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Reply to Cynthia Virgil

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Reply to Cynthia Virgil

Hello Cynthia, I appreciate your discussion on the few critical commonalities in the civilizations of America, Eurasia, and Africa. The cultures of the three regions took the same path in evolving, and the economic activities such as fishing, hunting, and gathering seem to remain the same across the continents. It is also true that the civilizations marked the development of cities all across the continents. According to Strayer, major cities such as Meroe and Inca state featured decorated murals, well-built drainage systems, and huge buildings and palaces. The fact that people’s movement across the three regions led to uneven distribution of people with 85% settling in Eurasia, 10% in Africa, and 5% around America is indeed actual.













Strayer, R. W., & Nelson, E. (2016). Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources. Bedford/St. Martin’s, A Macmillan Education Imprint.

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