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The benefits of Christian values to ensuring appropriate data collection processes

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The benefits of Christian values to ensuring appropriate data collection processes


This paper aims at shedding light on the crucial position that appropriate data collection processes could have to the business. It starts by defining what data gathering is and how an appropriate method is vital for the success and integrity of the process. The writing shall then look at the effects that not gathering such data rightfully could have on the businesses such as the presentation of inaccurate data, thus unreliability and the resultant misleading decisions. The author shall then venture into how having Christian values could prove beneficial to the whole process. It shall highlight such aspects as the qualities of such values such as integrity, honesty, and wisdom. The writing shall factor in scholarly articles to support its primary thematic areas and ideas. It shall also use the Merida text that offers specific biblical principles and in addition to Bible verses to support its direction. It shall then conclude through an analysis that summarizes all the critical ideas that the whole paper mentions.

Keywords: data gathering, collection, Christian values, decision-making, data.











            Data is a set of values, facts, and information that may be qualitative or quantitative but referring to a given phenomenon. Data gathering or collection refers to an undertaking of looking for and bringing together such information, making sense of them, and using them to make more technical decisions. Data collection is a crucial process for any business venture because it outlines specifics of what one is dealing with. It allows the collection of information of clients and trends and using the same to advance organizational ideals or storing for future use. In all theses instances, data is vital information provider allowing the tackling of challenges while also anticipating other threats that may not be obvious at all times. This paper analyses more benefits that result from such gathering of data and also highlights the devastations that a business could face by not doing so appropriately. It shall also take an angle that discusses how Christian values could come in to facilitate the process and make it more ideal and useful to an organization.

The benefits of gathering data

            Organizations of the twenty-first century operate in environments where they interact with so much, thus acquiring large quantities of data. While the incorporation of business analytics is significant to analyze and making sense of the data, the methods and means of c collecting them is also crucial. According to Murgan (2015), data is the most critical element in any research prospects. Different businesses may also need to collect such data for a wide number of reasons. For some, they may be interacting with a comprehensive client-base, hence the need to have such information on them. The data may facilitate keeping track of such customers for future and target marketing efforts. Overall, it may prove crucial for the business in their efforts towards improving their marketing strategies and tactics. For other businesses, they may require to collect such data to improve their understanding of the market in which they operate. It may offer them a chance to observe trends, hop onto the succeeding ones while also establishing what needs to stop. In Matthew 7:7 (NIV), the Bible urges Christians to always seek God in whatever they intend to find because he always provides. As a result, even within the organizational setting, managers and the research personnel would always seek the approval and direction of a higher power to assist them in their endeavors.

The effects that gathering data inappropriately would have on a business.

            While organizations realize the benefits of collecting data and using the same to improve their standing and operations, the process should run in the most appropriate way possible. Bartlett (2013) highlights the organizational need to ensure that they have the right personnel to facilitate the process. The business quants that may come in to run the data collection process should have the necessary experience, expertise, and business prowess. They should understand the needs of the company, and therefore, the best methods of gathering data. The use of appropriate data collection instruments, well-trained personnel, and clearly delineated instructions are crucial to minimizing chances of errors. According to Brown, Kaiser, & Allison (2018), scientific and experimental undertakings may produce errors leading to bad data. However, rectifying such errors as soon as they arise is critical to upholding the integrity of the whole process. Using inappropriate data collection methods may also fail in its primary purposes, including answering the research question, disabling the repeat or validation of the study, misleading other researchers, and also leading to the wastage of company resources and time. Its consequences may also be short and long-term, affecting the business in more ways resulting from the decisions that emanate from them. There is always he need for quality assurance and control to uphold the integrity of research (Yamanaka et al. 2016). It should also abide by ethical standards that protect participants and the standing of the involved organization. Brown, Kaiser, & Allison (2018) admit that errors may be unavoidable in some instances, and may become critical scientific learning points. This instance also aligns with some Biblical teachings that acknowledge man’s sinful nature and ability to make mistakes. However, 2 Chronicles 7:14 urges humility and calling upon the Lord for forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 supports this and states that through such actions, God forgives and takes away all unrighteousness so that the person becomes anew being.

The benefits of having Christian values in the data collection processes.

            Christian values may be crucial to ensuring the integrity of data collection processes. They enforce a strict adherence to God’s teachings and desire for leaving lives fit for his glory. As a result, such values as integrity could prove critical to ensuring that the data collection processes happen smoothly and without any hitches. Such integrity could prove vital where the personnel uphold their moral principles for the good of the process. This case could mean being honest in instances that they do not have the required expertise and truthfully outlining their inadequacies. They could also improve relationships among the team members by creating trust among the workers, appreciating their contributions, and assisting where needed (Merchant, 2016). Another significant value that such Christian leaders could bring to the table is wisdom. Wise leaders are visionary and intend all their actions towards improving their situation for the better. Merida (2015) highlights the wisdom of King Solomon that made him realize that despite his leadership skills, he needed God’s direction and knowledge from above. Therefore, Christian values could prove essential in data collection methods by ensuring that the team maintains honesty, fairness, and creativity. Such beliefs also make one understand that they are serving someone mightier than their leaders, thus the need for quality work. 1 Samuel 12:24 elaborates on the service of God through deeds and being faithful to God. It also reminds Christians of the blessings of God that are unending.


            The data that an organization has is critical to informing their decision-making processes. As a result, there is a need to ensure the collection of appropriate data, using the right equipment and methods, and also ideal analysis techniques. Such businesses should ensure that they include business quants with the right qualifications and experience. The data collection method is essential to ensuring the integrity of the whole process. Christian values could come in handy through their promotion of a belief system that is Christ-centered. This case means that such values would promote qualities such as honesty, teamwork, and virtues that would lead to effective and appropriate data collection processes.














Bartlett, R. (2013). A practitioner’s guide to business analytics. Using data analysis tools to improve your organization’s decision making and strategy (1st ed). New York, NY, McGraw-Hill

Brown, A. W., Kaiser, K. A., & Allison, D. B. (2018). Issues with data and analyses: Errors, underlying themes, and potential solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(11), 2563-2570.

Merchant, M. S. W. (2016). The Biblical Foundation for Social Workers as “Shepherds” Who Care for God’s Flock. The Journal of Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning, 1(1), 8.

Merida, T. (2015). Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Kings. B&H Publishing Group.

Murgan, M. G. (2015). A critical analysis of the techniques for data gathering in legal research. Journal of social sciences and humanities, 1(3), 266-274.

Yamanaka, A., Fialkowski, M. K., Wilkens, L., Li, F., Ettienne, R., Fleming, T., … & Novotny, R. (2016). Quality assurance of data collection in the multi-site community randomized trial and prevalence survey of the children’s healthy living program. BMC research notes, 9(1), 432.

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