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Linking team goals

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Linking team goals

The need to link team goals is essential in every organization. It is important to create goals that bring into line all employees to team and organizational goals. Aligning goals ensures that everyone is on the same page by creating a cooperative atmosphere where team members understand their roles and work together to achieve the company’s overall company goals. In addition to linking the organization’s goals to the team, it is equally important to ensure that individual goals are aligned. There are several ways that the personal goals can contribute to the team performance; Firstly, it aids the growth of accountability, especially in instances where team members are competitive. When team members race towards their personal goals while still working in a team-based system, organically accountability grows. It is the custom of team members to check in with one another’s progress, which increases the competitive spirit and better yet improves teamwork while still focusing on individual goals. This aspect can work effectively in an environment where the system allows maximum performance without unnecessary pressure. Secondly, it enables personal evaluation; the different objectives are of equal importance to the team and the organization as to the individual. By evaluating individual purposes, it is easier to tell which team member is performing t the best of their ability and who is not. With their own goals, it is easier to identify the team members’ strengths and weaknesses, which can aid in the allocation of duties for the team’s effectiveness as a whole. It also helps understand the team members; for example, one can notice individuals who are motivated by responsibility and those that rely on financial motivation. Lastly, it aids in the diversification of risk and encourages failure. It is next to impossible for team members or individuals to achieve all the goals set. Still, a delegation of tasks gives the organization a security blanket in case one individual fails the others will have done their part. Through this concept, growth is natured since failure in business is viewed as an opportunity for growth. When the team is not afraid of failure, it is likely to be more innovative and comfortable. Having separate and measurable goals ensures that the organization or business pivots strategically and dynamically. The team is more likely to be more cohesive as a unit if it is not afraid of failure; there will be more willing to learn, try new strategies, and build a better relationship.

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