The requirements and duties that a solicitor is expected to uphold
Yes. A solicitor can be disciplined for his transgressions. The law society of every state should maintain the standards and professionalism of lawyers. Moreover, the law society works to ensure clients are protected from unlawful practices of lawyers and other officials of the justice. The law society investigates, intervenes, educates and supports clients that have been mistreated by the officials of the court. Clients should never be afraid to report any form of abuse they experience from a solicitor. The commissioner would report the complains against the solicitor and the law society takes the mandate of investigating and finding a solution to the problem. If any form of abuse or mistreatment is found, the law society takes a legal against the solicitor. This action has ensured that many solicitors act properly while practising law. Moreover, the legal ombudsman of the public encourages any person that has been abused or disrespected by solicitors to report.
The justice system details the requirements and duties that a solicitor is expected to uphold. An important duty is that a solicitor should be courteous to clients during legal practice. The rules require solicitors not to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates that they are not fit for legal practice. A solicitor that uses abusive language and threatens a client disrepute the profession of legal practice and lowers the confidence of the public on the legal practice. If the tribunal finds the solicitor guilty, he or she can be admonished or censured. Moreover, any undertakings of the solicitor are withdrawn in the event of being found guilty of rudeness and abuse. Notably, the hearing is normally fair and some cases are dismissed while others are forwarded to the complaints tribunal. Reporting and investigation helps in upholding the standards and principles of legal practice.