by Tamia Anderson has been of great help in the writing of this report. My very great appreciation is Managing Director MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre for the treasured proposals for the consultant report’s research and progress. His readiness for making time is a generous deed that was appreciated.

I am incredibly thankful for the professor’s assistance, the research supervisors, for their guidance and enthusiastic encouragement on this research work’s know-how.

My special thanks are extended to the MD Anderson staff for the excellent accommodation throughout the research process.

Finally, it is to thank my parents for the support given in my studies.














The main objective of this research was to. The analysis was written is to facilitate the importance of dialogue among consultants and clients. This contributes to the primary ways in which a conversation can be enhanced. Some factors were also brought into consideration, such as:

  • Customer problem

This was to show the challenges customers get when getting services at MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre and make the relative recommendations that will allow for better customer services.

  • Communication between staff and clients.

MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre seemed to have an obsolete database system; therefore, the consulting firm engaged in an activity to upgrade the hospital database system for better efficient services.

Therefore, the consulting firm was launched as a business plan to a way of profitability and passion for providing clients with safe and friendly advice where they mingle and share their perspective ideas. Hence, as a firm, we give them the required information for better decision making.

The lessons learned from the business will serve us as we go forwards on various communication styles and ways to start a dialogue.

Finally, I feel that our company is uniquely positioned to profit from changes done in various industries. Therefore, the consulting firm has leveraged the expertise to gain more profits not only to the firm but also to lend a hand out to clients in need of a consultation, which aids customer satisfaction. The report is organized into two phases:

  • Action or client approach phase- AI, AR and PC methods are used in client approach.
  • Reflection phase























Through the client and MD Anderson Cancer Care Center partnership, the client wants to get essential hospital services at a lower price. Therefore, effective communication has to be established. The purpose of this project was also to describe the problems faced by customers when getting services, especially from the hospital and the relevant measures needed to be put in place to curb these problems—the elongated guidelines on how the process consultant model distinguishes the various dialogue cons and pros.

The various work phases of this project include removing old methods of communications and the multiple ways responsible for aligning them with the know-how of understanding clients’ interests and the necessary skills to make a dialogue successful.

Key findings of this research are as follows:

  1. The results of this research showed the validation of how clients underwent some problems when enrolling themselves in the hospital for them to get treatment.
  2. The research also revealed that the MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre has an obsolete communication process. The consultant firm decided to assist the firm in aligning the firm’s communication sector. The most frequently cited titles were on the know-how of training the staff to use the relatively new information system to initiate the use of a common database and allow the staff to handle the operation efficiently.
  3. Support personnel to have diverse training experiences. The most training obtained by the staff personnel were on the most frequent database used to meet the various ideas on using modern technology.

Consultancy analyses: MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre Summary



Due to the increasing demands and growth of medical services and healthcare systems, the health facility system needs to respond effectively to meet these demands. On the other hand, the MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre has instilled specific measures and enhanced efforts that brush up the modern health facilities with other parties such as emerging firms contributing to the exercise. Information related companies tend to the necessary information for better prevention and cure. Other healthcare providers also come up with relevant materials and data sources that can enhance the health facility.

MD Anderson is a multi-national care center that has its general international headquarters situated in Houston, Texas. The cancer care center congratulates itself on its supreme advancements in cancer care facilities. It can provide time-sensitive healthcare such as screening services, dialysis services, and cancer treatment and mitigation.

The MD Anderson, Cancer Care Centre faculty, tends to receive an escalate on patients enquiring for services such as screening and treatment, showing that their strategies are economical; therefore, their operating approach proceeds towards better health care systems. MD Anderson, Cancer Care Center, involves advanced health solutions that have lend have lent a handout to cancer treatment hence making a remarkable pre-eminence in the industry.

Description of the issue

As a consulting firm, I encouraged the client to invest in hardwood furniture, which would lead to the merging of both firms to increase sales return. In addition to that explanation on the working agreement of both firms is enhanced.


The problem is that MD Anderson Cancer Centre needs to commit the commitment fee for the consultancy to start. This would ensure that the party is now ready to commence the process.

Multi-agency Agreement

By analyzing the issues, the client has the risk of facing; a fair contract agreement is written to allow both parties to set out rules and protocols to be followed when an issue is raised.


Although a company’s data tend to be valuable, most of the information is widely shared due to the copying of various business ideas. The efficient ways of collecting data can not only act as a time saving factor but also as useful intuition to the consultant report. The gathered information can tell about the information or organization aspects of time-wasting misdirection. The various techniques used in informal data collection were:

  1. Interviews

Interviews done on the staff showed that MD Anderson Cancer Centre is a great deed when it comes to cancer treatment, especially with its rating in the United States. The hospital is rated second showing its prominence in the cancer treatment; therefore, it is a great hospital to acquire treatment.

  1. Questionnaires and surveys

Questionnaires were deployed to a certain number of workers to gather the relevant information needed by the client. The questionnaires’ interests were similar to those of the client’s interests and expectations. Surveys were also used to collect data where valuable information about the pulp company was discovered. Most of the MD Anderson Cancer Centre customers stated that the Faculty met most of their expectations and sometimes exceeding them. This was due to the teamwork among workers who worked together, therefore, developing innovative ideas that result in customer friendly services, efficient quality services, and safety benefits regarding what the patient is diagnosed with.

  1. Observations

MD Anderson Cancer Centre is observed to receive recognition a top cancer treatment centers globally due to its improved services to customer’s interest. As noted in the surveys, workers work together as a group who end up developing innovative ideas that are customer-friendly and efficiently safe for patient treatments. Their focus on excellence is seen due to teamwork on the Faculty’s work and life balance. This has allowed them to have high ethical business practices, which increase the continuous learning among workers and other cancer centers.

  1. Documents and records

Documents show that the cancer center take care of their clients with assurance, steadiness, and technical support. It is pledged to help customers with the best services for the attainment of cancer treatment, therefore, making it to be recognized, leading to its dominance in the industry. MD Anderson Cancer Centre has a record of winning ‘The Health Memorial Award,’ which honors those that have made impressive work done for patients diagnosed with cancer care through applying basic clinical knowledge. The Faculty gives the venue for the annually conferred award honoring.

  1. Oral Histories of MD Anderson Cancer Centre

Studies show that the MD Anderson Cancer Centre is managed under a non-profit structure; however, for-profit agreements have let everybody tongues slip when the intention to do so is enhanced. The Faculty also takes insurance plans such as Obamacare. It is also recognized as the ASCO-American society award and the hosting of ‘The Health Memorial Award.’

Some challenges faced by the MD Anderson Cancer Centre patients are:

Acquiring the relevant Information

When a patient is informed of the possibility of contracting cancer, relevant information is key to enhance treatment. A trusted member family is vital when such information is being given for them to act beneficial to the patient. Hospital staff should use the appropriate methods of breaking the news to reduce the risk of depression and shock.

Providing Regular Emotional and Social Reinforcements

Patients are faced with depression and shock once the news of being diagnosed with cancer are heard. Therefore, families should provide the necessary support to patient to reduce stress. Psychological therapy sessions are also efficient as a patient may have feelings such as feelings of anxiety and factors such as insomnia leading to poor concentration therefore inability to function normally.

Facing Off Financial Challenges on a different perspective

Families should plan on what basis the patient is to get treatment from as the current medication cost are relatively high due to services such as chemotherapy.


Some of the recommendations are:

  • Obtain information about their care system if it has the capability of treatment.
  • Participate in decision making to build a foundation of trust between the client and the Faculty
  • Communicate various feelings felt by the client for better treatment.
  • Doing day to day activities such as hobbies and home tasks is a better distraction to the patient.
  • Giving time for doing healthy activities with closest friends.
  • Encouraging visits that are regular are good for the patient.
  • Minimizing economical effect in the household to get the extra cash for treatment is appropriate.
  • Prevention and regular treatment for late effects of treatment


Diagnosis is the study of micro-identification of body cells. Since discovering that scientists have been establishing methods to harvest specific organisms because they are a germ theory of diseases. Using genome sequencing methods, medical experts can observe abnormal functions of cells. Techniques used in diagnostic microbiology are often use a particular different information of what the species are preferably used in previous studies


The significant ways of contracting cancer are:

  • Smoking and Tobacco.
  • The kind of diet consumed and Physical Activity.
  • Radiations are causing cancer, for example, Sun and microwaves.
  • Viruses related infections.


As a consultancy group, MD Anderson Cancer Centre needs to ensure it protects the human subjects that are their clients. Contracts are written between the industry and the client to agree on what each of the party wants. For this to be legal, some measures are put into place, and these measures specify protection for the human subject and protection for the company.

  • Referees’ are present when the signing of the contracts has been finalized.
  • Names of the recipients are not written on the report to ensure maximum safety of individuals
  • Both parties agree on the terms and conditions of the opposite party.
  • Contracts should be legal after three months of both parties agreeing on the terms and conditions to be put in place.
  • Both parties should have a copy of the relevant documents signed by each of the parties.


There are a variety fo approaches in dealing with consultancy. These approaches include the client approach, which focuses on three key parts., the first part relates on the leadership skills in the organization and the ability of these leadership skills to be manifested in the care of the client. The approach also focuses on the development of the institution through technology.

Client Approach

This approach takes a rather methodical view by examining how MD Anderson Cancer Centre deals with its clients. This can either be by an appreciative inquiry, action research or process consultation. Appreciative Inquiry is based on leadership strengths and organizational developments that initiate positive change. This approach organizes change that focuses on strengths than weaknesses, which is often presented in terms of a 4-step process. Individuals and organizations can use Appreciative Inquiry to implement a shared vision to develop specific strategic plans and shift the corporate world. For example, MD Anderson Cancer Center may intend to build its capacity for innovation to expand development and research on the know-how of earning extra market share with a strategic focus as an affirmative issue hence improves the change. Another system tries to understand how the organizational elements are related and how they influence each other. In addition to that, all regulatory departments must work together to achieve the desired goals. Consulting is responsible for enhancing workplace teamwork and apply psychological concepts and research. Organization consulting also solves challenges that are likely to face in an organization.

Action research is simply a form of self-reflective Inquiry undertaken by participants in social situations to improve the rationality and justice of their practices, their understanding of these practices, and the circumstances in which the exercises are carried out (Carr and Kemmis 1986). This factor is a way of working as it is a notion of reflective practice (Schon 1983). Some methods of conducting action research are making observations, employing structured interviews survey questionnaires, or oral surveys.

Process consultation is where professionals have insights into and try to understand the psychological and social dynamics of working with various client systems with parties such as individuals, groups, or organizations. Its principles include maintaining touch with reality, access levels of ignorance, and the client’s problem and the possible solution. (Mamlin 2017).

Part 2

The MD Anderson Cancer Centre provides better cancer services in the States due to its modern technology used in cancer treatment, which aids the curbing of cancer deaths. A regular electronic mail short and precise to the point is sent to the firm for some inquiries. I identified myself as a consultant firm and wanted to bind an agreement between MD Anderson Cancer Centre and the firm. The core reason for consulting was developing the company’s information technology infrastructure to effect online services. From a previous conversation, the company had shown that through promoting the systems, they could reach the organization’s goal, which conjuncture with the latest advancement in technology. After I listed the various operating concepts, the MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre paid the down payment to our consulting firm the implementation process commenced a fortnight later.

The client decided to go along with more consultancy entirely within the firm. However, the client wished to perform a different task elsewhere hence paused the consultancy remotely from our firm. Training of our firm’s Staff was due to commence to ensure future alignments and cooperation among other clients or firms. Invoices were adjusted to bring into the training costs. The client looked to have been unsatisfied, but the issue was sorted out as soon as possible.

I recall some aspects of terminating the contract and dispute resolution, which I found to be a critical contract element to protect both parties from long-term disputes. An agreement was thereby planned that both parties would schedule a meeting to discuss the subject. I concluded the conversation by summarizing that the next actions were for the consulting firm to revise the various pays and invoice rates to formulate deadlines and timelines and contract articles on termination and dispute resolution terms.

Part 3

The Appreciative Inquiry, Action Research, and Process Consultation have raised a knowledgeable inch, which has helped me acquire knowledge directly related to my project. It has enhanced my reflective thinking, putting me in charge of my project, and reinforcing the relationship between them. practice and personal achievement (Coghlan,2019)



Dialogue is a major essential component for day to day communication. Hence it is a vital element of action research. The action research improves and aligns actions which only happen through dialogue (Palus & Maguire, 2015). Discussion is necessary for action research as it reveals hidden data where other methods rarely provide one with an opportunity to interact with the respondent. Moreover, this shows that there are possibilities for the actor to understand the respondents’ claims. However, through dialogues, the actor can derive the information from the respondent and differentiate what is right and what is a myth and misconception this developing effective and satisfactory actions (Manfra, 2019)

In response, research dialogue helps in creation testing and revision of shared understanding about the research findings. Recall, as stated earlier, dialogue helps in bringing out information that the respondent had hidden. However, before accepting the shared understandings between the parties, they must be tested and revised so that they can feel comfortable signing them.


Part 2

Generating dialogue with clients is not an easy task for a consultant or a consultant firm. However, if the right strategies are put into the measure, it improves the consultation program’s effectiveness. Building trust is a critical component in generating dialogue, which leads to effective consultancy. Firstly, one should build trust with the clients or the client’s organization to affect the conversation. True to the word is what the client’s firm should do to enhance the dialogue between the parties, therefore, strengthening the initiated dialogue and build trust between the consulting firm. MD Anderson Cancer Care Centre, herein referred to as the client, replied positively to questions given either through questionnaires or quick surveys. It has helped in question and answer model, thereby reflecting productive dialogue.

A conversational strategy is also a safe way of enabling a dialogue. Asking about the MD Anderson Cancer Center is a pleasure for a worker working there. The client responded to a few questions but not as useful as they were thought to be. The client’s organization’s agent deviated from the conversation quickly and did not bother to ask personal information or even appreciate the pleasure of consulting. The conversation ended soon as the agent was a downturn to all my dialogue methods, which shows that it failed. Lack of interest is what the agent lacked since it seems he was not alert.

This encounter showed that it is essential to have some background checks of individuals before having a conversation with them and learn their specific interests for one to be able to strike a conversation. If I had learned the agent’s importance, it would have been more comfortable to ask about his work or even allow the conversation to flow as needed. What do you love most about working in the Alberta-Pacific Forest industries? Providing more information about the firm is what I should have done to trigger a conversation with the representative. For example, saying, “The Alberta-Pacific Forest industries is a firm that other pulp companies look up to.”

Furthermore, this should have sparked excitement and interest in how I knew that the MD Anderson Cancer Centre was a modern cancer treatment facility, thereby triggering grounds for a better and productive conversation. The next strategy is to set off a relationship for long term commitments. Besides, it will increase our creditability to the company as being the best consultants, even if the contract is concluded. Due to this, they may recommend other parties, which might lead to future engagement with other parties.


Consultancy Work

Consultancy is the profession of giving expert advice, especially within a particular field. Hence this entails that I should work with the client to ensure that the results received are positive based on the area of expertise. For a client to work with the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, it is a task at hand to show how better information systems are of good value. So, an explanation is done on the staff regarding the deficiencies in their current system and the various possibilities for better improvements, and it represents the bulk of work to be done.

The role undertaken according to the client’s advisory and training role entails that the understanding of both parties, consultancy firms, and the cancer treatment industry. To begin with, I informed the pulp industry of how obsolete their systems were compared to technological advancements. By making recommendations on what are the best models of communication flow that they were to use as a firm, it would not only cut on the cost but also streamline the communication system in the firm. However, this would then call for training among the staff members to which the consultancy firm will offer extra service to the pulp industry for a better reputation. As a consultant, it will enable me to volunteer to guide the staff on the new communication system, which will be an improvement in the accomplishment of the tasks within the hospital.

The fluidity of agreements between more MD Anderson Cancer Center workmates would have inflated the consultancy process to a better stand since the credibility of the survey done would have been coherent. Therefore, a dialogue is the most efficient way to which I would have executed to discover the specific needs of the hospital and usher in particular changes suited to their needs.

However, I did not research adequately on the officials of the cancer treatment industry. This unconsciousness would lead to failing in my conversation. Through conversing with the representatives, unrestricted permission to what the client needs is gained, leading to making the correct decisions that would sort out the situation as it mandates. The consultancy process will be aligned if more research is done on the pulp industry and make sure the conversational process is in hand.

Working with the cancer treatment industry is better than being employed by them, a process consultant model takes the role under which. This interdependent exercise results in a more understanding between I and the industry’s workers. Process consultation presupposes establishing a relationship with the client; therefore, the consultant access to their internal and external domains is improving. Through my help to the company on the installation of better communication processes that leads to improvement in goals, the company wants to achieve hence making me introduce the staff members to better information systems. The process consultancy trains the staff on how the system works, and perhaps it is an above embodiment since it will help me accomplish my various duties at the firm only after most of the staff members are quite literate enough in the system. I have stated most since not all will be proficient with the system.

In my gainful employment at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, the process consultancy is an embodiment. I advise the staff members to consolidate the modern information systems in their day to day processes. Process consultancy will make the client understand how to handle the operations even if I am not around, thereby improving the services they will have.














Available at:

Coghlan, D. (2019). Doing action research in your organization (5th ed.). Los Angeles,

Jacobs, S. (2016). The Use of Participatory Action Research within Education-Benefits to Stakeholders. World Journal of Education LA: Sage Publications.

Mamlin, J. (2017). Teach a man to fish – understanding process consultation. Grays Peak

Manfra, M. (2019). Action Research and Systematic, Intentional Change in Teaching Practice. Review of Research in Education. 43. 163-196

Owusu-Brackett, N., Menon, P. D., Nazarullah, A., Jatoi, I., & Elmi, M. (2020). Bilateral Paget’s disease of the breast in a patient with CHEK2 mutation. European Journal of Breast Health16(2), 152-154. doi:10.5152/ejbh.2020.5568

Palus, C., & McGuire, G. (2015). Mediated Dialogue in Action Research. Center for Creative

Scully, R. (1983). The staff educator as a process consultant. Nurse Educator8(1), 39-42. doi:10.1097/00006223-198300810-00018










Appendix 1

Please find the letter of intent below:

1/1/2017 communication with the client

1/1/2018 communication with the firm

1/5/2018 Specified consultation duty approved

1/5/2018 Task is approved

1/5/2018 Consulate ready

1/7/2018 Informing both parties about the task

1/7/2018 Both parties approve

1/10/2018 Entry and data collection

2/1/2018 Scheduled interview to take place

2/3/2018 email notification of the company and the client

2/7/2018 Biometrics taken for both parties and referees

2/7/2018 Reviewing of necessary data

2/11/2018 We are still reviewing your case, and there are no updates at this time (MD Anderson Cancer Center)

2/13/2018 We are always studying your claim, and there are no updates at this time

2/17/2018 After consultation the contract is signed

2/21/2018 An electronic mail sent for Inquiry with the client

2/22/2018 Sent an electronic mail to the client

2/24/2018 Both parties finalize on the contracts

3/2/2018 The contract is a success

Appendix B: An application letter of the Abridged Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Please find the attached letter of application:

Principal Investigator:

Address Line 1: 

Address Line 2: 




Title of Project: Consultancy Research Report



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