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Dear Dr. Paul Desjardin,

I have completed my BS in Mechanical Engineering from the Military Institute of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, and am currently working as a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in the same institution. I am interested in joining the Combustion and Energy Transport laboratory. I find a great interest in your works hybrid rockets, especially the development of measurement techniques.

My undergrad thesis was to design and construct a passive cooling system using the subsurface soil as the heat sink. I worked on another project, which was on the design and development of an automated garbage collector. As a lecturer, I am conducting various lab and theory courses for undergrad students. These experiences made me well-oriented with experimental set-ups, data acquisition methods, and instrumentation and gave me a solid background in solid mechanics, fluid flow, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. I am familiar with programming languages (C and C#), and currently, I am learning Digital Image Processing (edge detection, image recognition using machine learning).

I will be grateful if I can talk more with you regarding the research opportunities in your lab. My short profile is stated after the email, and the CV is attached. Thanks for your time.

Best wishes,

Mahmudul Hoq.



CGPA: 3.62/4.00 (3.76 in the last 60 Credits, 3rd Position)

GRE: 323 (Quantitative: 162; Verbal: 161; Analytical Writing- 4.5)

IELTS: 8.0 (Reading: 9.0; Listening: 9.0; Speaking: 6.5; Writing: 6.5)

1 Conference Presentation.


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