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How to find secret shopper jobs online.

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How to find secret shopper jobs online.

Do you need extra cash but don’t know where to find the best and good-paying secret shopper jobs? Check out the following companies and their websites.

  1. Bare

Bare is one of the best and legit secret buyer websites that have won a buyers’ choice award from MSPA. It employs mystery buyers to do phone, in person, customer video, or chat visits. Once you sign up to work for the company, you will have to give the area code that you desire to mystery shop.

So, if you want to maximize your earnings, you can decide to live and work in many different area codes.

  1. Market force

The company requires its mystery shoppers to complete shop proposals for restaurants, stores, and banks. If you work her,e your work will be giving feedback for aspects like product selection, customer service, and cleanliness.

  1. Ath power consulting

Various mystery companies focus on varied niches and gigs. Likewise, Ath Power consulting focuses on the banking and financial industry. The secret shopper who wishes to work for this company is likely to visit banks and give feedback on their experience. According to the website’s information, the firm offers more than ten thousand mystery jobs per month.

  1. Pinnacle

Pinnacle aims at assisting financial organizations to improve their sales and service quality. The company is the best choice for those who have interests in finance as it exclusively deals with banks and credit unions. To become a mystery shopper at the pinnacle is free.

How to know legit secret shopper jobs

Even though there are several legit secret shopper jobs, scams are also even more. It is interesting to work as a mystery shopper, but there are a lot of scams out to rob people. And so you have to be careful. The following are ways you can easily spot mystery shopping scams and avoid them.

Search the company with the words” complaint,” “scam,” or “review.”

There is no payment for job guarantees or certifications. If a company asks you to pay, then it is a scammer that you should avoid and report.

Legit companies do not ask for payments to give you a job, but they pay you for a job. Companies that ask for upfront to provide a job are scams.

Do not buy gift cards for mystery shopping jobs or assignments. Legit companies should purchase gift cards for clients.


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