Lack of Motivation
Success among MCC students is affected significantly by their motivation to have an interest in students. Motivation may have significant impacts on the performance and results obtained by a student. Therefore, lack of motivation is an issue since it has negative impacts on the performance posted by students in their studies. Parents and other stakeholders have a reason to become concerned about the factors that are responsible for the lack of motivation among students. Generally, the motivation of students has been going down over the years, raising concerns over the possible reasons behind the trend. However, the claim that lack of motivation is an issue can only be justified using statistical evidence.
A qualitative research method is essential in seeking statistical evidence to support the claim that a lack of motivation among MCC students is a cause for concern. The fact that students are in a position to air their views makes a qualitative approach one of the best research methods. However, students may fail to give reliable information for fear of victimization. Qualitative research includes the measures of confidentiality to ensure that the information collected from the students does not suffer from deliberate bias. Generally, the use of surveys may appear shallow in the collection of data, and thus more efficient methods are employed. For example, a statistical analysis of student data is done to identify possible reasons for the lack of motivation among students. Some of the factors assessed are diversity, co-curricular activities, and the amount of fees per student. The data on such factors are obtained from the office and compared with performance patterns after the change in patterns in the factors observed. The views of students are only used to check whether the results obtained are reliable. Moreover, the factors affecting student motivation may be viewed from various perspectives.
Lack of motivation among students may be viewed from different perspectives. First, the functionalism theory is based on the claim that society has structures that define how society remains stable over time. MCC students form a society that is under question. Under the functionalism theory, the students are expected to remain motivated because their performance depends on their motivation towards studies. Therefore, lack of motivation means that some factors are playing a significant role in destabilizing the student society. Also, the theory of symbolic interactionalism explains the role of language in creating social beings (Stryker, 2017). The students are social beings that speak a similar language inside the learning environment. A single factor may quickly spread among the students since they are social and are affected by similar issues. The issue of lack of motivation has, therefore, spread among students due to similar factors.
In sum, the lack of motivation among students is an issue of concern because it has significant impacts on their performance. Parents and other stakeholders need information on the factors that are responsible for the lack of motivation. Statistical analysis of data is essential in coming up with evidence on the factors responsible for lack of motivation. A qualitative approach is useful in a students’ setting as it includes confidentiality measures that improve the quality of data obtained from the students. Generally, the issue of lack of motivation can be viewed from different perspectives.
Stryker, S. (2017). Symbolic interactionism: Themes and variations. In Social psychology (pp. 3- 29). Routledge.