Global cultures
Human nature is typically depicted by the social nature that they are attributed to. It is asserted that from the dawns of the Homo sapiens, almost 200,000 years ago, the people have generally been able to group into different groups for their survival. By living in the groups as one, the people have been able to develop forms of cooperation, which helps in the creation of common behaviors, habits, and the way of life that is identified as the cultures of each group. Human does not encompass the capability of solitary existence like the other animals. Due to this, humans are supposed to undergo some particular periods of dependency in order to be independent in the future. The cultures contribute a great deal to the success of this, as the cultural culture can be inclusive of language, social habits, cuisines, and even religion. Based on this explanation, it is very clear that each community may have different diverse cultures. The diversity may, therefore, limit the interactions, as some individuals believe that their cultures are more justified than other individual’s cultures. The cultural relativism concept comes in handy at this point, as it generally tries to help explain the concept of cross-cultural relationship possibility. Cultural Relativism is the ability to understand the other cultures on their own, and not make any judgments on them based on the concept of your own individual cultures. This a way that can be generally used in explaining the fact that no one culture is superior to the other when compared to a system of laws, politics, and even morality.
There are typically numerous ways through which individuals express their cultures. The social scientist was able to describe two major ways through which individuals recognized their society, which is the material vulture, and the non-material cultures.
- Material culture- material cultures, mentions to the resources, physical objects, and the spaces that people use. These are inclusive of homes, schools, offices, temples, clothes, roads, TVs, machines, stores, and many other things. All of these types made materials that have been evolved over the years to allow the man’s well-being and comfort are termed as the material cultures. The material culture is not only limited to the objects that are sold and purchased, but the material cultures can also be inclusive of the things that we typically make, in the example the cooking arts are parts of the things we normally do, and thus termed as an element of the material cultures.
- Non-material culture- the other type of culture is the culture that is inclusive of things that cannot be generally touched, held, tasted, or felt. These are typically the non-physical ideas that everybody has on their cultures, including the rules, values, beliefs, morals, norms, ethics, social roles, language, literature, tradition. Thus just like the material cultures, they assert a big impact on our lives and the ways through which we generally interact.
The United States Cultures is primarily attributed to the western origin. However, it is greatly influenced by the multi-cultural ethos. This includes Native Americans, African, Asians, pacific islands, and Latin peoples cultures. The diversity of the cultures is generally attributed to the fact that the states were built majorly on immigrant populations. Nearly all the regions of the world to some points have greatly influenced the culture of the United States of America, beginning from the English that colonized the country. Thus the country is both racially and ethnically diverse as a result of large scale migration in the history of the country. And on the same account, the united states of America culture have also greatly influenced the rest of the world.
Generally, there is a global culture that is generally shared globally. The global cultures are attributed to the values around the world, that are shared, and thus help in the intensification of relations in the international contexts. The process is generally started through the common consumptions of cultures that have been shared through numerous fronts over the years. Some of the major cultural transmitters are, internet, and international travels, they were also passed through commodity exchange and the colonization processes.
The global shared experiences help in the making of the world a single nation. Some evidence that can be used in the justifications of the global cultures are,
- Businesses, there is global evidence of shared business habits, symbols, conventions, and even the expectations at large. These can include foundational concepts, such as team and innovations.
- Sports- sports, for example, soccer and swimming sports, are shared internationally under the same contexts and rules. The soccer to be specific is generally attributed to the same rules, and this is shared across the nation. The fans, therefore, enjoy the same shared experience, proof of global cultural interactions.
- Holidays $ past times- holidays and past times are celebrated in the same contexts at the same time of the year and under the same day. New year, for example, is celebrated under the same day, and thus it is generally celebrated globally for the same reasons.
- Language- there is an effort to relate to a common language that can be used as the global language of communication in each and every place. And this is currently recognized as English.