Sentinel City Health Promotion
The targeted population in Sentinel City is Industrial Heights with a population of approximately 38,855. Latinos or Hispanic have the highest percentage of 46.8% followed by African Americans accounting for 13.1%. Additionally, persons under the age of 18 years are about 20.8% while those above 65 years are 0.9%. The percentage of people without insurance under the age of 65 years in Industrial Heights is 37.5%. There are various health issues that are identifiable in Sentinel City for instance theindustrial factories emitting industrial fumes into the atmosphere. Despite the air quality in the city seeming considerably clean as compared to other industrial cities in the country, the few industries present cause air pollution. Additionally, the industries are likely to cause water pollution due to the release of wastes and untreated water in the water bodies within the city. Furthermore, overflow from old septic tanks is likely to cause water pollution which is dangerous for human use for people within the city.
Sentinel City has health disparities that arise due to environmental, social, and economic disadvantages. These disparities affect the people within the city based on gender, age, mental heal, and disability.Emergency Medical Service (EMS) response in the City is not as standards despite the presence of several health facilities, for instance,Better Health Clinic. Therefore, there is a need for improving the health department due to the high representation of disability under the age of 65 years.Additionally, the parks within the city have stagnant water suitable for grounding mosquito that can cause the outbreak of mosquito-borne viruses to people within the city. Finally, there is a high tendency of people being injured as a result of the presence of older houses present in the City as well as the poor state of roads on some areas which raises the likelihood of increased cases of an accident which interfere with a health issue of the people within the area.