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Ethics in Technology

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Ethics in Technology

The projection for the future focusing on Agriculture Technology and the Environment

Technology has made a vital contribution to shaping the world in various aspects ranging from society, economy, and environment. Irrespective of the benefits associated with the growth of technology, it has caused myriads issues related to the environment and society. However, it should be noted that advancement in technology is the crucial foundation for addressing environmental issues, climate change, food scarcity, and other global challenges. In the current century, the growth of technology is applied in treating waste, a fact that, in turn, helps in solving environmental problems. The advancement in technology is changing with a speed that human beings cannot keep up with by making it possible for human beings to carry out numerous activities that, in turn, boost their social and economic lives. Together with making lives more comfortable, advancements in technology play a vibrant role in helping human beings live greener and better.

Manufacturing industries are among the most vital industries docket in promoting the social lives and economic development of all jurisdictions across the world. These industries rely on energy harvested from natural resources such as petroleum products. The growth of technology has enabled the production of renewable energy. Surprisingly, some smart devices are helping people conserve energy since they are designed to shut off power for devices that are not in use. Smartphone devices can also adjust a thermostat or power use when an individual is not using energy. The overall effect of explained situations is the conservation of natural resources, which could have otherwise be depreciated through continued mining. Instances of energy conservation as a result of technology growth do not help reduce energy consumption but also eliminate environmental pollution by presenting human beings with more effective waste management strategies such as recycling glass and plastic.

Many structures in the current world are set in a manner that they are using natural lighting instead of using energy harvested from non-renewable energy sources. Offices, homes and business apartments in the current world are set-up to best utilize and implement light from the sun a fact that in turn reduce expensive lighting cost and eliminate the need for coal required to power the lighting process. The United States of America consumed 93% of coal in the production of electricity in 2017 (Gruenspech, 2019). There is a probability that the noted percentage will be drastically reduced upon embracing renewable sources of energy. It is hard but not impossible, to eliminate paperwork. The growth of technology offers an alternative to shun away pen and paper communication in all facets of life. The overall effect of explained ideology is the elimination of waste material and the proper utilization of available spaces at workplaces.

The positive and adverse effects of growth in shaping the future of the world can be traced back during the Stone Age, Neolithic Age Bronze Age, and other eras defining human civilization.  To evaluate the effects of the growth of technology, an evaluation technology history in the Middle East and Europe presents the basis of this section of the easy. The most notable activity during the Stone Age era was farming. Before turning to farmers, human beings were hunters and scavengers. The decline of hunting animals and the balance of ecosystems left human beings with no choice but to invent on farming activities. The first farming activity is dated 12000 years ago in the Middle East (Wurz, 2018).  This lead to the invention of farming tools such as hand axes, stone awls, and spears. A significant section of the Middle East is semi-arid. This made it vital for ancient farmers to define means of irrigating their lands for agriculture activities.  The invention of irrigation technology found its way in the Middle East during the Neolithic period.

Ancestors from the Middle East embraced better crop and animal husbandry. The most significant farming technology in the Middle East during the Neolithic period was the construction of dikes.  Dikes helped ancient farmers in the Middle East irrigate their crops and also prevented their farms from being ruined by floods. Construction of dikes was not the only technology notable in the Neolithic period in the Middle East; innovation of tools such as axes, blades, and scrappers also made a vital contribution in framing activities (Headrick, 2009). Farming technology invented in the Middle East during the Stone Age and Neolithic era continued undergoing significant changes in latter stages of human civilization, the fact that made farming activities more productive. For instance, during the Iron and Bronze ages, there was a significant improvement in farming technology. Plows with thin but durable iron blades were invented.  Farmers used these tools to overturn hard Earth a fact that expanded land for cultivation. Moreover, irrigation was enhanced through the utilization of windmills.

The diffusion of Agriculture technology is believed to have kick-started in Europe 11,000 years ago. Like in the Middle      East have undergone an enormous transformation as a result of advancement in technology. However, it should be noted that farming in Europe did not rely on irrigation unlike in the Middle East. This does not, however, imply that the region did embrace innovation in technology. The Revolution of farming plows is among the most notable technology during Europe Medieval period. Instead of using light scratch technology borrowed from Romans, Europeans invented the heavy plow (Ragheb, 2017). The heavy plow was invented because European soil was fertile and thus hard than the Mediterranean soil. The onset of the Conquest era saw its design of padded horses to draw their farming plow. Even ox-drawn plows were convenient; they were slower than the horses. Horses were preferred because they were not only faster but smart than oxen.

The spread of heavy plows and padded horse collar from Eastern Europe to Europe took place during the 8th and 9th century (McGrath & Griffith, (2015). The overall effect of the noted diffusion is that it enabled European farmers to exploit vast farming resources. The 11th century had Europe invent watermills. Even though this technology did not directly affect farming practices, it played a vibrant role in enhancing energy production.  The most notable benefit associated with invention watermills was the grinding of grains. The technology also shunned away from the need for slaves. Labor provided by slaves in rolling water mills was put in other beneficial uses such as clearing forests and bringing additional land under cultivation. Changes brought about technology advancement in agriculture saw to it human beings embracing new farming techniques and crop husbandry. Crop rotation is among the most notable changes that came about as a result of the growth of farming technology.  It should however be noted that poor means of communication during the Neolithic period limited the diffusion of agriculture technology.

Historical Benefits and Negative Ramifications of Agriculture Technology

Before the introduction of farming technology, human beings led a nomadic lifestyle. This implies that they did not have a centralized settlement scheme and a reliable means of feeding. Even though herding and fishing were major economic activities, they only sustained livelihood for people living along the shores and tropical regions. The invention of farming agriculture 12, 000 years ago transformed the lives of ancient communities by enabling them to understand they could govern wild plants’ growth. The overall implication of the explained ideology was the availability of food throughout the year. Innovations in agriculture came about during the Neolithic era.  The innovations displayed positive and negative effects on ancient people. There was a change of lifestyle from nomadic to a sedentary life. Unlike the nomadic lifestyle, a sedentary lifestyle does not allow the movement of people from one region to another.  The onset of farming technology during the Neolithic period had human beings rearing animals and embracing good crop farming. The essence of settling in a centralized region promoted the human construction of permanent structures, villages, towns, and cities (Koohafkan & Altieri, 2016). Directly linked to food production was an increase in population. For the first time in human civilization, innovations in agriculture led to the production of surplus food. Different communities during ancient times produced varying types of foodstuffs.  Surplus food products were traded within communities the fact that promoted growth of trade.

Irrespective of the benefits associated with agriculture innovation in the ancient times, it does not mean that the innovation did not have its side effects to the community members. The most notable negative implication associated with agriculture’s growth comes about as a result of an increased urge for cultivation land (Koohafkan & Altieri, 2016). Ancient communities used to slash and burn land clearing techniques. The technique works best in small towns, but for larger communities, it ruins soil nutrients and leads to soil erosion.  Instances of conflicts in ancient cities also erupted in the quest to conquer fertile land for cultivation.  A good example of conflict resulting from agriculture innovations in the Middle East is the Arab-Israel conflict.

Current Benefits and Negative Ramifications of Agriculture Technology

Agriculture innovations in ancient times have undergone a tremendous transformation to the invention of sophisticated farming machines and crop husbandry. The current changes in agriculture bear positive and negative effects on the environment and human beings. Among the most significant innovations in Agriculture in the current century is the manufacture of hybrid seeds. These seeds are capable of serving extreme weather conditions and indicate high growth rates. The overall effect of the utilization of such seeds is better to crop yield. Hybrid seeds withstand pests and crop diseases a fact that reduces the use of water, fertilizers, and pesticides (Bailey & Lappé, 2013). Ove utilization of pesticides and other chemicals containing aerosols promote thes depletion ofthe  ozone layer. Innovation in agriculture evident inthe  current century reduce thes runoff of farming chemicals in water catchment areas. Sustainable agriculture practices such as greenhouses and mixed crop framing reducs the urge for large farming land. Tthis reduces forest clearing.

Genetically modified organismsares among the most recent innovation in agriculture.  Though genetically modified plants are drought resistance, they are known causes ofadiersve health to human beings. Moreover,the change inf enhanced farming equipment implies that human beings can clear vast acres of land within a short period of time. The overall effect of the explained situationise high cases of deforestation. Modern farming methods emit significant levels of greenhouses gases such as methane and nitrous oxides. The noted gases mak as vital contribution to ruining the ozone layer. Agriculture activities also changs vegetation cover of the Earth and its ability to absorb and reflect light from the sun.The rResultant effect is enhancedby  global warming (Bailey & Lappé, 2013). Even though modern irrigation strategies such as drip irrigation do not consume a lot of water, they endrinkuming water from underground water stores through overrati—i Instances of ov-r irrigation amounts tsalinity o problety. In addition to the previolyus discussed negative implications, current innovation in agriculture increases plastic waste produc,ts especially in situations where plastic mulch is used to preserve moisture.

Discuss Your Opinion on What Will Happen With Your Topic in the Years to Come

Borrowing insights from ancient innovations in agriculture, it is evident that advancement in agriculture will present the future positive and negative effects. Thadtersive effec,ts howev,er ot shines the positive impacts significantly. The growth of agriculture during ancient times led to deforestation, growth of citi,es and trade centers (Headrick, 2009). The overall effect othe f explained situation w theas cultivation of more land to facilitatthe e availability of more land fofarmingon.  It is estimated that 43% othe are nd in the European Union is lost through agriculture. The increase othe f world population and growth of technologe will increase the urge for more cultivation la,nd a fact that will lead cultivation of more land. Continued advancement in agriculture technology will lead to land scarcity and tribal conflicts.In the least past, a Advances made in agriculturhaveas indicated a gradual increase in its contributiot or global greenhouse emission.

Human activiti,es such as agricultu,re contribues tthe o emission of greenhouse gases. Agricultu’sre contribution to greenhouse gas emission is currently at 80%.  Thwell-knowned figure will continue increasing to a level thae will no longef contrng the levels of harmful gases in the environment. Irrespective of thadtirseve effects  theof growth of agriculture technology, the growth  theof population in the current century makes it necessary for human beings to embrace technology in their farming practices. There are possibilities that the future of agriculture will comprisa e high-tech solution by 2050. Among the technological likely to dominate agriculture docket ithe n future include plant editing, roboti,cs and by the plant crop management.

Ethical Issues in Agriculture Technology and Environment

The growth othe f population evident in contemporary makes it necessary for the world to desice effective measures to sustain its people. Crofarmingry and livestock rearing is the answer to food crises likely to erupt ithe n future. It thus requires human beings to use their capacity to ensurthe e production of food. The only source of reliable sources of food is land. Environmealnt concerns ha,ve howev,er erupted criticing theed application of modern farming methsod claiming that they presena t threat  theto ecosystem. The need to sustain human liv,es however remasin an important aspect to consider even though the environment is at risk. The resultant effect of explained ideology is an ethical dilemma betweethe n utilization of chemicas, and other modern farming practices. According to Bailey & Lappé (2013), ethical issues surrounding agriculture technology include genetic modification, the pursuit the higheatest good (welfare of human bein,gs) and preserving the environment and distribution of benefits and food production burdens.




Bailey, B., & Lappé, M. (2013). Engineering the farm: Ethical and social aspects of agricultural biotechnology. Washington, D.C: Island Press

Koohafkan, P., & Altieri, M. A. (2016). Forgotten agricultural heritage: Reconnecting food systems and sustainable development. Taylor & Francis.

Wurz, S. (2018). Stone tools in human evolution: Behavioral differences among technological primates [Book Review]. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 73(208), 155.

McGrath, M., & Griffith, J. C. (2005). The Irish draught horse: A history. Cork, Ireland: Collins Press.

Ragheb, M. (2017). History of Harnessing Wind Power. In Wind Energy Engineering (pp. 127-143). Academic Press.

Gruenspech, H. (2019). The US Coal Sector: Recent and continuing challenges. Brookings Institution https://www. brookings. edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/H. Gruenspecht_U. S.-Coal-Sector_Final_Jan_20191. pdf.

Headrick, D. R. (2009). Technology: A world history. Oxford University Press.


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