Prison is an institution designed to fulfill different purposes. For one, the prison system is designed to lock up prisoners and keep them in check. These are people who have broken the law in one way or another. The prison system helps uphold the law- it is a vital part of the criminal justice system. Prisons act as a form of retribution for criminals and low offenders. In essence, this is viewed as paying for their crimes to the community and the country. Holding people accountable for their actions teaches responsibility and accountability, which is an integral part of society. It ensures that society has clear and well-written boundaries on what they can and cannot do.
Secondly, prisons act as a form of crime deterrence and rehabilitation. When a person commits crimes, he or she loses the freedom of movement and choice. The prison system is established so that those locked up have to follow strict laws and orders. The community learns from a person who is locked up. They fear the harsh rule of the law hence stay by the established boundaries. Those locked up are released as better members of the society. The hard prison life is supposed to teach them and educate them on the importance of obeying the law. The fear of going back ensures that they do not commit crimes against other people. All these things ensure that the community is safe and protected. It serves to teach them and safeguard them from criminal activities. By doing this, development can be achieved much easier and faster. In essence, it leads to growth and development in the community on a larger scale by influencing peace and harmony.