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Swimming as a hobby

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Swimming as a hobby

Swimming is one of my unique hobbies and extracurricular activities that I have been doing for two years. Swimming is the hobby and sport that forever physically, psychologically, and academically gives me many benefits.

Physically, swimming is a great way to keep fit and well where it builds endurance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular fitness; it helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart, and lungs, it tones muscles and builds strength, it provides an all-over body workout, as nearly you use all your muscles during swimming, so swimming is an excellent all-round activity.

Psychologically, it is a relaxing and peaceful form of exercise, alleviating stress, improving coordination, balance, and posture, improving flexibility, and providing good low-impact therapy for some injuries and conditions. Hence, it helps me get rid of the stress of study.

Academically, it gives me honors that will help me in applying for universities, some universities care about teams of sports especially for swimming team such as University of Miami that has a highly ranked swimming team, and I will apply for it, and this will benefit me because I can join their team, and make friends, so swimming helps me to be friendlier, and accessible in school or university. The unique thing for me in swimming is reducing the stress of studying. Swimming is an excellent sport to practice.

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