Human Resource Management journal
For the purpose of this paper, I choose the Human Resource Management journal as the article that I believe represents an interesting and exciting development in the field of organization studies. According to the concept of mutual gains, Human Resource Management should be useful to both the organization and its workers. The HRM models that exist today focus more on the different ways of improving performance with the main considerations put in the employees. This may, in turn, lead to the development of pressure among the employees which creates an unwavering threat to their wellbeing. Therefore, a better analytical framework for Human Resource Management in organizations is needed. This paper aims at providing an alternative HRM approach that prioritizes the practices that enhance the wellbeing of the workers in an organization.
In recent years, scholarly research in Human resource management has made a lot of progress. As a result, a better understanding of strategic roles, processes, organizational associations, and challenges have been gained. There is much to comment on as not all individuals agree to the representations of the research findings. The scholars are said to he still looking for answers to some complex issues concerning organization studies. In this paper, the argument is extremely different. By acknowledging the findings of the research done, it is urged that there is a great need for the relationship between performance and human resource management while considering the well being of the employees. Therefore, a different human resource management approach which is concerned with the nature and context of supporting employees‘ welfare is needed. This paper aims to analyze the human resource management journal paying attention to justifying the employee-based approach.
The changing and challenges facing the wellbeing of employees
There is an excellent ethical case for considering the wellbeing of employees in an organization. Workplace changes such as in working conditions put employees at great risk of being harmed not only physically but also emotionally and psychologically. The organization is also affected by these changes. Despite having great impacts on both organization and the employees, these changes have been ignored time and again by human resource managers. For instance, technological advancements continue to impact the wellbeing of employees about work. However, some of these changes have positive effects such as automation of activities creating more opportunities such as working from home. Change in working conditions may lead to skill obsolescence and a rise in stress among the employees thus interfering with the ability of employees to deliver.
Research shows that increased workload, decrease in employee fairness, and the regular threat from managers affect the wellbeing of the employees. Workers deliver the best services when they are working comfortably with peace of mind hence interfering with their wellbeing results in decreased productivity. Wages inequality is a crucial factor that may present issues related to employee wellbeing. If the employees from elite groups are paid more than regular employees, the regular employees may lose work morale as they feel less valued. When less is carried out to address wage inequality, there might be an increased number of working poor in an organization that reflects the challenges the workers are facing their wellbeing. The decline in employment flexibility can impact workers’ happiness in an organization. This can cause a drop in work-life balance.
Lack of optimism concerning the future may interfere with an employee’s wellbeing in the organization. According to psychologists, considerable progress in achieving organizational goals and certainty in the future plays a crucial role in the worker’s wellbeing. Despite the prevalent threats to progress, there are other emerging ones. They include competition with other organizations, economic growth, and security issues. Global warming is also another emerging threat that impacts the wellbeing of employees in an organization. Using Human Resource practices to achieve a better outcome may lead to work intensification without offering the employees with the necessary resources to deal with this situation. Flexibility in employment may create a temporary working, better contracts, and promotion contingency
Employee Wellbeing and its Antecedents
Wellbeing is the state of a person being mentally, physically, and socially complete not only in the absence of infirmity or infection. Well, being is determined by certain indicators that are part of a better life and that prioritize subjective wellness which is a good mental state. This includes all the evaluations both positive or negative that individuals make of their daily lives and the reaction of the people to their work experience. In the case of employee wellbeing, it is defined as the overall quality of worker’s employment experience as well as function in the organization. Scholars urge that there is a total of three facets of work-related wellbeing that are concerned with all the aspects of human functioning. In the case of psychological wellbeing, the former is represented by his or her satisfaction in the work. On the other hand, the latter focuses on fulfilling the potential and finding as well as the purpose of the organization. This covers the aspects of satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and enthusiasm in the work setting. Physical wellbeing is concerned with psychological indicators of the employee’s healthiness the organization. It is explored through various subjective feelings of health such as the amount of energy the worker has or even level of stress. Lastly, social wellbeing is concerned with interpersonal aspects, social support, and other aspects such as trust and fair treatment. The antecedents of wellbeing offer good evidence on the types of human resource policies and practices that ensure that the employees are comfortable at work.