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ACCT19083 Corporate Governance and Ethics 2019 T1

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ACCT19083 Corporate Governance and Ethics 2019 T1

Group Assessment: Journal Article Review Template




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Journal Article Reference (use APA)



Thomson, D & Jain, A. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: A Business strategy by Australian Banks? Corporate Ownership and Control. Vol 7(4).


What are the critical points of this article?











 The article looks at the managerial perspectives of the banks’ reputation problem. The report involves interviews with bank officials who have information on some of the factors causing a bad reputation to the banks such as charging fees, profits, reactions on the charges on monetary policies and executive salaries.

The article gives recommendations on how to solve the reputation problem of the banks.

Why is this article relevant to the second assignment?











This article helps in providing information on some of the issues that cause the Australian banks to have a bad reputation to the public and some of the unethical behaviors that they conduct.


How would you rate this article (1 = Not at all, 5 = Highly)5= highly

It offers significant information on the unethical factors Australian financial organizations


Journal Article Reference (use APA)



Scott S. (2007). Corporate Social Responsibility and the Fetter of Profitability. Social Responsibility Journal 2007; 3:31-39. Doi: 10.1108/17471110710840215


What are the critical points of this article?











This article looks at the themes that arise from the CSR definitions. This includes the responsibility of the organization to the community and the society of its operation, assistance in reducing poverty and inequality between the rich and the poor as well as the ethical behavior.

The article also uses the Hegelian dialectical method in the analysis of CSR

The report provides some of how the organizations can be of assistance to the society of operation

The article also explains the gap between the theoretical and practical aspect of CSR

Why is this article relevant to the second assignment?











The article gives a detailed and diverse definition of corporate social responsibility

It explains about the ethical perspective of the CSR

The report provides some of the examples of the impacts of the CSR on the organization and the community

Give insight into the disconnect between what banks do and what they say, the practical and theoretical perspectives of CSR

How would you rate this article (1 = Not at all, 5 = Highly)5= highly

Gives essential information uniquely diverse definitions of the CSR as well as the CR impacts


Journal Article Reference (use APA)



Sternberg E. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance. Economic Affairs 2009; 29:5-10. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0270.2009.01940.x


What are the critical points of this article?











The article points out that corporate social responsibility is at most associated with hope for improved corporate governance.

The article also clearly defines that CSR is unworkable and incoherent. Furthermore, the report describes that need to be perceived as a conscientious responsibility of the stakeholders and not a stakeholder’s regulation.

Why is this article relevant to the second assignment?











It helps in explaining the role of the stakeholders in Corporate social responsibility.

It explains why CSR is unworkable in many organizations as well the unethical dealings of banks when it comes to CSR

How would you rate this article (1 = Not at all, 5 = Highly)1- Not at all

The report only provides little of the benefits of CSR and the role of the stakeholders. Most of the article supports the narrow view of CSR





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