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Project Management Portfolio

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Project Management Portfolio



Due: Session 6

Worth: This submission is worth 20% of your final grade


Submission instructions: You should submit your assignment using the BSC203 LMS site. You can receive email notification that your assignment has been received. Late submissions will be penalised at the rate of 5 marks per day late or part thereof unless prior approval for an extension has been gained.


The main submission should be one document. Any supplementary files should also be carefully labelled and included in the table of contents. You must keep a copy of the final version of your submission and be prepared to provide it on request.


Murdoch University treats plagiarism, collusion, theft of other students’ work and other forms of dishonesty in assessment seriously. For guidelines on honesty in assessment including avoiding plagiarism see




To Submit:


A report presenting the deliverables from the specified project management activities started in tutorials (and included on the following pages). The report should include a title page, a table of contents and the following items:

  1. Scope statement – from Tutorial 2 Activity 4 (use provided template) (10 marks)
  2. Gantt chart – from Tutorial 3 Activity 3 part 3 (10 marks)
  3. Stakeholder matrix – from Tutorial 5 Activity 3 part 2 (10 marks)
  4. Key stakeholder analysis – from Tutorial 5 Activity 3 part 3 (10 marks)
  5. Tutorial 6 Activity 1 – answers to questions in parts 2 & 3 and critical path report from part 5 (15 marks)
  6. Tutorial 6 Activity 2 – the information about 3 quality tools from Question 2 (10 marks)
  7. Tutorial 8 Activity 3 – answers to the questions in Steps 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15 and an image of your tracking Gantt chart at the end of Step 16 and explanation of it (20 marks)
  8. Tutorial 9 Activity 3 – Lessons Learned Report (10 marks)


NOTE: Presentation (title page, a table of contents, file labelling etc.) is worth 5 marks


You may also submit supporting files such as Microsoft Project files or PDF files, but they need to be clearly listed in the table of contents as supplementary material and the file name of each should be specified there.




Tutorial 2 – Activity 4


  1. Use the Murdoch University library catalogue or the Internet to search for one of the papers listed below (these are from Tutorial 1).


  1. Develop a Scope Statement for the project reported in the paper you have chosen, using the Scope Statement Template from the LMS. Remember to include all the elements that a Scope Statement should have (you can refer back to the lecture slides). Make educated guesses where necessary. You should be able to provide answers to these questions in your Scope Statement:
    1. What is the project trying to achieve?
    2. How would the stakeholders determine they are getting what was asked for?
    3. What types of constraints and assumptions can be made about this project?
    4. What is the boundary for this project? You may need to think a bit about this – what could the project have included but did not?



  • Sheng, S.; Magnien, B.; Kumaraguru, P.; Acquisti, A.; Cranor, L. F.; Hong, J.; and Nunge, E. (2007).Anti-Phishing Phil: The design and evaluation of a game that teaches people not to fall for phish. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2007, July 18-20, 2007, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

In this paper we describe the design and evaluation of Anti-Phishing Phil, an online game that teaches users good habits to help them avoid phishing attacks. We used learning science principles to design and iteratively refine the game. We evaluated the game through a user study: participants were tested on their ability to identify fraudulent web sites before and after spending 15 minutes engaged in one of three anti-phishing training activities (playing the game, reading an anti-phishing tutorial we created based on the game, or reading existing online training materials). We found that the participants who played the game were better able to identify fraudulent web sites compared to the participants in other conditions. We attribute these effects to both the content of the training messages presented in the game as well as the presentation of these materials in an interactive game format. Our results confirm that games can be an effective way of educating people about phishing and other security attacks.



  • Puhakainen, P., & Siponen, M. (2010). Improving employees’ compliance through information systems security training: An action research study. MIS Quarterly, 34(4), 767-A4.

Employee noncompliance with information systems security policies is a key concern for organizations. If users do not comply with IS security policies, security solutions lose their efficacy. Of the different IS security policy compliance approaches, training is the most commonly suggested in the literature. Yet, few of the existing studies about training to promote IS policy compliance utilize theory to explain what learning principles affect user compliance with IS security policies, or offer empirical evidence of their practical effectiveness. Consequently, there is a need for IS security training approaches that are theory-based and empirically evaluated. Accordingly, we propose a training program based on two theories: the universal constructive instructional theory and the elaboration likelihood model. We then validate the training program for IS security policy compliance training through an action research project. The action research intervention suggests that the theory-based training achieved positive results and was practical to deploy. Moreover, the intervention suggests that information security training should utilize contents and methods that activate and motivate the learners to systematic cognitive processing of information they receive during the training. In addition, the action research study made clear that a continuous communication process was also required to improve user IS security policy compliance. The findings of this study offer new insights for scholars and practitioners involved in IS security policy compliance


  • Kato, and Wong, K. W. (2011) Intelligent Automated Guided Vehicle Controller with Reverse Strategy. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 15(3), 304-312.

This paper describes the intelligent Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) control system using Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI) method. The AGV used in this paper is a virtual vehicle simulated using computer. The purpose of the control system is to control the simulated AGV by moving along the given path towards a goal. Some obstacles can be placed on or near the path to increase the difficulties of the control system. The intelligent AGV should follow the path by avoiding these obstacles. This system consists of two fuzzy controllers. One is the original FRI controller that mainly controls the forward movement of the AGV. Another one is the proposed reverse movement controller that deals with the critical situation. When the original FRI controller faces the critical situation, our proposed reverse controller will control the AGV to reverse and move forward towards the goal.  Our proposed reverse controller utilizes the advantage of FRI method. In our system, we also develop a novel switching system to switch from original to the developed reverse controller.









Tutorial 3 – Activity 3


This activity adds to your Project Management knowledge by looking at how Time is managed. The tasks accomplished in the Time Management knowledge area assist you in developing a schedule for a project or a section of a project. In general, you need to work out: what activities need to be done, and in what sequence; how long will each take, and what resources are needed. The schedule can then be monitored to make decisions about whether completing on time is feasible.  The schedule can then be developed, and is usually displayed as a Gantt chart.  Look at the lecture slides from Topic 2 to refresh your memory and you can also read more about Gantt charts here



  1. Open a copy of the tutorial on Microsoft Project you used in the last tutorial:
  • Schwalbe, K (2016) A Brief Guide to Microsoft Project Professional 2016


  1. Work through the steps described from p16 to p20 so that you are comfortable creating a work breakdown structure from scratch. Change the date option to Australian format – dd/mm/yyyy – if it is not already in that format.


  1. Continue working through the Tutorial until p33 so that you have experience creating a Gantt chart. Then Go back and ADD 1 additional meaningful task to each of the phases of your project. You should now have 5 additional tasks. Don’t forget to add durations for your new tasks. Ensure that you save a copy of the file at this point as you will be submitting the Gantt chart as part of your Project Management Portfolio.





Tutorial 5 – Activity 3


This activity adds to your Project Management knowledge by looking at how project Stakeholders are identified and managed.  The ultimate goal of project management is to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations for a project, so you must first identify who your particular project stakeholders are.  The table below maps the Project Stakeholder Management knowledge area against the project management process groups to illustrate activities associated with project stakeholders.


Project Management Process Groups
Knowledge AreaInitiatingPlanningExecutingMonitoring and ControllingClosing
Project Stakeholder ManagementIdentify stakeholdersPlan Stakeholder ManagementManage stakeholder engagementControl stakeholder engagement


Two key outputs of this process include:

  • Stakeholder register: a document that includes details related to the identified project stakeholders
  • Stakeholder management strategy: an approach to help increase the support from stakeholders throughout the project; this often includes sensitive information


You will undertake some stakeholder management activities based on the project mentioned in Activity 2 above, where researchers are planning a research project to trial 3D printing technology to print and implant living bone cells. The participants in the project would be human patients with bone cancer, and the research team would include medical specialists, bioengineers and computer scientists.


The following resources might be of use:

  • A Wikipedia article on stakeholder management:
  • A tutorial on stakeholder analysis:



What you need to do:

  1. Identify the project stakeholders

Produce a list of the main project stakeholders (aim for at least 8 stakeholders). Remember that although stakeholders may be both organisations and people, ultimately you must communicate with people. Where possible identify the individual stakeholders (people or roles) who affect (or are affected by) your project. Make assumptions as necessary.


  1. Prioritise the stakeholders

Map out the stakeholders you have identified using a matrix like the one below, and classify them by their power over the project and by their interest in the project. An interactive version is available from if you would like to use it.


  1. Understand your key stakeholders

You need to know more about your key stakeholders including how they are likely to feel about and react to your project. Create a key stakeholder analysis in the form of a table that lists each of the stakeholders in the High Power quadrants and for each of them provides a brief description of the stakeholder and describes their likely stance toward the project and issues associated with it.




Tutorial 6


After this session your Project Management Portfolio should include:

  1. Answers to questions in parts 2-4 of Activity 1
  2. Information about 3 quality tools from Activity 2


Activity 1


This activity continues your work with Microsoft Project. Open the following tutorial on Microsoft Project (you used it in previous tutorials):

  • Schwalbe, K (2016) A Brief Guide to Microsoft Project Professional 2016


Gantt chart is the default view in Microsoft Project 2016, but network diagrams (a.k.a. PERT diagrams) can be used to more clearly show the task dependencies.


  1. Read pp 33-36 in A Brief Guide to Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (up to the “Project Cost and Resource Management” section) for information on network diagrams and critical path analysis, then read pp 13-15 for further information about reports.


  1. Download the file named mpp from the LMS and open it in Microsoft Project. On the Format tab, click the Critical Tasks checkbox and notice that the critical tasks now display in red.
    1. Explain what a critical path is.
    2. Which tasks in this project are NOT on the critical path?
    3. How much slack time do these tasks have? What does this mean in terms of project completion?
  2. From the View tab select Tables and then Schedule. This view shows early and latest start and finish dates as well as slack time.  Does this help your understanding of the time available for each task?


  1. In the View tab select Network Diagram and note how the project tasks are represented, and how the dependencies are shown. How does this view add to your understanding of the relationships between tasks of the project?







Activity 2


The lecture introduced some ‘basic tools of quality’. This term is used for graphical techniques that have been identified as being helpful for troubleshooting issues related to quality:

  • Cause–effect diagrams (Ishikawa diagrams)
  • Control charts
  • Run charts
  • Scatter diagrams
  • Histograms
  • Pareto chart


  1. Choose three of these tools and search on the Internet to identify how each can be used to help in monitoring and controlling a project.


  1. Include the following in your portfolio for each of the three tools chosen:
    1. A brief description of the tool
    2. An explanation of how it can be used in project management
    3. A reference list of all sources of information you used to complete this.




Tutorial 8 – Activity 3


NOTE: The work you do on this question should be included in your Project Management Portfolio. Your written answers to the questions in Steps 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 16 should be presented in your portfolio. You also need an image of your tracking Gantt chart at the end of Step 16, and can include other images if they help support your answers.


This activity continues your work with Microsoft Project and adds to your project management knowledge by looking at how change is managed, and the impact different changes have on your project. You might need to refer to the tutorial on Microsoft Project you used in previous tutorials:

  • Schwalbe, K (2016) A Brief Guide to Microsoft Project Professional 2016


In addition to being used as a planning tool, Microsoft Project can be used to track progress and make adjustments to the project schedule. You will use a tracking Gantt chart to help monitor and control work on the Literature Review submission project.



  1. Download the file named mpp from the LMS and open it in Microsoft Project. On the Format tab, click the Critical Tasks checkbox to show the critical tasks in red.


  1. On the Project tab, under the Schedule group, click the Set Baseline button and click OK to Set Baseline for the whole project. This is means that you will be able to track the project performance against this initial baseline.


  1. Make a note of the projected date for submitting the final report.


  1. From the Task tab, right-click the Select All button (grey unlabelled square in the top left hand), and then click Tracking to view the tracking table. You may need to move the split bar to see all of the duration columns.


  1. Enter actual task completion information below for 2 tasks that you have completed:


TaskActual StartActual Finish
Search Library Databases for relevant material18/03/1618/03/16
Search Google Scholar for relevant material18/03/1622/03/16


  1. It took an additional day to search Google Scholar beyond the original estimated duration. How does this impact on the tasks that follow? Why?


  1. Look at the project finish date. Is the additional day taken to search Google Scholar likely to influence the submission of the final report? If so, how?


  1. Enter actual task completion information below for the next 2 tasks that you have completed:


TaskActual StartActual Finish
Retrieve papers23/03/1629/03/16
Assess the credibility of the each source23/03/1625/03/16


  1. It took an additional day to assess the credibility of the sources. How does this impact on the tasks that follow? Does it influence the projected submission date of the final report? If so, how?


  1. The tracking Gantt chart also shows percentage completion information. You start the task ‘Use evaluation guides to determine if the article is relevant’ on 30/03/16 and are 30% through it. Enter this information and note how it is displayed on the chart. How far are you estimated to be through the summary level task ‘Content Evaluation’?


  1. Switch to Network Diagram view. How are the completed tasks identified?


You are concerned that you may be slipping behind schedule, so after examining your work breakdown structure to identify ways you may be able to save time, you decide that you could probably start work on constructing the concept matrix when you are 75% through the final evaluation of content.


  1. Change back to Gantt chart entry view. If you see tracking information instead of the baseline information with predecessors shown, right-click the Select All button (grey unlabelled square in the top left hand), and then click


  1. Double-click on the Task Name for Construct a Concept Matrix of collected Articles, and then click on the Predecessors tab in the Task Information dialog box. Click in the cell under Task Name, and select Final evaluation of content. Click the Type drop down arrow for this task to see the various types of dependencies. For this task the default type, finish-to-start, is used. The Lag is set to 0d (0 days).


  1. A positive Lag means there is a gap between tasks, and negative lag means there is an overlap. Change the lag to -25% and notice that the Predecessor column for the task displays 13FS-25%, meaning there is a finish-to-start relationship with the predecessor task (Final evaluation of content) and a lag of -25%, meaning the task can start when 75% of Final evaluation of content is completed.


  1. Does this earlier start impact on the projected completion of the project?


  1. Experiment with ways of bringing the project back on track to submit in time. When you identify one plausible way you can do this, both explain it and include the tracking Gantt chart that illustrates it in your Project Management Portfolio.





Tutorial 9 – Activity 3


NOTE: The work you do on this question should be included in your Project Management Portfolio. This is the last component of the Project Management Portfolio


This activity concludes your Project Management knowledge by looking at how projects are closed. Throughout each phase, lessons are learned and opportunities for improvement are discovered. In order to continuously improve the success of projects, documenting the lessons learned helps a project team to identify the causes of problems that occurred and avoid them in later projects.


The objective of a Lessons Learned Report is to collect all the relevant information. Look at the lecture slides from Topic 6 to refresh your memory.


Write a Lessons Learned Report for a project you have worked on. This project could be:

  1. An assignment you have done for this unit
  2. An assignment you have done for any other unit
  • Any project you are able to report on.


Your Lessons Learned Report should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  • Briefly describe the project.
  1. Achievement of scope and time constraints
  • Discuss whether the project met scope and time constraints. That is, were you able to do everything that was planned, and finish/submit on time?
  1. What went right?
  • Describe one example of what went right on this project.
  1. What went wrong?
  • Describe one example of what went wrong on this project.
  1. Lessons learned
  • Briefly discuss what the main lessons you learned from this project were. This should include both in terms of managing the project, and in terms of skills that may be useful to you in the future.
  1. Implications for the Poster Presentation project
  • Discuss what you will you do differently on the Poster Presentation project based on your experiences with this and other projects.




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