Added Sugars
The website used has a .org which is a domain name originating from the word organization. The owner of the website is Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic comprises of over 4700 physicians who work across states like; Florida, Minnesota, and Arizona found in the United States of America. The number of physicians who collaborate to offer medical consultancy via the website provides solid proof that experts have scrutinized the information published. The author of the article is Mayo Clinic staff facilitated by the editorial team. The team comprises of a couple of physicians. The initials of the editorial team like James T C Li, M.D., Ph.D. show the degree of educational achievement. Ph.D. is one of the top mastery level of education under a certain specialty thus enhancing the credibility of the article. The authors, who are under the Mayo Clinic staff, are affiliated to institutions and organizations. They are mostly doctors who practice in various hospitals. When these experts from various departments of hospitals come together, they formulate ideas that are entirely based on facts and proven research work. Their experience to practice medicine would enhance the authenticity of the article thus making it more credible. Presence of the editorial board led by Sandhya Pruthi, M.D. enhances the truth of the article since intense scrutiny of any article presented occurs. The various experts present to validate the truth behind every statement. One should look at the academic achievement of the editorial board to ascertain the validity of the article.
Independent measure experimental design is used in the article. Added sugar is the independent variable as the others vary from how sugar affects the body of people of different ages to different sorts of effects causes. The article provides a presentation of added sugars. This is because the pros and cons are highlighted thus evidence of conclusion after research. It also shows that the focus is on the findings of the study. This is prominent when issues concerning the effects of added sugars are pointed. Statement of conclusion is evident all through the article. The research is current. This is because, looking at the current issues that disturb the world and has shown tremendous concern, one of them is obesity. The article connects obesity to added sugars showing it as one of the root causes of obesity. The daily calories consumption in added sugar of an average American has been cited. In the presentation, the 2015-1010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide the citation for daily calories consumption. It states that added sugar make up less than 10% of daily calories. Reference and full citations have been used at the end of the presentation. The reason behind this is mainly to enhance the credibility of the article. In addition to this, it also allows readers to conduct their research by investigating the information’s origin.
The main theme of the study was added sugar. The effect of added sugar was the main point of concern. The study is systematic and sequential since it follows a flowing order. From describing what added sugar is, it goes to show the sources of added sugar which are molasses, candies, and soda. Although sugar seems to be harmful to human health, it plays a pivotal role in enabling the daily processes to occur (Lustig, Schmidt & Brindis 2012). Some of the desires of our bodies could not be fulfilled if it were not for sugar. It is a real sweetener that our tongue yearns. Sugar causes the increase in of calories of the body and has little nutritional values. The identification of sugar is from ingredients used to make various foodstuff. They are identified by the suffix “use.” Some of the effects of added sugars are weight gain and poor nutrition. The Heart Association of America offers strict guidelines to be followed when taking added sugar. Even though the guidelines are laid down, following then is a huddle in the United States of America. These added sugars are still taken contrary to the measures advocated. There is a way in which human beings can reduce the amount of added sugar in the body. Some of these ways are; increased water consumption, taking fruits instead of juice and taking breakfast containing cereals.
The theory behind the causes and effects of sugar lies behind the fact that sugar is a source of energy. Since the body needs energy for normal functionality, then sugar consumption must occur. Not only does the body need sugar for energy but also for the daily process like preservation, fermentation and balancing the acidity of foods (Ervin & Ogden 2013). The appealing effect of sugar can prompt too much intake. This restriction must be imposed. Even though sugar has beneficial roles, it also has negative effects; it increases calories in the body of people and has negligible nutritional value. The limitation and of the amount of added sugar taken daily stands turns out to be the recommendations of the article. It also says that the maximum consumption of calories found in added sugar for children below two years should not use added sugar, for children above two years and mostly women; is less than 100 calories, for men older than two years; less than 150 calories. Calories can be cut without affecting nutrition through limiting or minimizing the amount of added sugar in the diet (Bray & Popkin 2014). These statements presented by the recommendations and conclusions of the passage are supported throughout the context. It is clearly stated of the dangers posed when added sugars are used from the risk of having heart disease to being obese. Also, sugar adds calories with negligible nutritional benefits; thus there is a need to cut these added calories. The rate at which calories are broken-down drastically reduces by limiting the amount of added sugar taken.
Other than limiting the amount of sugar intake, another way to burn calories is through indulging in physical activities. Such activities enable us to use our time out-door (Ogden et al. 2011). The out-door environment restricts us from accessing sugar since freedom is cut out. There will hence be limited access to sugar. In addition to these, available calories are burnt when we conduct exercises (Campos & Tappy 2016). The variables measured is the degree of exercise one indulges about the rate at which calories are burnt.
I believe that added sugar has negative effects on our bodies. It is said that “old is gold,” all through the ages, parents, and guardians have complained and used all the strategies in their power to ensure we do not take a certain level of sugar to prove this statement (JS Ruff et al., 2013). This shows that, even by instincts, there is a problem that arises when we take a lot of sugar. Their experience is evidence that most of the things our parents come up with. All things have a reason behind them. Also, it is true that increased triglycerides is an effect of added sugar. Glycerol accumulates in the blood stream and can cause a clog (Steele et al., 2016). Since sugar is also a source of fat, the breakdown of fat in the body occurs after the carbohydrates are depleted and also additional oxygen is needed. The facilitation if its breakdown becomes rare. The occurrence of heart failure is thus attributed to the intake of sugar (Edwards et al., 2016). Although minimization of sugar intake should be encouraged, other forms of burning calories should also be sort. Children below the age of two years should also be given a chance to taste sugar since it provides a certain satisfaction but also energy. There needs to be the least (close to nothing) amount that the children are allowed to take.
Various articles and books touch on the effects of added sugar to the body of people. Since sugar is used daily, its consumption should follow a certain criterion to regulate it. Webpages from non-profit organizations and some which offer consultancy provide sources of information. An example is which provide guidelines with pros and cons on sugar. In addition to such webpages, many doctors have found themselves majoring on research concerning sugar. These medical practitioners, professors, and lecturers have come up with books and articles that provide further and deep information on the topic. Example of such articles includes the Intake of added sugar and sugar-sweetened drink and serum uric acid concentration in US men and women.
In conclusion, sugar play a pivotal role in our bodies. Since every market has a mad man, there are negative effects that also come with sugar. Intake of excess amount causes damage to health. Regulation of consumption is thus needed to enable our bodies to work efficiently.
Lustig, R. H., Schmidt, L. A., & Brindis, C. D. (2012). Public health: The toxic truth about sugar. Nature, 482(7383), 27. Retrieved from:
Steele, E. M., Baraldi, L. G., da Costa Louzada, M. L., Moubarac, J. C., Mozaffarian, D., & Monteiro, C. A. (2016). Ultra-processed foods and added sugars in the US diet: evidence from a nationally representative cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 6(3), e009892. Retrieved from:
Ervin, R. B., & Ogden, C. L. (2013). Consumption of added sugars among US adults, 2005-2010. Retrieved from:
Ruff, J. S., Suchy, A. K., Hugentobler, S. A., Sosa, M. M., Schwartz, B. L., Morrison, L. C., … & Potts, W. K. (2013). Human-relevant levels of added sugar consumption increase female mortality and lower male fitness in mice. Nature Communications, 4, 2245. Retrieved from:
Edwards, C. H., Rossi, M., Corpe, C. P., Butterworth, P. J., & Ellis, P. R. (2016). The role of sugars and sweeteners in food, diet, and health: Alternatives for the future. Trends in food science & technology, 56, 158-166. Retrieved from:
Ogden, C. L., Kit, B. K., Carroll, M. D., & Park, S. (2011). Consumption of sugary drinks in the United States, 2005-2008(p. 71). Hyattsville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, National Centre for Health Statistics.
Bray, G. A., & Popkin, B. M. (2014). Dietary sugar and body weight: have we reached a crisis in the epidemic of obesity and diabetes? Health is damned! Pour on the sugar. Diabetes Care, 37(4), 950-956. Retrieved from:
Campos, V. C., & Tappy, L. (2016). Physiological handling of dietary fructose-containing sugars: implications for health. International Journal of Obesity, 40(S1), S6. Retrieved from: