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The global capstones study.

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The global capstones study.

The capstone study is on waste management and which countries are often used to dump wastes mainly from international companies based in the respective countries. Waste management has been and still is a big issue for various countries around the world mostly African countries who are grappling with the problem of waste management. An inside view by the capstone study indicate matters ranging from financial to environmental effects of waste mismanagement. A first-hand witnessing of the impacts of wastes from the survey paints an ugly picture of how waste reduces the aesthetic value of the environment around it in countries such as Nigeria.

There were also positive results of the study. The Philippines, for example, has been able to manage their waste in that it acts as a source of income for people who salvage through the scraps and find things that can be recycled and made into other products sold internationally. It is also important to note that some countries have suffered financial losses from signing contracts with waste management companies that do not deliver on their promises. The study was an eye opener on how international companies flaunt rules and regulations barring them from dumping wastes in water bodies without adequate treatment of the same. The wastes issue is an issue that requires immediate attention because industries and domestic wastes have been on the rise and it can pose a potential problem in the future if not addresses adequately — the study shade light on how countries face challenges of checking international companies on waste disposal.

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