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Homework #6 Energy Expenditure Calculations

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Homework #6  Energy Expenditure Calculations


Calculation of Energy Expenditure: Homework 1

An average-sized individual (154 lb) works for 1 hour, of which 10 minutes was whole body light work while standing and 50 minutes of light work using both arms while standing.  Use Table 1 and Figure 1 to determine the following quantities:


  1. (7 points) Determine the energy expenditure of an average-sized individual (154 lb).
  2. (3 points) Using the provided graph (Figure 1), provide the recommended work-rest regimen for the average-sized individual (154 lb), given that the working environment is 31°C (Show your work on Figure 1).
  3. (2 point ) Below what approximate temperature can this average-sized worker work continuously (Show your work on Figure 1)?


Show your calculations below. No credit if work is not shown.

From Table V-3:

Standing:                                  0.6 kcal/min * 10 min = 6 kcal

Whole Body Work, light work:            5.0 kcal/min * 10 min = 50 kcal

Basal Metabolism:                   1.0 kcal/min * 10 min = 10 kcal



Standing:                                  0.6 kcal/min * 50 min = 30 kcal

Light Work both arms              1.5 kcal/min * 50 min = 75 kcal

Basal Metabolism:                   1.0 kcal/min * 50 min = 50 kcal

Total                                                                            221 kcal


From Figure 1, the recommended work-rest regimen cycle is 50% work-50% rest.

The approximate temperature below which this worker can work continuously is 29.5 °C.



Homework Problem 2

  1. (3 points) Determine how much energy would a 200 lb individual expend, given the same work parameters? (round to two decimal places).
  2. (3 points) What is the work-rest regimen for this 200 lb worker at 31°C (Show your work on Figure 1)?
  3. (2 points) Below what approximate temperature can this 200 lb worker work continuously (Show your work on Figure 1)?


Show your calculations below. No credit if work is not shown.

If you run out of space, write answer(s) on back of this sheet



From Figure 1, the recommended work-rest regimen cycle is 25% work-75% rest.

The approximate temperature below which this worker can work continuously is 28°C.


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