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ED 208

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ED 208


Intrinsic motivation is the activity a person does for the sake of satisfaction, without expecting anything in return. The intrinsic motivation that closely matches my motivation to teach is seeing a student achieve success. Knowing that  I was part of the student success gives me personal satisfaction. I am motivated to take responsibility for shaping tomorrow’s scientists or citizens who will impact the whole world. I still remember the days when I used to enjoy school and learn the basic concept in science eve when the teacher used little illustrative styles of teaching. Perhaps surprising, I want to make it better for my students; I want to use beautiful representation to help them understand the world’s concept. My extrinsic motivation to teach is the salary and the benefits of teaching. Teaching is a lucrative career for those who have a passion for it. While it may not be as lucrative as other careers, it is one of the best career today.  I can support my family and get them good health coverage, which makes me a happy parent.

Schools need to make more changes in parent engagement. Parents are often treated as separate to students or the learning team. However, it is essential to treat them as a member of the learning team. They need to be involved in children learning experiences, intellectual achievement.  Involvement could help improve their children’s self-concept. Schools, like every other social institution, need to assess their environment; this means changing the spirit of tolerance. Rather than focusing on a sense of giving and take, schools should also focus on developing self-confidence, hence the spirit of understanding, which is a critical skill in today’s competitive world.



My Civic Engagement and Civic Identity

Civic engagement is participating in community services to bring social change. Thus,  serving on a neighborhood association or in a community soup kitchen or even writing a letter to a community representative is civic engagement.

I believe that all citizen has the responsibilities to participate in the community. They have an obligation to take care of public goods, obey the law, respect others’ rights, and defend the country if need be.  Even when their beliefs or culture says otherwise, all citizens are obliged to do all these things to enhance the public good.

Yes, I once participated in a public hearing testimony meeting.

Testifying public hearing is all about engaging with critical legislative actions in the state. It is all about weighing in policy decision making.  It was my first experience, but it was a very straightforward experience. All we need was to clarify why I object to the policy.  I learned that I am good at expressing my feeling in public, especially when issues affect me personally. I improved public speaking skills and now believe that I would be in a better position to testify in the future. At first, I did not realize the importance of civic engagement, but with this experience, I know that it is imperative to be fully committed to issues that directly affect the community and take serious importance in them. I would be glad to go to any other public activity in the future.


Young people today are not engaged in civil activities.  I am one of those people who are rarely participating in these activities and mostly is because I was unaware of how to get involved or the impact it makes to the community.  I recently attended another civic meeting where the discussion was about wearing masks, and I realized that the input that people have could significantly affect the entire community. If masks are not implemented, the whole community is affected.  If they are implemented, then some people may have felt that their rights are being violated. I need to be more involved in political campaigns and community work since this gets me informed on how to be more involved and understand how to make a change as an individual and part of the community.

Topic for Civic Engagement Presentation

*Title Page: Low Young Voter Turnout

*The Issue

The United States has the lowest rates of young people voters’ turnout in the world. The current trend indicates that this is not likely to change anytime. Young people often fail to vote since they are apathetic about any related to politics. Many people I have met in the community are cynical, disinterested in politics, or too self-absorbed to cast ballots. Interestingly, some young people are interested in voting, however, obstacles such as confusion about unclear voter registration rules derail their efforts. Some feel that their effort does not make an impact in the community or in politics. Many people want to participate and care about what happens in the political arena. They find doing it challenging to follow through of these intentions.

Electoral reforms can reduce the voting process’s complexity and thus encourage young people to vote or be more involved in the voting process. For instance, if there are reforms such as the same-day registration process without restrictions or too much procedure, young people can be involved more.

*Importance of the issue

I have never been actively involved in public voting, so I think this issue affects me directly. I have noticed that the leaders we choose end up disappointing the youth. First, I have struggled with employment, and therefore, voting is one of the ways I could have engaged and be part of those who make changes in local government that creates a job for youths. Additionally, I have seen family friends involves in drug additional and substance, and the current rules an regulations and programs do not entirely help these people. Being engaged in voting can be one way that we, as young people, can change policies, be recognized, and advocate for changes in such programs. Lastly, voting is a legal right and has been in a state with strict ID rules, and never have I seen anyone in my family or friend line up to be involved in this democratic right.

Article Review

An open online learning environment has become critical today than ever before. It attracts audiences with different motivations who interact with specific structure course in several ways. Kizilcec and Schneider (2015) examine motivational and behavioral patterns to determine how learners engage and are motivated to participate in online courses. The author was able to find how each motivation predicted a behavioral outcome to the learners sing a learning enrollment intention scale, with a set of questionnaires and open-ended responses to capture the authentic perspective. Additionally, the author describes how virtual online classrooms present learners with a linear pathway through education resources while recognizing each student’s academic achievement and how each of these would be critical in a child’s motivation. Learners were chosen from 14 different courses, and a sample of 71,475 taken to get reliable results.  A percentage of learners in classes who reported their enrollment intention was compared, and distribution statistics were used to get the learners’ actual intention.

One of the primary motivations for learners is vocation, convenience, and independence. More than 56% of those who took online courses or actively engaged in the online learning environment was primary dues to convenience in learning. More importantly,  many of the participants in this study were more motivated to be part of the online class due to the instructor, teacher, or institution’s prestige.  The author also noted that demographics play a critical role in online learning experiences. Individual differences were significant in age and education levels when it comes to the motivation of online learning. Learners at lower class level had no motivation to be engaged or be part of online classes, while those at college were more interested in the structure or relevance to their careers.

Implication to education

In essence, this article demonstrates that the motivating factor is a critical aspect when it comes to online classes or courses.  Today, online courses and courses have become a necessity in the education system more than ever before. As such, educators need to understand the factors that increase motivation in online learning. Motivation is considered an engine in learning for teachers and students. Motivation, therefore, should be the key consideration of online learning.  This article highlights critical intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for learners. It helps educators understand how they can leverage the motivation to establish a pleasant learning environment.  The article also offers a lens of understanding of diverse behavioral patterns that are involved in an open online learning environment. These patterns can be interpreted as an expression of different needs for learners and the need to improve the online learning environment and platforms in the education system.

Technology designers for the online environment often provide generic tools and platforms that abstract from specific teaching practices. The way the tools are designed shapes the structure of the course content and the activities developed by these technology designers.  However, these platforms do not consider the learners’ behavioral patterns and the motivation factors for these classes from the student perspective. This article demonstrates that the only way to define the success of an online learning environment is by meeting the motivational need of the student on the platform. As shown in the article,  understanding the different needs that learners seek to gratify can be helpful in these platforms today.



Kizilcec, R. F., & Schneider, E. (2015). Motivation as a lens to understand online learners: Toward data-driven design with the OLEI scale. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)22(2), 1-24.




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