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The principal of an international school is going to give a speech to final year students on the last day of the term. Write the text of the speech. Focus on the principal’s good wishes, the school’s pride in the students, and advice for the students as they go out.

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Assignment Four

The principal of an international school is going to give a speech to final year students on the last day of the term. Write the text of the speech. Focus on the principal’s good wishes, the school’s pride in the students, and advice for the students as they go out.

“Hello, ABC College. Thank you for making it to our closing meeting. I feel privileged to have led you through an exciting and interesting five years. It isn’t easy fathoming that the past five years have just come to an end. Therefore, we are gathered here to celebrate you and learners for successfully achieving your bachelor’s degree. It is such a pleasure having the opportunity to speak to you today, a day filled with celebration and joy. Today, we are gathered to celebrate the many victories you students have achieved in the past five years. 2015-2020 have been great but busy years in which we have undergone many changes. As you are all aware at ABC College, we are lucky enough to possess an excellent leadership team that acts on change, diversity, and progress. The quality of teaching and learning I have witnessed at ABC College is awe-inspiring. The learning opportunity you have invested in over the years is of the highest standard and meets diverse learning needs.

Over the years, I have been lucky enough to work with a few of the best educators. The continuous passion inspired by skill and knowledge has seen learning in ABC college advance despite the alternating social, psychological, and emotional needs we have faced over the last few years. Congratulations to you students who have advanced with your learning journey. Through reflective acts, my team and I have managed to address such upcoming issues effectively. Every year I happen to look back at what my students have accomplished. I want to congratulate all of you amazing students for accomplishing a huge milestone in your life—that of finishing your year 1-5 of a college education. I have also witnessed you grow as individuals, and with that, my team and I feel that you are well prepared for that which awaits you in the real world. I am incredibly impressed with our year 2020 college grandaunts. I take pride in each one of you.

As you head out, my wish is that you learn to keep an open and positive mind always. Also, observe discipline wherever you go and always trust in God. I would also like to wish our year 2020 grandaunts the very best in the lives ahead of them. Learn to be positive thinkers, purpose to work hard, interact efficiently, and develop meaningful connections. Always remember that when you undergo hard times recall that you are not alone and that we will always be thinking of you and praying for you. Great things await you; therefore, you ought to go out there and face the world with confidence and seize amazing opportunities that will come by. Keep up the good spirit. Do your best always. With that said, I would like to wish you all a great life ahead. Take care of yourself and enjoy life out there.”

Assignment Five

Comment on how the language and style used present the writer’s initial impression of the country and the aid efforts.

The writer views the act of the press officer sitting at the back of an all-weather 4*4 symbolic as it outlines Liberia’s current state of uncertainty; for instance, the rain is unseasoned, signifying that in Liberia, nobody knows what tomorrow holds. The dead street lamps ripped off their components during the war signified the sad state of affairs in Liberia. The writer’s initial reaction to Liberia is that of a developing country with limited resources whose situation worsens after undergoing war. The writer’s initial reaction is portrayed through a few things he mentions, such as the infrastructure when he outlines that there’s only one straight road, in fact, the best road in Liberia from the airport to Mamba point hotel in Monrovia. He also mentions the dilapidated yellow Nissan’s and small mad huts with rusted iron sheets. The writer’s mood is a little bit somber and concerned about Liberia’s current situation. However, the writer is skeptical of UN aid as he observes that they are all about showing off and not addressing the issues at hand, showcasing Liberia’s corrupt leaders. He signifies this view when he describes how the UN cars have big UN plasters on them all over town, and the UN officials are dressed to kill but do not deliver to their citizens.

Write the script for a television appeal for charity donations.

Amid the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic between 1-15 children and teenagers are diagnosed with cancer every day in the United States, not forgetting the already existing families experiencing the cruel impact of cancer diagnosis in their family. Over the past few years, the number of cancer patients has grown by 5%, which means that among every five families, one family undergoes the effects of cancer.

In our urgent charity appeal, we are appealing for funds that will go towards research, experimentation, and the ongoing cancer center project in New York.

While donating note that we receive 100% of your donation.

For donations, text the word CANCER to 75544 to donate $3, which will help save precious lives.





Assignment 6

Question Two

Comment on the language and style of the extract from the blog

The blog portrays a sense of calmness. It also possesses a happy mood based on the writer’s emotions as he pays a return visit to his childhood home. While relaxing in his bedroom, he tends to recall many things about his childhood and can’t help by picturing how far he has come and reconnecting with the twelve-year-old Nick. The passage also showcases a calm mood. Nick states that he considers his childhood home as his peace and further adds that he feels safe and lucky enough to get away from the pressures of life and the unrealistic expectations of society. This trip is significant to the narrator as it helps him reconnect with his past and realize that his past dreams did not die but are very much present and that he still believes in those dreams. He even engages in self-reflection of what he wanted to be, was meant to be, and is positioned to become. The passage heavily relies on flashbacks when Nick recalls his childhood and reflects on his whole life.

Write the opening of the other entry for the writer’s blog.

After spending a whole week at my childhood home, I enjoyed reconnecting with family and past self. I also enjoyed my ride back home and couldn’t help but realize how much my hometown has transformed. I have finally managed to return to work, and I can attest that my trip back home awakened my old self and old dreams. The trip has helped me engage in self-evaluation and helped me reawaken my past dreams and aspirations. According to my self-evaluation, I am positioned to be a doctor for now but will soon pursue sports and exercise. As I return to work, I am inspired by the terms “performance for living,” meaning that I endeavor to take good care of my well-being to be extremely productive at work and live a more fulfilled life ahead.

Question Three

Comment on the style and language of the extract

The narrator seems to vividly remember her home through a dream she has whereby she returns to her Manderley home after many years of being away. As she approaches her home, she notices it is locked but manages to peep the compound where she notices the lodge is uninhabited. The windows gape forlorn, portraying a state of abandonment in Manderley. She manages to get in somehow, and as she walks by the narrow path, she can’t help but notice how unkempt the compound is with shrubs covering parts of it. The narrator even stops saying, ” no hand has checked their progress,” showcasing how deserted her Manderley home has been for years. She also describes the shrubs as possessing a monstrous height exhibiting a sense of darkness in her Manderley home. She continues walking and finally comes across Manderley standing still and secretively exhibiting a sense of peace around it. Manderley also awakens the sense of peace and safety she had felt as a young child living in the house.


Write a description of a familiar place that has been neglected.

As I approached Bombay beach, I could not help but remember how much the beach thrived with lots of resorts in the 1950s and 1960s. Back then, tourists who came here during the day would swim, ski and golf and then party all night in the club. Today as I visit Bombay beach, I can’t help but observe how rusted and bleached it is. The water where tourists once swam smells of rotten fish and petrol. The shores where sunbathers would lie down and relax are today filled with green sludge and fish carcasses. One word to perfectly describe Bombay beach is apocalyptic, as today Bombay beach is very different from how it used to be back in the 1960s. As I continue walking, I also happen to bump into cracked and rusted swimming pools with graffiti all over them, perhaps to tell a story of the merry days. Surprisingly enough, I do come across a few houses. Today Bombay beach is home to two hundred and fifty people.








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