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3D printing of electroactive biofilms: a novel approach for bioremediation using high throughput arrays

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3D printing of electroactive biofilms: a novel approach for bioremediation using high throughput arrays


Part B-1

Section 1 – Excellence

  • Quality and credibility of the research/innovation project; the level of novelty, appropriate consideration of inter/multidisciplinary and gender aspects


1.1.1 Introduction

There is an urgent and strong need for curbing environmental pollution caused by various anthropogenic activities. The effects of air, water, and soil pollution include poor living conditions, physical and psychological illnesses. The implications of toxic metals such as Arsenic (As), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), and Mercury (Hg) and toxic components/compounds in water, soil, and air are also of global concern. The threat of these hazards to the environment and the health of the global population is exacerbated through bioaccumulation, a process in which living organisms can accumulate toxic substances such as pesticides and heavy metal compounds from their environment and via their food chain. With an increasing global population and industrial expansion, we need to look for alternatives to help mitigate the pollution levels raised in the process of urban and industrial development. ‘Bioremediation’ is a potential alternative to clean-up environmental toxins. It is a biological process to consume or breakdown environmental pollutants using microorganisms. Such organisms can treat halogenated compounds, pharmaceuticals, and hydrocarbons as well as toxic minerals.


Several microorganisms are capable of bioremediation; however, electroactive biofilm (EABF) produced by microorganisms are the critical players in bioremediation. EABF also plays a significant role in bioelectrochemical synthesis systems. Bioremediation using EABF is an energy-efficient way of dealing with pollution caused by anthropogenic activities. In general, microorganisms lacking electron donor or acceptor mechanisms are limited in the rate at which they can degrade pollutants. Supplying an electric current to EABF results in a faster clean-up of polluted sites without chemical input. This project proposes to employ EABF to achieve higher rates of bioremediation. To achieve a sustainable bioremediation process, it is essential to develop robust, efficient, and precise EABF. Therefore, this study aims to optimize robust 3D EABF to remove compounds rapidly. 3D biofilm has demonstrated potential in bioremediation, and there is significant scope for the development of EABF. 3D biofilm printing is a new biotechnological innovation with promising applications in areas such as biomedical sciences, environmental detoxification, fundamental research, and model biofilm.


1.1.2 State-of-the-art

3D printing platform exploits simple alginate chemistry for the printing of a bacteria-alginate bioink mixture onto calcium comprising agar surfaces, resulting in the development of bacteria-encapsulating hydrogels with many shapes. Bacteria in the hydrogels remain intact and active for several days. In a recent study, the researcher has developed a functional living ink, called ‘Flink’ where multifunctional bacteria can be embedded in a hydrogel biofink comprising hyaluronic acid (HA), k-carrageenan, and fumed silica. Microbiological and electrochemical methods offer the opportunity to append a wide range of valuable functionalities of 3D printing biofilms. Applications include environmental detoxification and bioremediation, fabrication of sensitive materials, power generation, biomedical applications, and the creation of reproducible model biofilms to study bacterial biofilm communication6. Aerobic bacteria have limitations to growth in thicker bioprinted construct due to the limitation of oxygen and nutrients diffusion wherever this is the opportunity to anaerobic bacteria to thrive in oxygen-depleted conditions.

This proposal’s main goal is to regrow electroactive bacterial cultures and processes to optimize bioinks suitable for 3D biofilm printing and throughput electrochemical arrays to 3D biofilms. This proposal also covers biofilm’s response in the 3D matrix with and without electron mediators, which has never been studied with this technology. The bacterial biofilms can be installed on virtually any accessible surface due to their desirable properties6.

The Geobacter spp are capable of coupling the reduction of a specific metal oxide such as Iron(III) oxide and Manganese(IV) oxide to the oxidation of organic compounds in soils and many types of contaminated sediments. Geobacter spp is well known for various functions, including power generation, bioremediation of various substrates such as Chromium Cr (VI) removal, Uranium removal from contaminated water, etc. The activity of Geobacter sulfurreducens for Chromium Cr (VI) removal, Geobacter lovleyi for tetrachloroethene reductive dichlorination to cis-1,2-dichloroethene. Geobacter metallireducens oxidizes short-chain fatty acids and alcohols and could also be used to degrade hazardous aromatic compounds such as benzene. The 3D printed biofilms could potentially be used for bioremediation of toxic components and to help protect the environment and biodiversity in the longer run.


In this research, the utilization of both the state-of-the-art knowledge of the organisms and state-of-the-art 3D printing technology will be combined and studied to develop an innovative and novel approach for 3D printing of biofilm for bioremediation and high throughput electrochemical arrays. The proposed research aims to develop “3D printed biofilm”. Bacterial species will be mixed with various bioinks to produce complex functional materials using 3D printing. The mixed culture of Geobacter in the 3D printed biofilm will help us understand the activity in the anodic conversion as well as in pure and mixed 3D printing.


1.1.3 Objective

The overarching aim of this research is to develop new platforms for studying and exploiting 3D printed EABF. The principal objective of the proposed research is to establish the best conditions and bioink formulations to print 3D biofilms as well as to establish how microorganisms must be regrown in order to form the EABF after printing. Although there are numerous efforts on this advancement of bioprinting technology, the development of appropriate bioinks that satisfactorily meet bioprinting requirements is the prime focus of the study. Bioink mixtures have enormous potential in various applications, including bioremediation, electrochemical sensors to detect toxic chemicals, and several other niches of medical importance. The challenge lies in the formation of the right bioinks with proper composition, viscosity, and printing conditions for living cells. To sustain functional biofilm, a continuous source of water and nutrients is required for their growth. It is equally important to diffuse metabolic by-products outside the biofilm.




Figure 1: Schematics representation of 3D biofilm preparation, 3D printing on high throughput electrochemical device and electrochemical analysis


The multi-material direct ink writing enables the digital fabrication of bacteria-derived living materials with unprecedented functionalities. The 3D printing technology offers limitless complex shapes, material compositions, and the ability to use a variety of microorganisms for specific metabolic responses. The 3D biofilm will be printed on novel 60 (10×6) channel high throughput electro arrays to understand the nature, function, and kinetics of the biofilm. This project will entail the combination of bioelectrochemistry, microbiology, and materials engineering. The schematics representation of 3D printing of biofilm and proposed high throughput electrochemical arrays are shown in Figure 1. The output from the proposed project will be a significant step towards the 3D printing of biofilms for the bioremediation of various compounds. Moreover, it will act as a robust sensor to detect the concentration of pollutants.


Specific objectives

The following are the general and specific objectives.

The first part of the research is to pre-grow cells in a way that they are printable and electroactive. The second part is to establish the activity of 3D printed biofilms and understand electrochemical response during substrate conversion or degradation. This will include the development of high throughput arrays by using a printed circuit board.


Further details of the specific objectives:

  • To pre-grow Geobacter sppculture(s) by considering appropriate conditions and factors in order to retain their electroactivity and printability.
  • To understand the nature of a printed biofilm of a pure culture of Geobacter sppwith the addition of appropriate electron acceptor [Fe(III)] in bioink and the conditions for it to retain its electroactivity.
  • In the absence of electron acceptor limitations, study the development of electroactive planktonic cells in the 3D matrix.
  • To understand and correlate the electrochemical response of pure and mixed cultures of Geobacter spp.
  • To comprehend the capacitive behavior of Geobacter spp upon application of overpotential and the charge transfer behavior in 3D printed biofilm to the electrode.
  • To elucidate the bioink loading and electron transfer associated with the longevity of the 3D printed biofilm.
  • To understand the physiologic behaviorof pure and mixed cultures in a variety of operating environments, such as substrate concentration, pH, and accumulation of toxic products.


1.1.4 Overview of the action

This study will begin with the development and optimization of bioink for the printing of anaerobic bacteria such as Geobacter strains with and without electron mediators. The major part of the study is to pre-grow cells that are suitable for 3D bioprinting while maintaining their electroactivity.


Figure 2: Stepwise experimental approach for the execution of proposed research on 3D biofilm printing

Once developed, the bioink with an appropriate quantity of bacteria will be printed and tested in a series of electrochemical arrays using the 3D printer. The 3D Discovery™ evolution bioprinter is an example of an existing printer, produced by RegenHU ( based in Switzerland. Within the EU project ELECTRA, this printer is used to print anaerobic bacteria for bioremediation. The bioprinter is based on a flexible and fully modular concept, and it can accommodate a broad range of materials, including live cells, liquids, hydrogels, and pastes. This bioprinter has unique features such as Class II biosafety cabinet and other required features to coat bacteria on the glass surface as well as electrochemical arrays. After 3D printing, further testing will evaluate substrate conversion and electrochemical response and will also look to characterize the biofilm using microscopic techniques. Such characterization will allow for a complete understanding of biofilm behavior with and without electron mediators. Once characterized, the effect of overpotential on the biofilm will be evaluated, with the intention to apply it in an electrochemical sensor.

1.1.5 Research methodology and approach

The biofilm can be printed on high throughput electrochemical arrays consisting of a miniature anode (working electrode), cathode (counter electrode), and a reference electrode on a glass plate. The key focus will be on the development of establishing an electroactive biofilm by 3D printing. The bioink composition will be tuned to support the luxurious growth of bacteria for specific functions and longevity. Optimized ink would be printed on arrays that have dedicated channels to study the kinetics of biofilm and associated mixed strains of Geobacter. The preparation of robust bacterial ink for 3D printing is a novel strategy and one of the critical objectives of the project.


Further, 3D printed biofilm will be evaluated as an electrochemical response to understand the kinetics of printed biofilm. The steps of the experiments are illustrated in Figure 2.


1.1.6 Type of research activities proposed

3D printing is a rapidly growing field as various intricate patterns of biomaterials can be easily fabricated in a precise and controlled manner. Presently 3D printing is prevalent in the fabrication of various shapes of metals and plastics, but it is more beneficial as well as challenging to 3D print living organisms.


Recent engineering advancements, along with a host of other biofabrication strategies, enable bioink comprising cells or microorganisms with bioactive molecules to be temporospatial distributed with high fidelity, high resolution and in a highly reproducible manner. As discussed earlier, with vast applications such as bioremediation, power generation, chemical synthesis, nanomaterials synthesis, etc., 3D printing biofilms would be revolutionary in cleaning up environmental hazards. So far, only Pseudomonas putida 3D printed biofilm has been explored for bioremediation of phenol; however, its kinetics have not been studied so far.


The Geobacter is a prime organism in a bioelectrochemical system.  It has the pioneering ability for bioremediation applications and has not yet been explored for 3D biofilm printing. The organism has the unique property to produce nanowires (pili) for their electron transfer from the cell to the substrate. The lack of knowledge of the preparation of bacterial culture and mixed culture for 3D printing technology brings the opportunity to work and study these kinds of fundamental techniques. Also, the biofilm kinetics and electron transfer mechanism from microbes to the electrode can be explored in detail. 3D bioprinting for biological applications is attractive for its promising applications in various disciplines. There were very few publications available in the past. However, publications on 3D biofilm printing technology have increased steeply in the last two years (Figure 3). This shows the importance of the present scenario.


Finally, biofilms will or could be optimized for bioremediation sensors of complex synthetic substrates with enhanced electrochemical response and sensitivity to detect the concentration of the appropriate substrate. The scientific understanding of the kinetic behavior of 3D biofilm in this project will serve as a breakthrough technology and would help us further broaden the dimensions of the research area.



Figure 3: No. of published articles based on 3D biofilm printing (Source –, accessed on 06/08/2020)



1.1.7 Originality and innovative aspects

3D biofilm printing offers the rapid fabrication of biofilm under well-controlled conditions such as strict controls on temperature, anaerobic, and aseptic environments. The technology allows printing biofilm in unique multiscale patterning with submillimetre precision. The distribution and quantity of bacterial loading and the active surface of the biofilm can be tailor-made with this technology. These factors play a substantial role in bioremediation. The printing offers highly reproducible bacterial biofilm, and that can be further explored for electrochemical biosensor.


1.1.8 Interdisciplinary aspects of the project

The idea of 3D printing of the biofilm itself is an interdisciplinary approach covering the significant disciplines of microbiology, biochemistry, bioelectrochemistry, chemical engineering, and bioengineering along with the consistent support from analytical chemistry. The designing of high throughput electrochemical arrays is equally crucial in the proposed research. There are many disciplines involved in the successful execution of the proposed research.


1.2 Quality and appropriateness of the training and of the two-way transfer of knowledge between the researcher and the host


1.2.1 The two-way transfer of knowledge

The candidate will bring significant electroanalysis expertise and a wide array of experience in the design of bio-electrochemical systems to transfer to the host institution. The candidate will expand his scientific understanding of interdisciplinary subjects. As a part of the project, we will be developing arrays for high throughput and learning new electrochemical methods to understand the complexity of the EABF. Mutual benefits to the host institution and the candidate include the candidate’s proposed engagement in outreach activities, communicating with and involving the greater scientific community in Europe. The candidate will have a platform to present his research activity at the International Society for Microbial and Electrochemical Technology (ISMET) community, which will broaden his opportunities for future scientific collaborations. The candidate will also get training on the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). The opportunity to work in a highly interdisciplinary and diversified research group will undoubtedly enhance the applicant’s innovation and would help to inspire new research ideas. He will actively interact with colleagues who are experts in anaerobic microbiology and electrochemistry. He will also benefit immediately from conducting research in such a diverse multidisciplinary field. Currently, the host organization is dealing with a big project called ‘ELECTRA’ for bioremediation based on microbial electrochemistry. This technology can be utilized for a field trial application for an extended experience.


1.2.2 Knowledge and skills that the researcher will transfer to the host organization

The host will benefit from the implementation of multidisciplinary tools needed for this project by the researcher at the Centre for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET). Since the researcher will be using his broad expertise in core microbiology, electrochemistry, and material engineering, it is anticipated that 40% of the research fellows’ time will be devoted to the acquisition of new pieces of equipment such as 3D bioprinter, anaerobic culturing, various types of microscopy, etc. The 3D bioprinting technology has not been clearly established, and it will be necessary to develop limited basic understanding as a starting point for further development. For acquiring this kind of technology, CMET relies on collaborations with many other scientific institutes in Europe and overseas. CMET will have an outstanding opportunity to collaborate with Dr. Philippe Corvini, FHNW, Basel, Switzerland, who are experts in 3D printing technology for anaerobic bacteria.  The research work carried by the candidate does not mean that CMET collaborative efforts will diminish. Instead, this will undoubtedly enlarge the CMET capacity to be engaged in collaborative projects in the future, and this project will also strengthen European cooperation in the topics covered. Also, since the project will apply an innovative approach in bioremediation technology, it is expected that the outcome will bring along an opportunity to work with the European Environmental Agency.


1.3 Quality of the supervision and of the integration in the team/institution

The group led by Prof. Korneel Rabaey (Ph.D. 2005) at Ghent University is globally one of the leading groups in microbial electrochemistry. The team currently comprises 25 postdoctoral and doctoral researchers working on a wide diversity of topics ranging from pure electrochemistry to electro-microbiology. He has been developing the mentioned arrays with colleagues at KUL in the past few years and is a scientific coordinator of the EU project ELECTRA, in which microbial electrochemistry is used for bioremediation. The team has thus the expertise and infrastructure available to host the project except for the 3D printer. This is the key new asset to introduce, and to acquire the skills; we will work together with Prof. Philippe Corvini at FHNW in Switzerland.


Prof. Korneel Rabaey has over the years guided ~40 doctoral researchers and ~15 postdoctoral researchers, several of which now holding faculty positions at universities globally. He now has 200 publications attracting over 33,050 citations. Given this background, the applicant will be able to integrate easily into the team and gain support for the different expertise needed: microbiology, micro-electronics, biofilms, engineering, chemical analysis, electrochemical analyses.


1.4 Potential of the researcher to reach or re-enforce professional maturity/independence during the fellowship

This project constitutes an unquestionable opportunity for the candidate to gain new scientific and practical skills in the field of 3D biofilm printing for various applications. Working as a member of highly productive and diversified research with expertise in molecular biology, microbiology, electrochemistry, and materials engineer, the candidate will have an opportunity to enhance his teamwork skills. The applicant will be in charge of the project management, deliverable reports, guiding technical staff working on the project, and co-supervision of Ph.D. students. Ultimately his scientific leadership will be crucial for future advances in his research career development in the long run. Rigorous training on emerging 3D biofilm printing technology would help to develop the candidate expertise in the field. The broad scope of this research would help the candidate secure a faculty or scientific post in Europe or abroad. Therefore, the fellowship will be highly beneficial for the fellow not only scientifically but also for his growth and improvement of the network for future collaboration.


Section 2 – Impact


2.1 Enhancing the future career prospects of the researcher after the fellowship

3D bioprinting is one of the latest technologies, and the development of new metrics for evaluating bio-inks and bioprinting processes, which are very important to standardize their uses, will be revolutionary. As previously mentioned, the 3D biofilm printing for bioremediation deals with multiple disciplines, and there is the enormous scope of learning new techniques, acquiring new knowledge and building new capacities during the execution of the project. There is potential to learn core biofilm kinetics in which CMET is a globally renowned center. The research fellow will develop expertise in 3D bioprinting and high throughput arrays.


The development of new bioink materials and the engineering of novel bioink formulations are currently a major area of interest in the scientific community. The development of new computational models is another area of interest to analyze the printability behaviors of bioinks before experimental optimizations fully. More work is needed to create models and standards to compare and evaluate the properties of different bioink materials. Therefore, the development and engineering of new bioink formulations are currently major areas of interest.


Dr. Sonawane is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Global Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is currently engaged in research using electroactive microorganisms to treat liquid sanitation waste. He is passionately seeking an opportunity to explore the proposed research area and aspires to a long-term career in research-based teaching. The Marie Curie Fellowship will give him a platform to learn cutting-edge technology so that he can work as an independent researcher in Europe or anywhere in the world.


2.2 Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results

Proposed project results will be disseminated amongst the scientific community who are working on bioremediation, health sector, and many more. The project and significant findings under it could give a new direction to the 3D bioprinting for various applications. Research papers will be submitted for peer-reviewed publication on the techniques of 3D printed biofilm fabrication as well as the biofilm performance with regards to eliminating specific chemical and biological hazards. The findings of the research will be evaluated against the potential of eliminating chemical hazards such as urea and the possibility of supplementing pathogen removal and electrical power generation in off-grid sanitation applications. The results shall be presented in ISMET, microbiology, bioremediation, and bioprinting related conferences to attract further interest and to engage with industrial partners and policymakers. The research will evaluate and highlight the potential for bioremediation and waste to energy application and shall be presented to the broader scientific community where applicable. The applicant has his own web site and will have his dedicated web page on CMET where he will post research updates. Apart from this, the applicant is reasonably active on Research Gate,, and LinkedIn, where he can promote his research outcome with the authorization from the supervisor.


2.3. Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the project activities to different target audiences

Power consumption and elimination of hazards could be shown with a bench-scale operation unit that converts hazardous waste while bystanders charge their cellular phones. The elimination of hazards could be demonstrated by having complex living organisms such as seaweed or other aqueous plants growing in the effluent stream. The previously mentioned pilot operation unit could be displayed in hands-on science parks, museums, and during STEM events to promote science and scientific interest to future generations. The ambition of the project for sustainability, health, and biodiversity will be able to engage young people and hence promote these ideas in other demographic areas.


Direct engagement of the researcher with the community will help to make the individuals aware of the continuing research activity in the anticipated filed and give a chance to the public to comprehend the scientific activity. As a part of the IEF project, the candidate will visit nearby schools and educate students in the biotechnology discipline. A workshop will be organized for university students at the host institute to become aware of cutting-edge technology to tackle environmental issues. A dedicated webpage will be created to update the progress of the project. The researcher is keen to write articles for newspapers, and he did a lot in the past to inform the public about research projects. In order to attract the interest of non-specialists, videos will be shared on social media after careful consideration of IP rights. The candidate will publish posters in the common area of the university to provide information on the importance of the project and research activity with the support of the university. The research will encourage students to participate in international conferences on biotechnology. Finally, the prototype of 3D printed biofilm on high throughput electrochemical device will be displayed on the webpage and social media to reach the public.


Section 3 – Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation


3.1 Coherence and the effectiveness of the work plan

The CMET has fully equipped analytical, microbiological, electrochemical, and environmental labs to carry out the handling of anaerobic bacterial culture. CMET is a highly equipped laboratory for electrochemical analysis.  Recently, CMET developed 70 channel potentiostat to study high throughput electrochemical arrays simultaneously. The CMET works with regenHU company, which is a pioneer in 3D bioprinting ( The project’s success relies on the long tradition of CMET and the vast experience of the candidate, including his capacity to incorporate new techniques and methodologies. Two important points that strengthen the feasibility and credibility of the project are that the principal objective and specific goals are clearly identified and that the research methodologies are plainly applicable.





WP1 Accommodation, administrative task, consumables and equipment acquisition, lab safety training, ordering cultures, and review writing. To carry an in-depth review of the 3D biofilm technology to understand the critical points of the research and methodology adjusted if required. Training of the handling of anaerobic culture. Fabrication of 60 channels high throughput electrochemical arrays.

WP 2 Pre-grow bacterial cell culture and bioink optimization: preparation of bacterial culture(s) compatible with 3D printing technology for stable and prolonged activity. 3D printing parameters optimization, a few iterations of printing on a glass substrate. Microbiology of 3D printed biofilm on the glass.

WP 3 3D biofilm printing: 3D biofilm printing on high throughput electrochemical arrays, investigation of electrochemical response with various pollutant composition. Elucidation of biofilm kinetics using various microbiological and analytical techniques with pollutant conversion/ assimilation.

WP 4 Investigation of electrochemical response: Standardization electrochemical response to the product concentration/ substrate consumption. High throughput electrochemical device to standardize 3D biofilm printing.

WP 5 Management and dissemination: Filling for intellectual property (IP) rights/ final report preparation.


All relevant findings will be communicated through publications, scientific conferences as soon as possible. In the publication and reports, Marie Curie funding will be explicitly acknowledged.

Year 1Year 2



Work PackageTitle 010203040506070809101112010203040506070809101112
WP1Accommodation, administrative task, consumables and equipment acquisition, lab safety training, ordering cultures and review writing
WP 2Pre-grow bacterial cell culture and bioink optimisation:
WP 33D biofilm printing
WP 4Investigation of electrochemical response
WP 5Management and dissemination
 Research Gate/
 Exploitation and dissemination
 Article writing

Green – in-depth review, Blue – research papers




3.2 Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures, including risk management

The career and personal development plan for the researcher will be prepared and updated throughout his fellowship period. This plan will highlight the goals to be achieved by the researcher and the direction his career should take. It will be reviewed after regular time intervals to take account of the researcher’s requirements and the progress of the project. The additional training or research exposure needed for him will also be decided. The supervisor will meet the researcher on a regular basis to discuss all issues regarding the training plan and project objectives. The personal development plan will help him to record and reflect upon his progress during his research training years. He will also get an opportunity to attend training sessions on complementary skills, such as languages, computer tools, and scientific writing, organized by different institutions. Also, he will be involved in weekly research group meetings. There, scientific issues associated with the project, and the results will be presented and discussed to enhance his critical thinking abilities.


He will be actively involved in tutoring doctoral and master students, motivating, and building up team leadership qualities. CMET is well structured with robust administrative and management support and is very well organized to attain high standards in research and education. CMET has good experience with Marie Curie Fellowships as well as Socrates, Erasmus, Tempus, NATO and World Bank projects. The comprehensive and cooperative nature, strong academics, interdisciplinary researchers, international environment with visiting professors and scientists, challenging and open atmosphere at the department offers excellent surroundings to enrich the researcher scientifically and enable him to attain a leading independent position in academics and research.


The practical and administrative arrangements can be distinguished into two groups: arrangements to be made before and after arrival at Ghent. The essential arrangement to be made before arrival is the actual employment contract between Ghent University and the applicant. This can only be arranged after the proposal has been granted, and the grant agreement between Ghent University and the EU commission has been signed. All the necessary assistance and documents required for getting a visa to the fellow and his wife will be provided. Temporary (or permanent) accommodation will be arranged for the fellow considering the family needs before arrival. Later, the fellow will have a choice to arrange his housing as per his interest. Ghent University is the first point of contact for finding accommodation for international guests. The department has flats, double rooms, and studios that can be reserved for short periods. Otherwise, Ghent University aids find a flat by consulting with private property owners. The applicant is married so that all necessary arrangements will be made with due regard to the family matters. After arrival, the assistance will be provided regarding the University central administration, health insurance, social security, taxation, banking, public transport, etc.


The department will advise and assist the fellow in settling at Ghent in terms of local city administration, registration, relevant permits, etc. The city of Ghent is connected to the International Bruxelles Airport by a rapid transit system and has a well-developed public transport. UGent substantially or completely subsidizes the costs of public transportation to and from the university. It also promotes sustainable mobility by providing bicycles as a primary mode of transportation. StudentENmobiliteit gives an opportunity to rent an easily foldable bike to UGent staff members. Most of the UGent campuses offer bike stands or even (secured) sheds for their students and staff members. Public transport is efficient.


The secretary and research group of Prof. Rabaey will assist the fellow in finding his way to the institution and provide him the necessary documents. In addition to the dedicated administrative staff, another postdoctoral fellow or colleague will be assigned to the researcher in order to assist his integration into the new working environment. The advisors of the European Office at UGent, who have broad expertise with several Marie Curie Fellows in the past years and handle coordination within the central administration. The host lab CMET has a tradition of co-workers from different parts of the world and has successfully hosted several international fellows. The administrative personnel have extensive expertise with all practical arrangements regarding finding accommodation.


The EU section of UGent’s Research Office, which has developed broad expertise with several IOF/IIF/IEF Marie Curie fellows in the past years, will lead other practical arrangements regarding the management of the project. The project management will be carried out in close collaboration with the person overseeing all practical and financial matters of the CMET research projects. Overall, Ghent is well known for its vibrant academic community and a welcoming environment that will promote a fellow’s personal growth and creativity.


The CMET is a part of the Department of Biochemical and Microbial Technology at the Ghent University. It has advanced research facilities, and notably, it is renowned for its significant contributions to the development of mixed microbial population biotechnology. It combines process-engineering approaches with molecular biotechnology for innovative process development. The internationally renowned CMET has developed strong expertise in microbial BESs for innovative bioproduction processes and is one of the pioneer groups in Bioelectrochemical system (BES) research. Several key BES processes have been developed by Prof. Korneel Rabaey and his collaborators.



3.3 Appropriateness of the institutional environment (infrastructure)

The research group of Prof. Korneel Rabaey at CMET, Ghent University, will host the researcher. All primary and required facilities such as an office, a computer, access to all basic communication modes (phone, fax, internet access, University email address, etc.), workspace, access to the library, etc. will be provided to the researcher. The secretariat of the department will provide all the administrative help, and staff members will extend cooperation in managing his research project. He will work independently under the supervision of Prof. Rabaey. Like all fellows and visitors at CMET, he will get full access to the laboratories, resources, instruments, research facilities, etc. with prior safety instructions taking into account the needs of other users and the financial resources. In the laboratory, a dedicated person will take care of ordering the chemicals and reagents required for the proposed research. Technical assistance will be provided for the use and handling of several equipment and methods required to execute his research. The applicant will be a full member of the department and will be allowed to participate in the research council meetings where knowledge and ideas are shared. Besides, this will enable him to share his research results with colleagues from the department and get inputs from them that will help him to improve his research and presentation skills. Various tools and software needed for conducting research and organizing presentations will be provided to the fellow. To guarantee the quality, standards, and his progress, regular reports will be maintained, which will be updated regularly.


Additionally, specific assistance will be extended for improving the scientific writing skills, presentation skills and to participate in national/international level scientific meetings/conferences/seminars, etc. The department distributes information on relevant conferences, courses, workshops, seminars, training programs, etc. All requests for advanced training are evaluated in the research council to decide whether relevant expertise and facilities are available, to organize support and assistance, and to ascertain the proper execution of the training and work planned. The researcher will also get a chance to participate in education via guest-courses on their research project at specific workshops or training programs. Although the primary responsibility for the financial management of the project is with the economic department, the researcher will get insight into the costs of the project so that he can gain experience in the financial management of a scientific project.


Ghent University has participated in several research projects in the EU. It provides excellent training opportunities to both young and experienced researchers, including international researchers, and awards more than 300 Ph.D. degrees every year. UGent is one of the fastest-growing European universities in terms of research capacity and productivity. The CMET at UGent mainly focuses on the optimal management of diverse microbial resources (Microbial Resource Management), enabling the development of novel products and processes. More specifically, CMET applies this approach in the fields of applied microbial ecology, functional food, feed, medical microbial, ecology, risk assessment, biomaterials and nanotechnology, water treatment, aquaculture, bioenergy, etc. The emphasis of CMET is on interdisciplinary research between microbiology and technology and involves research from fundamentals to application.


The 3 key research domains at present are: 1) Engineered environments – wastewater treatment and bioproduction, 2) Host-microbe interactions, pre/probiotics, and 3) Microbial ecology, molecular microbial ecology. In addition to basic microbiology and other facilities, it has advanced molecular, analytical, and reactor laboratories with upcoming infrastructure for pilot systems. It has >38 years of experience in microbial resource recovery/transformations. It is also a part of around 8 spin-off companies. The unique feature of CMET is the collaborative work and interdisciplinary approach with advanced equipment facilities and excellent infrastructure that positions them as one of the most crucial research establishments globally. Being amongst the pioneer groups in (BES) research, it has excellent laboratories and infrastructure for the research in MicrobioElectrosyn. The quality of facilities required for the proposed research is reflected in the high impact publications and process developments of Prof. Rabaey and the team at CMET. The development of microbial electrosynthesis (MES) requires expertise in microbiology, electrochemistry, materials science, engineering, and various other fields. This versatility of expertise is reflected in the versatility of the CMET research projects and a team of experts from various areas. The proposed project goals and research interests of the applicant concern some of the key research aims of CMET and can be complementary to the ongoing research activities. All electrochemical instruments for controlled growth and investigation of the microbial biocatalysts are available at CMET.


The analytical equipment and molecular biology methods required to execute the proposed goals by the researcher are routinely used at CMET. Prof. Korneel Rabaey has extensive experience in microbe-electrode interactions, microbial ecology, environmental biotechnology, process development, reactor design, etc., which will undoubtedly help the applicant to accomplish the project goals. The team of intellectuals and experts dealing with various aspects of microbial resource management further help ensure the success of the proposed project. Overall, CMET is expected to provide the researcher an excellent platform for intermixing and blending of thoughts, scientific concepts, approaches from different schools of thought and constant interaction with the think tanks that would keep him up to date in addition to deepening of his understanding of MES research domain. The Technology Transfer office at UGent has the expertise to encourage and assist technology development and to facilitate the transfer of intellectual property to business and industry in order to provide benefits to the university and the economy. They will assist in cooperation agreements and patent applications when relevant to the project.



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