Keeping Kids Motivated in Reading During Modern Times
Every parent or guardian wishes to get their child into the first category in studies. Also, the majority of good students are not born as good readers. Although individual personality plays a significant role in the child’s willingness to adopt a reading habit, it is a habit that is developed slowly over time. It is a skill that may be developed by the proper guidance of parents and teachers. Students who possess a good attitude and receives the right motivation may become a good reader. For young students, most of the reading and learning takes place in the classroom. It is the primary source of academic, social, and intellectual growth for a student. However, in this digital era, it is difficult to enhance a child’s ability and desire to learn, especially with the current preoccupation activities that are present. Such activities include gaming gadgets, outdoor activities, and sometimes bad social circles. Therefore, applying some techniques may enhance a child’s reading behavior outside the classroom during these modern times.
Kids in this era are lavished with awesome technological gadgets. To get to encourage children in this modern era to stay highly motivated in reading, it is worth noting that these children are from a digital and Net generation. They are familiar with devices such as smartphones, computers, laptops, and the internet (McVicker). Over the past several years, several studies that have been conducted have asserted that opportunities that involve students reading with the help of technology should be interpreted into learning institutions for young children. These studies involve students to interact with certain software, which they are familiar with using. An example of such technologies that can be put into effect is the use of iPads in school. These devices have become increasingly widespread. Although its benefits and effect are yet to be determined, they have revolutionized the learning experiences of kids. The use of an IPad to teach students keeps the attention of students as it is a versatile tool that parents and teachers can use. Not only are iPads multipurpose learning tools that are compatible with all types of learning students, but they provide the best visual and audio experiences hence capturing the attention of students. It gives them a better learning experience
The use of laptops can also be used to enhance the learning experiences of kids. Parents and educators are always looking for new and innovative tools to give kids a wonderful learning experience and set them on the path of having a good reading culture. Laptops replaced desktops that were bulky and non-potable. Laptops have improved learning outcomes among kids and in several years. From a study conducted by Michigan State University in 2016, studied the effects of such devices (Zheng and Henion). They proved that such technological advancements in the field of education influenced positive academic performance. With such tools, instructors can personalize instructions more, and this gives kids an option to go deeper in terms of reading, and this enables them to improve their learning. The use of laptops encourages the organization of books and material. There is also customized learning and unlimited library sources in which the kids may read through educational materials that suit their interests.
Another way that can keep kids motivated in reading is by providing proper guidance as parents, guardians, and teachers. Just as students learn how to choose literature from libraries, it is also important they are taught how to use the internet. Allowing them to surf the internet as young kids should be accompanied by safety and privacy concerns. By not putting such efforts, a child may land into sites that provide complex and unnecessary information. Therefore, a combination of some factors may be used to make sure that the child gets access to relevant information that may do their reading and learning a wonderful experience (Heitin). Such includes providing adequate and friendly search engines and exposing students to favorable YouTube channels. It not only provides the child with age-appropriate content but also gives the students the necessary skills that they may use later in repeating the same procedure. In relation, teachers may use appropriate online apps and games that may help students practice their reading skills. It includes sight words, phonics, and vocabulary. These skills may be adequately practiced by these technological platforms and can help capture and extend the desire to read and learn.
Aside from the use of digital media adaptation to use to encourage kids to read, it is also important to help them develop habits that may improve this culture. Setting time for kids to read is crucial. Kids nowadays are preoccupied with day to activities and hobbies. Reading to them may sometimes seem to be an unwanted chore. Establishing a schedule and time allocated for reading that best works for them may help the motivate to read. Parents and teachers can also make sure that the reading material is not beyond the child’s reading capabilities (Loveless). Although the topic may be interesting if the child cannot understand the child’s motivation will wear out. By creating a reading atmosphere, children may help develop a reading culture. It includes a comfortable space, free of noise and distractions, and has good lighting. Encouraging sincere and open communication with a child may also help in keeping a child motivated. Allowing them to express their honest opinion on what is going on with his interests and education may help in creating an atmosphere where the child is open to new educational experiences without the fear of being judged. Finally, helping a child stay organized can be done by helping them focus on their interests. Helping him realize every day is a learning day may help the child to explore the world around him, and they will develop internal motivation to read and learn every day.
Even though such factors on keeping children motivated may be implemented, some children may still have problems being motivated to maintain a steady reading habit. Having a constant reading habit can be educationally useful, but the opposite can give negative results. These include environmental factors such as poor lighting and room layout. Poorly lighted areas make the child strain their eyes (Benitez). Another factor includes poor sleeping habits, which makes the child drained of their energy. It not only makes them unable to read effectively, but it also reduces memory retention capacity. Other factors, such as bad social circles, can serve as a source of distraction. To make a child have good reading habits takes commitment and dedication. By understanding these factors that disrupt a child from being motivated to read, a parent, guardian, and even teachers may come up with healthier reading habits that may keep kids reading in this modern era.
The 21st century has offered us many technological advancements, some of which may be used to motivate kids to get into the reading culture. Exposing kids to both digital and print reading is a way of promoting a good reading culture. As kids learn to read, write, and communicate, the methods of implementation have been slow in transitioning from print to digital. It has many benefits, such as fostering online collaboration among students, makes learning much more engaging, and improves the student’s literacy skills. Digital learning also promotes better organization and provides curriculum support. Therefore, as teachers and parents try and teach young children that digital platforms may help enhance reading habits, they need to note that the purpose of reading remains the same. Hence they need guidance and instructions on how to cope in the online world.
Benitez, Christopher J. “7 Factors That Prevent You from Studying Better.” eLearning Industry, 11 Nov. 2016. It accessed 28 July 2020.
Heitin, Liana. “How Should Reading Be Taught in a Digital Era?” Education Week, 8 Nov. 2016, Accessed 28 July 2020.
Loveless, Becton. “12 Strategies to Motivate Your Child to Learn.” Education Corner, Accessed 28 July 2020.
McVicker, Claudia J. “Plugged and Unplugged Reading: Studying the Preferences of Readers.” International Literacy Association, Feb. 2019, Accessed 28 July 2020.
Zheng, Binbin, and Andy Henion. “Does Learning Improve When Every Student Gets a Laptop.” Michigan State University, 28 Apr. 2016, Accessed 28 July 2020.