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Drugs and alcohol abuse in the USA army

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Drugs and alcohol abuse in the USA army


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In the recent past, there has been a significant rise in drug and alcohol abuse in the USA army. The number of military men that have been dismissed from active duty due to drug and alcohol abuse is worrying. This research paper seeks to bring into the light the root cause of the ethical dilemma that has risen and come up with solutions that would help the government curb the situation and liberate most servicemen and women from succumbing to the same. Drug and alcohol abuse is discouraged in the army because it is a sensitive department which requires apt men who are ready to spring into action any time. Abuse of drugs undermines their capabilities, thus presenting a significant threat and risk to themselves and the nation. A solution that takes into consideration all ethics that have been put into place is needed to restore the army force to its coveted glamour that it has held for quite a number of years but is now at the verge of being lost.



Alcohol and drug abuse in the USA army

Alcohol and drug abuse is not a thing of irony in the USA army. It has actually risen to become an ethical dilemma drawing attention from different groups and organizations and even the government at large. For a long time, this has been a great concern to the nation as most military men and women succumb to alcoholism and addiction to drugs and substance abuse. The consequences and risks that they tag along with themselves are dire and pose great threats both to themselves as individuals and to the society by extension. Cases of servicemen and women who have been retrenched, and others experienced premature deaths due to drug and alcohol abuse has been on the rise. It has been estimated that in every four people that die in the military, one or more of those deaths is as a result of drug and alcohol abuse. (Horgan2001). Alcoholism is mostly consumed to help pacify post-combat traumas and experiences. However, sometimes military personnel consume alcohol to celebrate combat victories. Others do it alone to ease the combat tension and traumas that they experience from time to time. In the past two decades, drug and substance abuse in the army seemed to be declining and was maintained at low levels; however, a significant rise in the cases reported each year has been noted. With the loss of productivity and other developing health conditions attributed to the same, there is a need for an alarm.

Continued use of alcohol leads to the development of some dependence. This dependence may adverse to a condition called substance use disorder. (SUD).This disorder impairs the normal functioning of an individual, reducing them to slavery of the drugs and substance abuse. It’s a thing of worry when army personnel become addicted to drug use and alcoholism sense considering the nature of their work, this may be costly to the defence sector and the nation.

Root cause of drug and alcohol abuse within the USA army

There are many factors that could lead to drug and alcohol abuse. Some may affect an individual directly or indirectly but nonetheless, there must be some negative impact on an individual. Although these factors differ from one individual to another, the root cause that pushes most military men and women to plunge in to alcohol and drug abuse is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is mostly brought about by combat and it has signs such as; depression, anxiety, irritability and insomnia. While in combat active duty personnel experience heightened trauma which may lead to emotional distress and other mental conditions. The constant threat to life, gruesome sights and sounds of war take a toll on them psychologically and physically.(Zahava Solomon,Tel Aviv University) Most active military personnel turn to alcohol in order to cope and be able to manage the trauma they experience despite the risk of deployment that faces them.(Krystina Murray, July 24,2019)According to research conducted ,army personnel are six times more likely to suffer from intermittent explosive disorder compared to other civilians. Also the levels of depression witnessed among the servicemen and women tend to be higher compared to those of civilians.(Brett Schneider 2004)

The start of these mental conditions may trigger active military personnel to drink alcohol and abuse drugs. This may persist leading to the two conditions existing jointly resulting to what is known as co-occuring disorders or dual diagnosis. Alcohol dependence can easily graduate to alcoholism where the alcoholic continues drinking despite the severe consequences to their lives and the lives of others especially if one is self-meditating traumatic military flashback or emotions.

Impact of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to the army force.

A psychological dysfunction oftenly tends to impact negatively on an individual and also undermine their performance in their place of work. Experiencing post traumatic stress disorder symptoms may adversely influence a service member performance. Altered and diminished performance specifically in memory and cognition may be related to the experience of coping with PSTD symptoms. Veterans display signs of cognitive impairment compared to their peers who have sustained trauma but do not have PSTD. The severity of PSTD symptoms is correlated with the level of cognitive impairment.

PSTD victims are also liable to early retrenchments and demotions. Having a personnel suffering from this psychological condition in the active military group can be very unethical and goes against the required work standards and norms. Such people face the consequence of being relieved their duty which also serves as a big blow to the government because loosing individuals who are highly trained and experienced to employ young ones is not on the best interest of the nation.

In severe cases, this may bring about premature deaths. As much as this is a psychological problem, psychology highly relates to the general physical health of a person. The deterioration of this condition may lead to development of complicated health conditions that may eventually lead to pre mature death. Losing the brave men and women who risk their lives to defend the country and undergo great suffering to protect the nation from terror attacks is griefing.


Ethical considerations in the treatment of PSTD in the army population.

Making sound ethical decisions is important to astute and compassionate clinical care of the victims of PSTD (Suzanne yang, may 2015). Qualified practitioners identify and reflect on the ethical aspects that should be considered in treatment of these patients. They maintain therapeutic distance in caring for patients who are difficult to treat and have complex conditions. They endeavour to understand more about mental illnesses and their expression in the lives of the patients of all ages in all places and from all walks of life. These habits and thoughts are signs of professionalism and help ensure ethical rigor in clinical practice.

The area of specialty in dealing with psychology patients is psychiatry. The conditions that are encountered often threaten the qualities that define human beings as individuals; autonomous, responsible, developing, and fulfilled. This condition is often characterized by great suffering, disability, and stigma hence the great need to treat them with utmost care and respect to restore their lost dignity and self respect.

Exposure to treatment and psychiatry would go a greater extent in helping restore the lost love that they had for themselves. Some that suffer from guilt are often faced with emotional dillemas and shame which may haunt them for a long time. Counselling them and making them believe that what happened was not entirely their fault by pointing instances that were beyond their control goes a long way in making the feel better about themselves. The psychiatrist has specific questions that they must take in to consideration such as how to benefit without retraumatization of the patient and how and when to inform them of these risks. Its important to make sure that before engaging any trauma victim to treatment, you take into consideration all the ethical issues that may emerge and whether the kind of treatment and solution you intend to administer them meets all the ethical requirements. For instance, psychiatrist treatment which aims at restoring the dignity and respect that the victims had lost for themselves meets all the three lens of ethics. It does not seek to down grade them and make them feel less of human must attempts to restore the humanity respect that they initially had for themselves.


Alcohol and drug abuse in the active military personnel has become a great cause of concern to the nation. Caused by post traumatic stress disorder, it poses a great threat to the efficiency that should be there in the army. Seeking to address the problem of PSTD and coming up with solutions that would help overcome it taking into considerations all the ethical requirements would go a great way in helping and liberating the military men who are slowly sinking into despair and desperation thus pushing them to abuse alcohol and drugs which in turn poses greater risks to them. Adressing PSTD among the military which is brought about by traumatic experiences in combat is indirectly addressing the problem of drug and alcohol abuse since substance abuse is a manifestation of unattended to PSTD.









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