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Prisons have Promoted Crime Rather than eliminating it.

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Prisons have Promoted Crime Rather than eliminating it.



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Prisons should be abolished for Promoting Crime Rather than eliminating it


  1. Prisons are a replacement for slavery because they target the poor and low-class individuals in society.
  2. Prisons are selected such that the worst criminals do not go to prison but are the people in positions of power who jail others.

Thesis Statement: Prisons should be abolished because they promote racial and class inequality in human society. Although they contribute to the creation of social order, their overall impact on the elimination of crime is low.

Supporting Points

  1. Most crimes charged with harsh sentences do not necessarily emanate out of a deliberate interest in committing a crime. Individuals accused of a crime are only partly responsible, but the leading cause is the system’s nature, which leaves people with no alternative but to commit a crime.
  2. Individuals in the highest offices who create systems that render the low and middle-class population vulnerable to crime are never jailed (Davis, 2011). The outcome is usually high-order crimes from the highest offices, which are never prosecuted.
  • Most criminal activities are hinged on interests that are justifiable based on moral principles.  Very few people deliberately choose to commit crimes for their sake. Instead, they do so to satisfy a genuine interest.
  1. Prisons have reportedly jailed inmates who were unfairly accused of committing crimes. Since they are poor and cannot give out money, they are left to serve the long sentences.
  2. The process of criminalization is a crime in itself. For instance, police officers have been brutal in most parts of the world, including the US, yet they are never jailed for their unjust activities.

Dissenting Points

  1. Criminals, whether they committed the crime deliberately or not, are still criminals regardless of the intentions. Therefore, taking them to jail increases social order.


  1. Moral principles govern the society, and reason or intent cannot be disputed in judging the right from the wrong. Therefore, prisons should be abolished because they promote social inequality and unfairness.



Davis, A. Y. (2011). Are prisons obsolete?. Seven Stories Press.

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