Scientific Arguments in WALL-E
WALL-E is an animated feature that contains a striking message on the contemporary consumer culture and a scientific prediction of the future (Chaudhary 2). As much as the film is animated, it is without a doubt that it has a more profound ecosystem message that depicts the current human state.
The first is that life, as we know it, will seize to exist. The planet will be scorched, having traces of discarded detritus rampant materials. Though WALL-E, the film proves that robots would inhabit the earth and roam freely.
Secondly, the planet will be desolate. There will be less human movement. The large retail outlets, such as Wal-Mart, appear to be abandoned. Other infrastructure like the highways, wiry triangles, and supermarkets will be forgotten in due time.
The objects that held great value to humankind will lose its utility and uniqueness; for instance, when WALL-E prefers a box over a diamond ring. Ideally, since humans would be engaged somewhere, there will be no one to attach a monetary value to items.
The discovery of a green plant by WALL-E shows that vegetation will be hard to come by. The way they treat ‘this green matter,’ indicates that the world would have exhausted the green ecosystem.
On the other hand, humans will grow lazy. They sit on their hovering recliners, starring at their holographic screens and do nothing – literally as they depend on the robots to do everything for them. They use the Axioms to move around and have minimal interactions.
Furthermore, the contemporary consumer-driven lifestyle, where convenience and complacency supplant personal liberty, will rule the world. The inhabitants of the Axiom only realize this when they are forbidden to return to planet earth (Herhuth 53).
WALL-E shows the demerits of consumption and capitalism in the long run. It is a clear indication that in the end, it will make us slaves of our invention – when the robots take over the world.
However, love surpasses all and will be the breakthrough of humankind: when EVE meets WALL-E, they work together to save the earth and the human race. In essence, there is still hope of changing the situations.
Works cited
Chaudhary, Ms Nilima. “AN ECOCRITICAL DECONSTRUCTION OF DISNEY’S WALL∙ E.” International Conference on Recent Trends in Humanities, Education, Arts, Culture, Languages, Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Gender and Management Studies. 2019.
Herhuth, Eric. “Life, love, and programming: The culture and politics of WALL-E and Pixar computer animation.” Cinema Journal 53.4 (2014): 53-75.