The study of psychology
The study of psychology is diverse and complex. Research methods in psychology are used to help in gaining information that is either qualitative or quantitative. Quantitative data is got from the use of techniques like experiments and statistical analysis through surveys, questionnaires, and interviews. Qualitative data, on the other hand, is possible through observations and ethnography.
Naturalistic observation, for instance, was used in the article. This is a descriptive type of method. This type of approach is significant since it allows for further research to take place. This method is a qualitative type of process that was developed by Lorenz, who was an ethologist. The process involves the observation of the behavior in the natural environment, and the variables in the research are easily manipulated due to lack of IV. The naturalistic observation method is used to establish the availability of relationships in a situation where there are ethical objections to the issue of manipulating the variables. The technique furthermore, gives a more realist picture on spontaneous behavior since, in reality, people act more realistically in their natural setting. This method is good since it avoids experimental implications such as biasness and evaluation apprehension. On the other hand, this method is challenging to replicate, as much as it offers a base for further research. The technique also prohibits against the control of variables, and even the issues of privacy and consent giving may arise if the participants were not aware they were being observed.
On the other hand, is the experimental research method. This is a vital research method used in psychology to separate cause and effect. It is a type of quantitative approach. The technique provides the researchers with much-defined control over the variables being tested. The benefits of this type of arrangement are that it is easy for other researchers to replicate the study to check for its authenticity and validity.
On the other hand, the methods provide a chance to define the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables in the research. The disadvantage of the process is that is it prone to experimental biasness. Experimental biases stakes place when the expectations of the researcher affect the results of the experiment. The empirical research method is an artificial situation since its effects cannot be generalized to that of real-life occurrence. In psychological terms, this is known as ecological validity or external validity. The use of animals in psychological experimentation is to explain and study different species and how they learn, behave, and think. Psychologists, through the study of animals, can relate these findings to human beings.
On the other hand, the use of intuition and common sense is a possible cause of wrong results in psychology. Highlight bias is the tendency of thinking that one would have foreseen a behavior after learning of its outcome. In the perspective of intuition, we all have our own beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about people’s reactions. These intuitions are known as folk psychology. For instance, we all believe that one of the ways of getting rid of anger is by letting it out through screaming or punching something. Empirically, research shows that this alternative leaves some even more angry, making the intuition wrong and invalid. In this case, it is psychologically right to conclude that people’s intuitions about people’s behavior tend to be false, and this is why science is essential in the field of psychology compared to common sense.
In psychology, it is essential to adapt to curiosity, skepticism, and a humble attitude. These are the main three components that are significant for the psychological perspective. Curiosity helps the researcher have a passion for exploration and understanding to avoid being misled. Skepticism helps in shifting the reality from fantasy by asking questions and conducting experiments. Humility enables the researcher to be aware of their vulnerability in research like biasness and also allows one to be open to new approaches. In addition to these attitudes is critical thinking, that does not involve the acceptance of arguments and conclusions blindly. Through critical thinking, a researcher can examine the assumptions, have the ability to throw away hidden values of research to evaluate the discussions, and as a result, conclude. Validity is significant in psychology. Any psychological research is expected to be trustworthy since it deals with human beings, have construct validity, and be able to formulate a general analysis.
The article on the need of psychology a as science illustrates the different types of methods used in the research of psychological phenomena’s. A psychologist can, therefore, claim the article since it allows for the use of various psychological ways that involve fewer errors and biasness as well as real observations. The research includes the use of animals for experimentation, which helps in separating the causes from the effects. The naturalistic type of observation is also considered that does the research to be free of experimental biasness. The use of random sampling methods ensures that all participants are well presented in the study, and no form of researcher biasness is experienced.
The article, therefore, does not fully meet the psychological guidelines on the use of research methods. The use of experimentation, naturalistic observation, random sampling is some of the elements that make the article psychologically right and claimed. However, the issue of the use of hindsight bias perceives the author as overconfident, thus resulting in a wrong analysis of the results found, and the conclusion drawn. The use of correlation, on the other hand, does not help in proving the causation but gives a relationship between the cause and effect. This does not provide a validity element on the article.