Cco-op work program
Commencement of the co-op work program has significantly improved my personal skills in my career profession. The program has increased my confidence due to increased interaction with people from different regions and with a different culture. My role as a team leader in previous co-op work contributed significantly to building my confidence, especially when helping a team member tackle a tough situation. Additionally, looking at situations at a different perspective helped increase my confidence since, in the early days, I perceived the assigned duties as challenging to handle. Interaction with optimistic colleagues played an essential role in improving my confidence as it helped to eliminate negative thoughts about duties assigned by the management. During the co-op work program, I learned to be more confident to be a role model to my colleagues, which positively impacted my confidence. The program offered a conducive environment to put in practice the knowledge obtained from class, which also contributed positively to building my confidence. My desire and aspiration to secure I top position in tourism and hospitality management served as a propeller in building confidence in my career field. Furthermore, I had sufficient time during the co-op term, which helped in gaining competence to improve my confidence. Introduction to the real working world is greatly encouraged to increase my confidence regarding my career field.
I also found the co-op work program beneficial in building interpersonal communication skills due to increased communication between the clients and the management. Interpersonal communication skills form an essential component, especially in my career profession. The co-op work program had consequential impacts on interpersonal communication skills, which eased interaction with colleagues, management, and clients. The confidence I gained during the co-op work term contributed to building strong interpersonal communication skills to enhance effective communication links within the organization. It helped to develop effective communication with other people and demonstrate my capabilities of bringing out the best among others. Consequently, strong interpersonal skills helped cultivate a positive outlook by reminding myself of good things about my job and my life. As a team leader, it was critical to have effective interpersonal skills in order to communicate the real interest of the career to group members. The skills further helped in settling disputes resulting from various colleagues’ personality clashes, thus encouraging unity among the team members. Frequent reporting to the top management on daily activities progress played a pivotal role in building interpersonal communication skills. Moreover, regular interaction with clients from different parts of the world inspired me to improve my interpersonal skills to promote excellent communication and avoid language barriers.
Increased confidence and improved interpersonal communication skills had, in turn, consequential impacts on my reasoning to ensure matured judgment. During the co-op work terms, I learned how to control my emotions in case of an irate customer, which helped greatly in making an effective judgment depending on the situation. Making rationale decisions and consulting experienced members on how to handle such situations worked as the best tool. I also learned how to avoid quick judgment on such clients and repercussions to preserve the organization’s reputation to maintain a good relationship with loyal clients. I find the skills obtained from the co-op work program helpful in life to avoid unfavorable judgments due to irritating personal tempers.
Besides personal development, the co-op work program increased my understanding of what I really want from my career. It broadened my perception of tourism and hospitality management as it provided an environment to face the real scenarios about my career profession. The experience I gained during the co-op work programs increased my aspiration and ambition to become a professional and inspiring manager in the tourism and hospitality management field. It helped identify the best and most effective leadership styles and strategies to deploy in the workplace to ensure positive performance among all departments. Exposure to the real work scenarios builds the confidence and leadership strategy to ensure a successful organization. As a tourism and hospitality management student equipped with the required knowledge and skills, I see myself as a successful, inspiring, and admirable leader in my career profession. Other people have built trust in me, and they perceive me great leader capable of bringing significant changes in the field of tourism and hospitality.