Winter usually comes earlier in some countries while in others it comes later. During this period, house preparation and maintenance is very crucial. House pipes may burst, furnaces may be overworked, high temperatures and power outages become the new norm.
For one to ensure that a home is safe, specific measures are taken. By doing so, living in peace during winter becomes very easy. Here are some of the things one should do to prepare a home for winter;
- Check the heating system.
Some of the heating systems in a house last even for 20 years without being checked. Before the winter season arrives, the narrowing of the filters should be done by a certified contractor. By doing so, one ensures that temperatures are well regulated during the winter period to keep everyone warm.
- Ceiling fans to be reversed
The fan blades are turned in a clockwise direction after heat is turned on. In turn, the fan will push the air produced as a result of an updraft downwards to the room, facilitating warmth in the place. The process is fundamental, especially in buildings that have a high ceiling.
- Avert ice dams
Ice dams can cause water to flow back to the house, especially if they were not checked during the previous winter period. A weatherization contractor helps identify the problem and fix the air leaks, which prevents the formation of ice dams. A home is thus kept maintained during the winter.
- Wash the gutters
During winter, many gutters have detritus. They make water that accumulates during winter, back up and damage the roof, wood trim, and siding. They should be thoroughly cleaned, and if some have been destroyed, new gutters are to be bought.
- Exterior Faucets to be turned off
Water has not been drained for a long-time freeze, causing it to expand and finally burst the pipes. Water that remains on the faucets are exhausted, and all the open lines are disconnected. When one lacks frost-proof faucets, the valve located inside a house is shut to ensure drainage systems are not affected.
- Lawn- irrigation system to be drained
A professional is called to ensure that the lawn irrigation system is removed during the winter period. Depending on one’s lawn size and the equipment used, the cost varies. Once the drainage systems are removed, leaks and the bursting of pipes problem is evaded.
By doing the activities above, a house is not damaged during winter. Draining lawn- irrigation systems ensure pipes do not burst. Turning off faucets prevents water from leaking, gutters guarantee that water does not flow back to the house, and averting ice dams prevents roofs from being damaged. All the processes ensure that a home is maintained during winter.