Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines |
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines | |
Unit Code | BN107/BN107D |
Unit Title | Multimedia Systems |
Assessment Type | Individual |
Assessment Title | Audio and VideoEditing&Website Creation |
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) | · a-e |
Weight | 15% |
Total Marks | 25 |
Word limit | N/A |
Due Date | Week11FridayJanuary2017 at 5:00pm |
Submission Guidelines | · All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. · The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. · Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style. |
Extension | · If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School’s Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at: |
Academic Misconduct
| · Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description. |
Assessment Cover Sheet
Student ID: | Student Surname: | Given Name: |
Course: | School: | |
Unit Code: | Unit Title: | |
Due Date: | Date Submitted: | Campus: |
Lecturer: | Tutor: |
Purpose of theassessment:
The purpose of this assignmentistoacquireskillsofeditingcontentsof audioandvideo and embed such
Description of theassessment
This assignment consists oftwoparts:audio/video editingandwebsite
- Editinga video with soundtrack, based onvideofiles providedto you and your own recorded audios of your ID numbers (for example when the clip of your first ID plays it should sound 1). Please note sample provided does not contain audio track
- Creationofasmallwebsiteincorporatingthevariousmediaelementscreatedinthe assignment 1 and midterm test for thisunit.
Thefollowingfiles areavailable inMoodle inside yourrespectiveunit folder(BN107/BN107D)
- animationForA2.mp4 (amoviefile consistingofshortanimationsofeachof thedigitsfrom0to9)
- bn107SampleT32016.mp4 (a sampleof theofmovie whichneeds tobecreated for part1ofthis
- samplescreenshotofwebpagesforpart2. Please note the samples are only for samples and design of webpages can vary depending on your choice.
Part 1 –AV (Audio/Video)Editing
UsinganimationForA2.mp4as sourcematerial,createamovie usingMovieMakerLive containingthefollowingelements:
- A titlescreen consistingofwhite texton blackbackground, withMovie Maker’s‘Cinematic – Fade left’
ounit codeandname oassignmentnumber oyour name
oyour student number
A seriesofanimatedclips extracted fromanimationForA2.mp4, arrangedsoastodisplaythedigitsof your student numberinasequence (exclude the prefix MIT).Each clipshouldbe accompanied bythe nameofthe digit beingspoken (recorded by you),with thesecond and fourthand sixth digits beingclearlylouderthanthe other digits. Youshouldusethe followingtransitionsbetween each clip,with each transitionbeingasclose to 1secondin length as possible:
- 1stand2nddigit: Filled V down
- 2ndand3rddigit: Diagonal Boxed out
- 3rdand 4th digit:Dissolve rough
- 4th and5th digit: Page curl top-left
- 5th and6th digit: Heart
For Credits, againuse white text onblack background, listingtheprouder, director, and stunt person yourself all in one frame. Provide Cinematic fade-right effect for the credit. For both credit and title please use any “Serif” Font that comes with Movie Maker.
Saveyourmovie both asaMovieMakerprojectfile,andas movie file as <yourId>.wlmp and <yourId>.mp4 respectively.
Part 2 – Website
Createawebsite consistingof5pages,withthefollowingnavigation:Home, Digital Images,Digital Animation, Digital AudioandVideo,Favorite Hobby. All pagesshouldhavethefollowingfeatures(usinga consistentlayoutacross all pages):
- A non-whitebackgroundcolorandawell-chosenlegibletextcolor(usethe same color scheme for all5pages)
- Horizontal/verticalmenuas navigation.
- Noneof thepagesshouldcontainlinkstothemselves (Hint: do not apply <a href=””>Home</a> to the current page).
- Each pageheadingmust matchthepagetitle (page heading may be a header 1 – <h1>).
TheHomepage(index.html)shouldalsodisplaythefollowingdetails, inabullet-pointlist:
- Your nameandstudent number
- Theunit codeandname
- Theassignment number and its title (see above)
- A ‘mailto’ linkwith your emailaddress
- A 600 * 400px image with you in the foreground (you may shoot yourself against background of your choice). Ensure that image is not distorted.
The Digital Imagespageshould havefollowingcomponents:
- Thecollageproduced for Assignment1
- A listof bullet-pointson thetopic“What I learnt in image editing<h2>”–thesemust bein yourownwords.
The Digital Animationpageshoulddisplay:
- Theanimationproducedfor Assignment1 – use HTML 5 <embed> tag (*.swf)
- Explanationofthe topic“Principles ofanimation<h2>”– mustbeinyourown words.
The Digital AudioandVideopageshoulddisplay:
- The video produced for part1ofthis assignment. Embed an HTML 5 video (yourId.mp4) using <video tags>
Please resize the video resolution to 600px * 400px
- Explanationofthe topic“Principles ofVideo Compression” –mustbeinyourownwords.
TheFavorite Hobbypageshoulddisplay:
- An embedded YouTube video link with snapshot of the video that represents your hobby – e.g. cycling, gardening or walking.
- Write few points that fascinates you by your chosen hobby
Note: All the styling MUST be done using an external CSS.
BN107studentsonly:Inadditionto theaboverequirementsyoumustalsosubmitaWorddocument that contains the following:
- Any copyright issues to considered while using images and videos
- Importance of use of external CSS to style the webpages.
- Use <meta> tags to cater for search engine optimization for example keywordsand
Submission andmarking process
Assignmentsshouldbesubmittedto thecorresponding Moodle shell. Save the following and zip the folder and upload (e.g. <>). The folder MUST contain:
- all 5HTMLfiles and external CSS file
- all mediaelementsusedinthe website(collage,animationandmovie)
- your MovieMaker projectfile createdinPart1
- yourWorddocument(forBN107studentsonly)
Beforesubmitting, carefully check if website functions to the expectation. There should not be any broken links (e.g. page not found error)
Assignmentswill bemarkedonthebasisoffulfilmentof therequirements,andthequalityof thefinal product.
Inadditionto themarkingcriteria,marksmaybedeductedfor failuretocomplywith the assignment requirements,including(butnotlimitedto):
- incompletedocumentation
- incompletesubmissions(e.g. missingfiles)
RefertotheUnit Descriptionfordetailsofthepolicyonmarkingof lateassignments. Anyapplicationsfor extensionsor specialconsiderationshouldbemade as earlyaspossible,andin all casespriortothe submission deadline.
Requirement | Weight | Mark |
VideoandAudioEditing | ||
Titlescreen | 1 | |
Transitionsbetween digit clips | 3 | |
Audioofthedigitnames | 3 | |
Credits | 1 | |
Website | ||
Siteproperties | 4 | |
Homepage | 1 | |
DigitalImagespage | 2 | |
Digital Animationpage | 2 | |
Digital AudioandVideo page | 2 | |
Textpage | 1 | |
BN107 only:Reportonmethods usedto create assignment | 5 | |
Submissionrequirements | ||
MovieMakerprojectfile | MUST BESUBMITTED | |
Totalmark | 25(fordiploma students outof 20) | |
Contributiontounitmark(outof25%) |