Challenges and Techniques in Group Work
Assuming that one of the members is uncomfortable about Casey’s homosexuality, I will intervene by asking the member to respect Casey’s homosexuality. Besides, I will also ask the member to disclose how they feel about homosexuality to the group to enable others to understand. All other members will also be requested to explore their feeling to determine how they partake Casey coming out as gay. I will ask members to be respectful and feel comfortable with Casey’s decision to speak out.
When Casey was speaking to her symbolic mother in Vietnamese, I noticed that her body language changed because she feared to tell her about her sexuality. As such, when several members pressurized Casey to tell her mother about her sexual orientation, I will support them. Nonetheless, I will ask her to find the right time to tell her mother about her sexuality. If I am emotionally involved in a member’s work, I will inform the group and tell them how I am affected. Since the purpose of the group is to help members, I will ensure that my issues do not affect the ability of the members to heal.
I believe that self-disclose is appropriate by the group leader since it enables the leader to communicate how he or she feels about members of the group. The leader will be able to communicate their feelings, goals, fears, dreams, and aspirations to members of the group.
I will assume that members do not understand how to start with the discussion. It is because they do not understand how their personal information will be conflicting with others or the ability of the members to keep personal information to themselves and not reveal to nonmembers. As such, I will start by informing members that they should feel free to share their personal medical information since they will not be shared with nonmembers.