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​​​​​Dear professor Soares,


I hope you are doing well, and you are in good health,

My name is Roxana Moaref, and I have completed my master degree in polymer engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology (Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran. Honestly, I have emailed you before about an available PhD position under your supervision. But, I want to inquire about an open PhD position in the new semester in your esteemed research group.


The main focus of my M.Sc. project under the supervision of Professor Saeed Pourmahdian and Professor Mohammad Mehdi Tehranchi has been the synthesis of superparamagnetic core-shell nanoparticles ((PMMA/Fe3O4)-SiO2). Also, the manuscript of this work is under review in the colloid and polymer science journal. Besides that, I have two years of versatile professional work experience, and I have submitted a conference paper about the mechanical properties of a newly designed nonflammable polyethylene pipe. Additionally, I am doing a project about conducting polymers with a group of PhD students.


​I have reviewed your faculty profile, and I am interested in your researches. Also, your article entitled “Evaluation of adsorption capacities of nanocomposites prepared from bean starch and montmorillonite” was interesting for me. I want to get involved in research in this field because it fits me. Also, I think that my theoretical and practical knowledge can prepare me as a splendid candidate for your group. If you find me a potential student, please let me know. My “CV” is attached for your consideration, thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.


Sincerely yours,

Roxana Moaref

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