Crisis management
Crisis management refers to the process formulated to prepare and apply suitable strategies that minimize and prevent unexpected threats, which might causes effects to individuals and organizations. Alessandro Carone gives out crisis management services and business continuity that serves different manufacturing companies, public administrations, and financial services. On the other hand, Luigi Di Lorio acts as a business consultant considering open human solutions giving out advice training specifically on emotional intelligence. The three tips that I have selected from Di Lorio and Alessandro’s article are first, try to capture and concentrate on the vital signals or alerts that come from others and outside. Secondly, take into account different risks that come out and always remain courageous. Finally, give autonomy and value to individuals who seem responsible, active, and brave.
The examples from the Apollo 13 that clearly describe the lessons against the three tips of Di Lorio and Alessandro are that Sy Liebergot, who was a mission controller of Apollo 13, captures and concentrates on the hydrogen tank warning signals due to low pressure while they were in Odyssey. Additionally, Swigert, who was another character of Apollo 13, remains courageous and takes the risk of flipping a switch when he saw the hydrogen tank give out a signal. Finally, the commander Lovell speaks out fateful words informing Houston that they have a problem to show that he recognizes and values him to responsible, active, and brave.
The course of action for three characters of Apollo 13 was useful because when Sy Liebergot recognized that the hydrogen tank produces warnings and concentrates on it, the signals indicated that the Apollo 13 was losing electrical power and breathing air that could have caused them to die. Similarly, the action of Swigert flipping the switch was effective because immediately he did, alarm lights arise to signal that, oxygen was becoming lower. Lastly, the commander Lovell’s action of speaking out fateful words to Houston that they have a problem was competent because he wanted Houston to be brave and active as he took the responsibility of rescuing them from the oxygen shortage.