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How to keep remote employees engaged?

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How to keep remote employees engaged?


Here are some tips with which you can keep your remote employees engaged:


Use the Agile approach to manage your remote team.

Invest in your employees’ training and development.

Give your employees a meaningful purpose.

Hire freelancers and integrate them with your team.

Have clear communication with your team by using an email service such as Mailbird.



Are remote employees more productive?


Studies have shown that employees are more productive when they can work from home. Working from home allows them to cut back on their commuting time and other expenses such as lunch or coffee. Some employees struggle with work-life balance with remote working, but they can increase their productivity and output by taking breaks between their tasks.


Are remote workers happier?


A recent study has shown that remote workers are happier in their jobs than workers who work from their office. Remote workers reported having better focus, less stress, and a healthier work-life balance.


How do you implement remote working?


Here are some tips on how to implement remote working in your company:


Have a strict and clear working policy.

Provide the right hardware and software for your staff

Have constant communication with your team

Monitor your team’s productivity and output





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