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The economies of Asia Pacific mostly depend on the export of high value-added goods as well as service to the United States, which is the most significant importer in the whole world. Various government policies may be changed, and this may affect the demand for various products and services (Bernad, 2016). The decrease in demand due to the shift in government policies will lead to an increase in the economic impact due to international as well as interregional trade. The US indeed is the largest important of various products and services. Therefore, when the demand goes down, there will be a huge economic impact since many countries will not have a market to sell their exports. The discussion the author has presented in this article is relevant because Asia Pacific Economies depend on the US market. Hence, they will be at risk because of the change in the US Trade Policies. I agree with the article that the US is the largest importer of various goods and services. A change in economic policies would have a huge economic impact, and this means that the US plays a critical role in the economy of various countries. Therefore, the main threat that is present in the change in government policies as it will affect the exporters.
Trade policies that are used in Asia are largely unbalanced, and it cannot support any growth and development. The main center stage of this issue is the discriminatory bilateral as well as regional free trade agreements (Sally, 2007). Multilateral liberation has stopped, and this case made many countries to be less active in the World Trade Organization. The current trade policy in Asia has indeed become unbalanced, and this has affected many countries. As a result, many countries have opted out and preferred to join the Free Trade Organizations. The topic the author chose for the article is clear and precise since it has described the main ideas that have been discussed. I agree with the author that trade policies in Asia have become unbalanced. This issue is going to have a substantial economic impact due to many countries not taking part in the trade. The main threat is that many countries are becoming less active in the World Trade Organization.
The World Trade Organization, being one of the most prominent organizations, some issues are central to its future. Some of these include settlement of disputes, the relationship between regional integration as well as the multilateral trading system and Doha Development Round (Taniguchi, Yanovich & Bohanes, 2007). The ideas presented in this article are correct because many issues are facing the World Trade Organization; hence, there is not working effectively. The purpose of this article has been made clear from the introduction since the three main issues affecting the World Trade Organizations have were identified. I agree with the article that among the issues presented, dispute resolution is the most important aspect. The impact of these issues is that they will help the World Trade Organization by making sure that it becomes effective. Also, the main threat, in this case, is the conflict that may arise between various countries forming the World Trade Organization.
Regulation is one of the critical aspects of industrial growth. Regulation has played a vital role in the financial sector. On the other hand, regulatory requirements have turned out to be one of the biggest problems for various banks. The regulatory challenge has become more acute in the Asia Pacific. Even though complying with these regulations may not be easier, certain practices can be employed to improve the situation. The financial crisis indeed is one of the biggest problems that most industries face, and this has called for the development of stringent measures. The discussion in this article is relevant because it focuses on the financial crisis. Many firms are going through a financial crisis, and the only way to get out is to develop regulations. I agree with the article that even though how financial crisis may get, there will always be new ways to develop a new crisis. The main impact of the financial crisis that most companies may undergo is ineffective operations, and this means the companies will not achieve its objectives. The best opportunity that is available is to develop strict regulations that will help in solving the financial crisis.
Bernad, M. (2016). Asia Pacific Economies That Are Most at Risk From a Shift in US Trade Policies. CFO Innovation Asia. Newton.
Sally, R. (2007). Trade policy in Asia: Where next with a crippled WTO and weak FTAs? (No. 1/2007). ECIPE Policy Brief. Retrieved from
Taniguchi, Y., Yanovich, A., & Bohanes, J. (Eds.). (2007). The WTO in the twenty-first century: dispute settlement, negotiations, and regionalism in Asia. Cambridge University Press.
Navigating Regulatory Change in the Asia Pacific – a whitepaper from Kapronasia and Broadridge. Retrieved from