Wellbeing in the Workplace and Life Mission
As students, we receive varying degrees of practical management training for different situations in the workplace. The transition to the professional world creates an avenue for encountering various situations, and as such, we ultimately face numerous responsibilities that require our attention. In handling these responsibilities, well being is of utmost importance. To achieve the highest level of wellbeing, effective strategies must be exercised. I have identified the organization’s policies, green space, and balance, which I intend to apply in the quest to achieve wellbeing in my transition to professional life.
Often, professional uncertainties occur during the transition period of education to work. This connotation prompted me to build a personal trait of being organized and mentally equipped with a prepared state of mind to fulfill what I set out to achieve. Being organized and prepared enables me to cope with uncertainties. Consequently, I can realize higher possibilities of effectiveness and efficiency in task completion. Similarly, maintaining a balance between my social and professional life is essential for my overall wellbeing. This balance is crucial in managing psychological distress that may hinder performance in any working environment (Zomer, 2012). Most importantly, balancing all aspects of my life will help me maintain higher levels of mental stability, which is vital for improving workplace performance.
To achieve inner development, which is essential for wellbeing, I will dedicate ample time to occupy green spaces through activities such as hikes and camping. Green spaces provide a serene environment that clears the mind and fosters calmness. My life mission encompasses a goal that I intend to achieve by caring for my wellbeing and that of my colleagues. My life mission is to always inspire hope in myself and the people around me. My mantra is, Growth is outside the comfort zone.
Work cited
Zomer, L. (2012). The Relationships Among Emotional Intelligence, Gender, Coping
Strategies and Well-being in the Management of Stress in Close Interpersonal Relationships and the Workplace (Doctoral dissertation).